Corpus of Undefined Ancient South Arabian Language inscriptions (work in progress)

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435 bibliographic references 5 bibliographic references which author starts with t
Taīrān, Sālim A. 
Ṭaīrān 20062006. A New Minaean Inscription from Haram: a Study of its Linguistic, Religious, and civilization Significance. Adūmātū, 1: 7-26. [Arabic]
Taīrān 20142014. Naqsh Ihdāʾī ilā al-Maʿbūd ḏī Samāwī min al-Ukhdūd bi-manṭaqa Najrān fī al-mamlaka al-ʿArabiyya al-Saʿūdiyya (A dedicatory inscription to god Ḏū-Samāwī discovered at al-Uḫdūd in the area of Najran in the kingdom of Saudi Arabia). Pages 33-38 in Mohammed Maraqten. A pioneer of Arabia. Studies in the Archaeology and Epigraphy of the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula in Honor of Moawiyah Ibrahim. Ed. by Zeidan Kafafi. (Rome «La Sapienza» Studies on the Archaeology of Palestine & Transjordan, 10). Rome: La Sapienza.
Tarcici, Adnan 
Tarcici 19741974. The Queen of Sheba's Land, Yemen (Arabia Felix). Beirut: Nowfel.
Tardy, René 
Tardy 19991999. Najrân. Chrétiens d'Arabie avant l'Islam. Beirut: Dar el-Machreq.
Tawfīq, Muḥammad 
Tawfīq 19511951. Aṯār Maʿīn fī Ǧawf al-Yaman. (Les monuments de Maʿîn). (Publications de l'Institut Français d'Archéologie Orientale du Caire. Études sud-arabiques, 1). ʾal-Qāhira: ʾal-Maʿhad ʾal-ʿIlmī ʾal-Faransī lil- ʾĀthār ʾal-Sharqīyah.