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921 bibliographic references 82 bibliographic references which author starts with a
Avanzini, Alessandra 
Avanzini 19811981. Appunti di storia sudarabica antica - 1. In margine a Maṣnaʿat Mārya. Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 4: 369-380.
Avanzini 19851985. Problemi storici della regione di al-Ḥadāʾ nel periodo preislamico e nuove iscrizioni. Pages 53-115 in Pelio Fronzaroli (ed.). Studi Yemeniti. (Quaderni di semitistica, 14). Florence: Istituto di linguistica e di lingue orientali, Università di Firenze.
Avanzini 19941994. Un'iscrizione qatabanica da Ṯāh. Pages 13-20 in Norbert Nebes. Arabia Felix. Beiträge zur Sprache und Kultur des vorislamischen Arabien. Festschrift Walter W. Müller zum 60. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Avanzini 19951995. As-Sawdāʾ. Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques. 4. Paris: de Boccard / Rome: Herder. [Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres; Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente]
Avanzini 20002000. Two inscriptions from Nashshan: new data on the history of the town. Pages 1231-1247 in Simonetta Graziani (ed.). Studi sul vicino oriente antico dedicati alla memoria di Luigi Cagni. (Series minor. Istituto universitario orientale. Dipartimento di studi asiatici, 61). Naples: Istituto universitario orientale.
Avanzini 20002000. Il porto di Sumhuram nel Dhufâr. Pages 230-234 in Yemen. Nel paese della Regina di Saba. Catalogo della Mostra, Palazzo Ruspoli, Fondazione Memmo, Roma 6 Aprile - 30 Giugno 2000. Milan: Skira.
Avanzini, Alessandra (ed.) 
Avanzini 2002 a2002. Khor Rori Report 1. (Arabia Antica, 1). Pisa: Edizioni Plus-Università di Pisa.
Avanzini, Alessandra 
Avanzini 2004 a2004. Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions I-III. Qatabanic, Marginal Qatabanic, Awsanite Inscriptions. (Arabia Antica, 2). Pisa: Edizioni Plus-Università di Pisa.
Avanzini 20052005. Some thoughts on ibex on plinth in early South Arabian art. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 16/2: 144-153.
Avanzini 20072007. Sumhuram: a Hadrami port on the Indian Ocean. Pages 23-28 in Eivind Heldaas Seland (ed.). The Indian ocean in the ancient times : definite places, translocal exchange. (BAR International Series, 1593). Oxford: Archaeopress.
Avanzini, Alessandra (ed.) 
Avanzini 2008 c2008. A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC-5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2. (Arabia Antica, 5). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider.
Avanzini 2009 a2009. Art and technique in Yemen. The bronzes from the Museum of Baynun. [Pontedera]: MBVision.
Avanzini 20112011. Along the arome and spice routes. The harbour of Sumhuram, its territory and the trade between the Mediterranean, Arabia and India.. (Bandecchi & Vivaldi).
Avanzini, Alessandra 
Avanzini 20132013. Inscriptions from museums in the region of Dhamār: Qatabanians in Baynūn and the goddess Athirat (ʾṯrtn). Pages 27-36 in Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet, Catherine Fauveaud and Iwona Gajda (eds). Entre Carthage et l’Arabie heureuse. Mélanges offerts à François Bron. (Orient & Méditerranée, 12). Paris: de Boccard.
Avanzini 20152015. Qatabanian jars in the port of Sumhuram: notes on the trade by sea in South Arabia. Pages 13-20 in Mounir Arbach and Jérémie Schiettecatte (eds). Pre-Islamic South Arabia and its Neighbours: New Developments of Research. Proceedings of the 17th Rencontres Sabéennes held in Paris, 6–8 June 2013. (BAR International Series, 2740). Oxford: Archaeopress. [British Foundation for the Study of Arabia Monographs, 16]
Avanzini, Alessandra, Bāfaqīh, Muḥammad ʿA., Bāṭāyiʿ, Aḥmed and Robin, Christian J. 
Avanzini et al. 19941994. Materiali per il Corpus Qatabanico. Raydān, 6: 17-36.
Avanzini, Alessandra, Benvenuti, Chiara, Buffa, Vittoria, Lombardi, Alessandra, Orazi, Roberto and Sedov, Alexander V. 
Avanzini et al. 20022002. Excavations and restoration of the Complex of Khor Rori. Interim Report (october 2001-april 2002). Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 25: 109-154. [With contributions by Michael D. Bukharin, Marta Mariotti Lippi and Roberto Orazi]
Avanzini, Alessandra, Buffa, Vittoria, Lombardi, Alessandra, Orazi, Roberto and Sedov, Alexander V. 
Avanzini et al. 1999-20001999-2000. Excavations and Restoration of the Complex of Khor Rori. MID's interim report (1999-2000). Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 22-23: 189-228. [With a note by Vittorio Castellani]
Avanzini et al. 20012001. Excavations and restoration of the Complex of Khor Rori. Interim Report (october 2000-april 2001). Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 24: 5-63.
Avanzini, Alessandra and Orazi, Roberto 
Avanzini and Orazi 20012001. The construction phases of Khor Rori's monumental gate. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 12/2: 249-259.
Avanzini, Alessandra and Sedov, Alexander V. 
Avanzini and Sedov 20052005. The stratigraphy of Sumhuram: new evidence. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 35: 11-17.
Ayoub, Saad 
Ayoub 20072007. Die Keramik aus dem Barʾān-Tempel in Mārib. Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen, 11: 307-347.