Collection of the objects from the Yemeni museums

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669 bibliographic references 112 bibliographic references which author starts with b
Badre, Leila 
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Bāfaqīh, Muḥammad ʿA. and Robin, Christian J. 
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Bāṭāyiʿ, Aḥmed and al-Hasni, Jamal Mohammed Nasser 
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Béal, Jean-Claude 
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Becker, Helmut 
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Beeston, Alfred F.L. 
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Bessac, Jean-Claude 
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Bessac, Jean-Claude and Breton, Jean-François 
Bessac and Breton 20022002. Note technique sur la nécropole d'Awām à Mâʾarib (Yémen). Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen, 9: 117-127.