Corpus of Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)

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1371 bibliographic references 99 bibliographic references which author starts with a
Agostini, Alessio 
Agostini 20112011. Two new inscriptions from the recently excavated temple of ʿAthtar dhū-Qabḍ in Barāqish (Ancient Minaean Yathill). In memoriam Alessandro de Maigret. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 22/1: 48-58.
Agostini 20152015. The excavation of the temple of ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ in Barāqish. Stratigraphic data and historical reconstruction. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 45: 1-14.
Agostini 20212021. Materiali epigrafici fuori contesto rinvenuti durante le prime campagne di scavo di Alessandro de Maigret a Barāqish (1989-1992, 2005). Pages 75-98 in Sabina Antonini de Maigret and Alessio Agostini (eds). Missione Archeologica Italiana in Yemen Studi di materiali inediti e rivisitazioni alla memoria di Alessandro de Maigret / Italian Archaeological Mission in Yemen Essays on Unpublished and Newly Revised Materials in Memory of Alessandro de Maigret. Perugia: OL3.
Agostini 2021 a2021. Il tempio di ʿAthtar dhu-Qabḍ. Le iscrizioni. Pages 151-171 in Sabina Antonini and Francesco G. Fedele (eds). Barāqish/Yathill (Yemen) 1986-2007. Volume 1: Excavations of Temple B and related research and restoration / Scavi del Tempio B e ricerche e restauri connessi. Oxford: Archaeopress.
al-Aġbarī, Fahmī 
al-Aġbarī 20092009. Naqš sabaʾī ǧadīd min nuqūš al-ihdāʾāt. Abǧadiyyāt, 4: 21-27.
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al-Aġbarī 2010 a2010. Qaṣr al-Mašāwil - namūḏağ li-l-qaṣr fī al-Yaman al-qadīm. Pages 64-81 in Taʿizz ʿAṣimat al-ṯaqāfa ʿalā marr al-ʿuṣūr. Taiz.
al-Aġbarī 20132013. Nuqūš sabaʾiyya ǧadīda taḥtawī ʿalāʾ aqdam naqš tawḥīdī muʾarraḫ. Raydān, 8: 167-183.
al-Aġbarī 20152015. Naqš sabaʾī ǧadīda min nuqūš al-ihdāʾāt. Dirāsa fī dalālāti-hi al-luġawiyya wa-l-dīniyya. Pages 1-4 in Mounir Arbach and Jérémie Schiettecatte (eds). Pre-Islamic South Arabia and its Neighbours: New Developments of Research. Proceedings of the 17th Rencontres Sabéennes held in Paris, 6–8 June 2013. (BAR International Series, 2740). Oxford: Archaeopress. [British Foundation for the Study of Arabia Monographs, 16]
Al-Ghazzi, Abdulaziz Saud J. 
Al-Ghazzi 20062006. Kindah Kingdom at the Centre of the Arabia. (Dararat King Abdulaziz, 11).
al-Hajj, Mohammed 
al-Hajj 2018 a2018. Fī taʾrīkh Najrān qabla al-islām. Nuqūsh musnadiyya min mawqiʿ Najrān. al-Riyāḍ: Jāmiʿat al-Malik Saʿūd.
Al-Ḥājj 20222022. Nuqūsh musnadiyya jadīda ḥawla al-āliha Athīrat wa-makānati-hā fī diyānat al-Yaman al-qadīm. Raydān, 9: 80-101.
al-Khaṭīb, Muḥibb ad-Dīn 
al-Ḫaṭīb 19481948. al-Iklīl min aḫbār al-Yaman w-ansāb Ḥimyar, taṣnīf lisān al-Yaman Abī Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn Aḥmad ibn Yaʿqūb al-Hamdānī, al-kitāb al-ʿāshir. Cairo.
Albright, Frank P. 
Albright, Frank P. 19521952. The Excavation of the Temple of the Moon at Mârib (Yemen). Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research, 128: 25-38.
Albright, Frank P. 1958 a1958. Excavations at Mârib in Yemen. Pages 215-268 in Richard LeBaron Bowen and Frank P. Albright (eds). Archaeological Discoveries in South Arabia. With foreword by Wendell Phillips. (Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man, 2). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.
Albright, Frank P. 1958 b1958. Catalogue of objects found in Mârib excavations. Pages 269-286 in Richard LeBaron Bowen and Frank P. Albright (eds). Archaeological Discoveries in South Arabia. With foreword by Wendell Phillips. (Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man, 2). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.
Albright, Frank P. and Jamme, Albert W.F. 
Albright and Jamme 19531953. A Bronze Statue from Mareb, Yemen. The Scientific Monthly, 76/january 1953: 33-35.
Amirkhanov, Kh. 
Amirkhanov 20042004. Kanaʾ - Poselenie drevnikh rybolovov na poberejie Adenskogo zaliva. Pages 84-95 in Alexander V. Sedov (ed.). Scripta Yemenica. Issledovanija po Južnoj Aravii. Sbornik naučnyh statej v čest' 60-letija M.B. Piotrovskogo. Moscow: Vostochna.
Anfray, Francis 
Anfray 19631963. Une campagne de fouilles à Yĕā (Février-mars 1960). Annales d'Ethiopie, 5: 171-232.
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Anfray, Francis and Annequin, Guy 
Anfray and Annequin 19651965. Maarā. Deuxième, troisième et quatrième campagnes de fouilles. Annales d'Ethiopie, 6: 49-86.
Ansaldi, Cesare 
Ansaldi 19331933. Il Yemen nella storia e nella leggenda. (Collezione di opere e di monografie a cura del Ministero delle colonie, 17). Rome: Sindacato italiano arti grafiche.
al-Anṣārī, ʿAbdul Rahman T. 
al-Anṣārī 19821982. Qaryat al-Fau. A Portrait of Pre-Islamic Civilisation in Saudi Arabia. London: Croom Helm / New York: St. Martin's press.
al-Anṣārī 20102010. Qaryat al-Fâw. Pages 310-363 in Alī I. Al-Ghabbān, Béatrice André-Salvini, Françoise Demange, Carine Juvin and Marianne Cotty (eds). Routes d'Arabie. Archéologie et histoire du royaume d'Arabie Saoudite. Catalogue Exposition Louvre Museum (14 juillet - 27 septembre 2010). Paris: Somogy.
Antonini de Maigret, Sabina 
Antonini de Maigret 20122012. South Arabian art. Art history in pre-Islamic Yemen. (Orient & Méditerranée, 10). Paris: De Boccard.
Antonini de Maigret 2012 a2012. Il sentimento religioso e le arti figurative dei Sudarabici. Pages 105-114 in Sabina Antonini, Paola D'Amore and Michael Jung (eds). Il trono della regina di Saba. Cultura e diplomazia fra Italia e Yemen. La Collezione Sudarabica del Museo Nazionale d'Arte Orientale. Rome: Artemide.
Antonini de Maigret 20142014. A winged deity in southern Arabia. Pages 234-243 in Alexander V. Sedov (ed.). Arabian and Islamic studies. A collection of papers in honour of Mikhail Borishovich Piotrovskij on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Moskow.
Antonini, Sabina 
Antonini 19891989. The site of Madinat al-Ahjur and a first typological study of classical South Arabian pottery from the Yemen plateau. Oriens Antiquus, 28: 41-127.
Antonini 19961996. Una tavoletta-portafortuna in terracotta dagli scavi di Yalā/ad-Durayb (repubblica dello Yemen). Pages 143-163 in Christian J. Robin and Iwona Gajda (eds). Arabia Antiqua. Early Origins of South Arabian States. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Conservation and Exploitation of the Archaeological Heritage of the Arabian Peninsula held in the Palazzo Brancaccio, Rome, by IsMEO on 28th-30th May 1991. Rome: Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.
Antonini 19981998. South Arabian antiquities in a private collection in Ar-Riyaḍ (Saudi Arabia). With a note by Giovanni Mazzini. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 9/2: 261-272.