Collection of the objects from the Yemeni museums

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669 bibliographic references 38 bibliographic references which author starts with p
Prioletta, Alessia 
Prioletta 2011 a2011. Notes on the inscriptions from the Muncherjee collection at the National Museum of Aden. RES 3902 No 142: a fragment of dedication to Shams. 1.
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Prioletta 2011 b2011. Notes on the inscriptions from the Muncherjee collection at the National Museum of Aden. CSAI I, 809=RES 3902 n. 28=Ja 70: a misknown mʿmr stela. 2.
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Prioletta 20122012. A new monotheistic inscription from the Military Museum of Ṣanʿāʾ. Pages 315-332 in Alexander V. Sedov (ed.). New research in archaeology and epigraphy of South Arabia and its neighbors. Proceedings of the "Rencontres Sabéennes 15" held in Moscow, May 25th –27th, 2011. Moscow: The State Museum of Oriental Art.
Prioletta 2012 a2012. Notes on the inscriptions from the Muncherjee collection at the National Museum of Aden. RES 4100: wādī Ḫirr (ʾḫr) under the rule of Radmān. 1-2.
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Prioletta 20132013. The town of Ḥalzaw (Ḥlzwm) between Qatabān, Radmān and Ḥimyar: an essay on political, religious and linguistic history. Semitica et Classica, 6: 109-130.
Prioletta 2013 a2013. Inscriptions from the southern highlands of Yemen. The epigraphic collections of the museums of Baynūn and Dhamār. (Arabia Antica, 8). Roma: L'«Erma» di Bretschneider.
Prioletta 2014 a2014. Nouvelles inscriptions maʿīniques de Kamna au Musée militaire de Ṣanʿāʿ. Semitica et Classica, 7: 191-201.
Prioletta, Alessia and Arbach, Mounir 
Prioletta and Arbach 2015 a2015. Inscriptions qatabānites inédites d’une collection privée yéménite. Semitica, 57: 243-271.