Collection of the objects from the European museums

By kind permission of British Museum


DepositLondon, The British Museum, BM 141555=1985,0223.24
NotesDonated by D.B. Doe, MBE.


Support typeArtefact » Sculpture in the round » Human figure
Measuresh. 22.5, w. 9, th. 7.5
Figurative subjectHuman figure
      Part of human bodyComplete figure
      Human gestureSitting, Arms stretching out
Notes on support and decorationsThis statue of a seated female figure, with column-shaped legs, is relatively realistic and the artist has attempted to free the limbs from the confines of the stone block from which it is carved. The cheeks are well modelled, the jaw line is more accurately shaped, the nose is large and pointed, and the forehead sweeps back, giving the face a more realistic profile. The ears are pierced and probably originally were fitted with metal jewellery. The head is roughly carved on the back to indicate chin length hair. The chest and shoulders more realistically modelled; the small breasts are in a realistic position. The head projects up on a thick neck from the shoulders. There are drilled holes under the arms, which gives the impression of their being freed from the sides of the body. The shapely legs have been liberated from the stool behind. The feet with incised lines to indicate toes rest flat on the base. On the reverse the shoulders, back, and arms are modelled. The figure’s behind, shown seated on the stool, appears to be clothed, which may indicated that this band is some form of belt or roll of cloth. The figure also has a bracelet or the cuff of a long sleeved garment on the wrists. In this statue we see a departure from carving in four planes, to carving more fully in the round.


Modern siteUnknown
Ancient siteUnknown
Geographical areaUnknown
Archaeological contextFunerary context
Link to site record


Antonini 2001: 49-50, pl. 11Antonini, Sabina 2001. La statuaria sudarabica in pietra. Repertorio iconografico sudarabico. 1. Paris: de Boccard / Rome: IsIAO. [Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres; Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente]