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923 bibliographic references 39 bibliographic references which author starts with h
Haerinck, Ernie 
Haerinck 20012001. Excavations at ed-Dur (Umm al-Qaiwain, United Arab Emirates). Vol. 2: The Tombs.. Photographs Erik Smekens, With an appendix by Pamela Stone. Leuven: Peeters.
al-Hajj, Mohammed 
al-Hajj 20112011. Qariyat ḏāt Kahl (al-Fāw ḥalyān) fi ḍawʾ naqš qitbānī ǧadīd (al-ʿĀdī 5). Silsila mudāwalāt ʿilmiyya muḥakama li-l-liqāʾ al-sanawī li-l-ǧamʿiyyah (Ǧamʿiya al‐Tārīḫ wa-l-āṯār bi-duwal Maǧlis al-Taʿāwun li-Duwal al-Ḫalīǧ al-ʿArabiyya), 12: 133-152.
al-Hajj 20132013. Madīna Šukuʿ wa-ʾarḍ Yuhanṭil fi ḍawʾ naqš qitbānī ǧadīd muʾrraḫ bi-ʿahd al-malik Šhr Ygl Yhrḥb (al-ʿĀdī 21). Silsilat mudāwalāt ʿilmiyya muḥakama li-l-liqāʾ al-sanawī li-l-ǧamʿiyyah (al-Ǧamʿiyya al-Saʿūdīya li-l-Dirāsāt al-Aṯariyya), al-Mamlaka al-ʿArabiyya al-Saʿūdiyya ʿabr al-ʿuṣūr, 3: 119-144.
al-Hajj 20142014. Al-awḍāʿ al-siyasiyya li-mamlaka Haḍramawt wa-ʿalāqatu-ha bi-mamlaka Qatabān fī bidāya al-qarn al-awwal qabla al-mīlād. ʿālam. al-maḫṭūṭa wa-al-nawādir, 19: 93-136.
al-Hajj 20152015. Nuqūš qatabāniyya min Haǧar al-ʿĀdī (Maryama qadīman). Dirāsa fī dalālāti-hā al-luġawiyya wa-l-dīniyya al-taʾriḫiyya. (King Saud University). (Series of Refereed Studies, 4).
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Halévy, Joseph 
Halévy 18721872. Rapport sur une mission archéologique dans le Yémen. Journal Asiatique 6e série, 19: 5-98; 129-266; 489-547.
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Halloun, Moèn 
Halloun 19871987. Some Notes on MAFRAY: Quṭra 1. Le Muséon, 100: 176-180.
Hamilton, R.A.B. 
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Hansen, Donald P., Ochsenschlager, Edward L. and al-Radi, Selma 
Hansen, Ochsenschlager and Al-Radi 20042004. Excavations at Jujah, Shibam, Wadi Hadhramawt. 15/1: 43-67.
Harding, G. Lankester 
Harding 19641964. Archaeology in the Aden Protectorates. London: H.M. Stationary Off.
Harris, Walter B. 
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al-Hasni, Jamal Mohammed Nasser 
al-Hasni 20152015. Ṯalāṯa nuqūš qatabānīya ǧadīda taḏkur al-ilāh "ḏāt Fnwtm". Pages 43-53 (Arab section) in Mounir Arbach and Jérémie Schiettecatte (eds). Pre-Islamic South Arabia and its Neighbours: New Developments of Research. Proceedings of the 17th Rencontres Sabéennes held in Paris, 6–8 June 2013. (BAR International Series, 2740). Oxford: Archaeopress. [British Foundation for the Study of Arabia Monographs, 16]
Hassell, Jonathan 
Hassell 20022002. Cuboid incense-burning altars from South-Arabia in the Collection of the American Foundation for the Study of Man: some unpublished aspects. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 13/2: 157-192. 2016/07/20; http://dx.doi.org/10.1034/j.1600-0471.2002.130202.x.
Hehmeyer, Ingrid 
Hehmeyer 19891989. Irrigation farming in the ancient oasis of Mārib. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 19: 33-44.
Hehmeyer, Ingrid and Schmidt, Jürgen 
Hehmeyer and Schmidt 19911991. Antike Technologie – Die sabäische Wasserwirtschaft von Mārib. Teil 1. Ed. by Jürgen Schmidt. (Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen, 5). Mainz am Rhein: Verlag Philip von Zabern.
Hesse, Brian 
Hesse 19961996. The Hajar ar-Rayhani fauna. A first look at Yémen's Iron Age pastoral economy. Pages 103-122 in Joe D. Seger (ed.). Retrieving the past. Essays on archaeological research and methodology in honor of Gus W. Van Beek. Winona Lake: Eisenbrauns.
Hirsch, Leo 
Hirsch 18971897. Reisen in Süd-Arabien, Mahra-Land und Hadramut. Leiden: Brill.
Hitgen, Holger 
Hitgen 1998 a1998. The 1997 excavations of the German Institute of Archaeology at the cemetery of Awam in Marib. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 28: 117-124.
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Hitgen 19991999. Jabal al-ʿAwd. Ein Fundplatz der Spätzeit im Hochland des Jemen. Pages 247-253 in Werner Daum, Walter W. Müller, Norbert Nebes and Walter Raunig (eds). Im Land der Königin von Saba. Kunstschätze aus dem antiken Jemen. 7. Juli 1999-9. Januar 2000. Staatlichen Museum für Völkerkunde München. Germering: I.P. Verlagsgesellschaft / Munich: I.P. Verlagsgesellschaft.
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Hitgen, Holger, Crassard, Rémy and Gerlach, Iris 
Hitgen, Crassard and Gerlach 20082008. Rescue Excavations along the Yemen LNG Pipeline from Marib to Balhaf. Ṣanʿāʾ: Yemen LNG Company.
Hitgen, Holger, Crassard, Rémy, Gerlach, Iris and Sinnah, Mohammed 
Hitgen, Crassard, Gerlach and Sinnah 20082008. Preserving the Past while Building the Future. An exhibition of archaeological discoveries from the Yemen LNG Project. Ṣanʿāʾ: Yemen LNG Company, CEFAS, DAI.
Höfner, Maria 
Höfner 19381938. Die Inschriften aus Glaser Tagebuch XI (Mārib). Wiener Zeitschrift für die Kunde des Morgenlandes, 45: 7-37.