Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

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1819 bibliographic references 149 bibliographic references which author starts with s
Sedov, Alexander V. 
Sedov 19941994. The Temple of Syn ḏ-Myfʿn (Wādī Dauʿan, Inner Ḥaḍramawt). Ancient civilizations from Scythia to Siberia. An international journal of comparative studies in history and archaeology, 1/2: 249-260.
Sedov 19951995. Biʾr Ḥamad: a pre-Islamic settlement in the western Wādī Ḥaḍramawt. Notes on an archaeological map of the Ḥaḍramawt, 1. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 6/2: 103-115.
Sedov 19961996. Gruntoviy mogilnik v vadi Naʿam (Raybun XVII). (Ground Cemetery in the Wadi Naʿam - Raybun XVII). Pages 143-157 in Alexander V. Sedov and Petr A. Grjaznevič (eds). Gorodishche Raybūn (Raskopki 1983-1987). Trudy Sovetsko-Yemenskoy kompleksnoy ekspedicii. (Raybūn Settlement. (1983-1987 Excavations). Preliminary Reports of the Soviet-Yemeni Joint Complex Expedition). Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura RAN.
Sedov 1996 a1996. On the origin of the agricoltural settlements in Ḥaḍramawt. Pages 67-86 in Christian J. Robin and Iwona Gajda (eds). Arabia Antiqua. Early Origins of South Arabian States. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Conservation and Exploitation of the Archaeological Heritage of the Arabian Peninsula held in the Palazzo Brancaccio, Rome, by IsMEO on 28th-30th May 1991. Rome: Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.
Sedov 1996 b1996. Monuments of the Wādī al-ʿAyn. Notes on an archaeological map of the Ḥaḍramawt, 3. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 7/2: 253-278.
Sedov 1996 c1996. Qanaʾ (Yemen) and the Indian Ocean: the Archaeolological Evidence. Pages 11-35 in Himanshu P. Ray and Jean-François Salles. Tradition and archaeology. Early maritime contacts in the Indian Ocean. Proceedings of the International seminar Techno-archaeological perspectives of seafaring in the Indian Ocean 4th cent. B.C.-15th cent. A.D. New Delhi, February 28-March 4, 1994. New Delhi: Manohar.
Sedov 19971997. Die archäologischen Denkmäler von Raybūn im unteren Wādī Dauʿan (Ḥaḍramaut). Mare Erythraeum, 1: 31-106.
Sedov 19991999. Der Sakralkomplex von Raybūn. Pages 186-188 in Werner Daum, Walter W. Müller, Norbert Nebes and Walter Raunig (eds). Im Land der Königin von Saba. Kunstschätze aus dem antiken Jemen. 7. Juli 1999-9. Januar 2000. Staatlichen Museum für Völkerkunde München. Germering: I.P. Verlagsgesellschaft / Munich: I.P. Verlagsgesellschaft.
Sedov 20002000. Temples of Raybun Oasis, Wadi Hadramawt, Yemen. Adūmātū, 2: 15-26.
Sedov 20012001. Qaniʾ, port antique du Hadramaout. Dossiers d'Archéologie, 263: 32-35.
Sedov 20032003. Notes on stratigraphy and pottery sequence at Raybūn I settlement (Western Wādī Ḥaḍramawt). Arabia. Revue de Sabéologie, 1: 173-196; 245-291.
Sedov 20052005. Temples of Ancient Ḥaḍramawt. (Arabia Antica, 3). Pisa: Edizioni Plus-Pisa University Press.
Sedov, Alexander V. and Bāṭāyiʿ, Aḥmed 
Sedov and Bāṭāyiʿ 19941994. Temples of ancient Ḥaḍramawt. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 24: 183-196.
Sedov, Alexander V. and Grjaznevič, Petr A. (eds) 
Sedov and Grjaznevič 19961996. Gorodishche Raybūn (Raskopki 1983-1987). Trudy Sovetsko-Yemenskoy kompleksnoy ekspedicii. (Raybūn Settlement. (1983-1987 Excavations). Preliminary Reports of the Soviet-Yemeni Joint Complex Expedition). Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura RAN.
Sedov, Alexander V., Robin, Christian J. and Ballet, Pascale 
Sedov, Robin and Ballet 19971997. Qaniʾ, port de l'encens. Saba, 3-4: 20-31.
Sedov, Alexander V., Vinogradov, Jurij A. and Frantsouzoff, Serguei A. 
Sedov, Vinogradov and Frantsouzoff 20052005. Novyj chram Sajina v Rajbunskom oazise (Raskopki 2004 g.). Pages 385-400 in Alexander V. Sedov and Irina M. Smilyanskaya (eds). Arabia Vitalis. Studies in honour of Vitaly V. Naumkin. Moscow: Rossiikaya Akademiya Nauk.
Seigne, Jacques 
Seigne 19921992. Le château royal de Shabwa. Architecture, techniques de costruction et restitutions. Pages 111-166 in Jean-François Breton (ed.). Rapports préliminaires. Jean-François Breton (ed.), Fouilles de Shabwa. 2. (Publication hors série, Institut Français d'Archéologie du Proche-Orient, 19). Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner. [Extrait de "Syria" , tome 68]
Seipel, Wilfried (ed.) 
Seipel 19981998. Jemen. Kunst und Archäologie im Land der Königin von Sabaʾ. Eine Ausstellung des Kunsthistorischen Museums Wien in Zusammenarbeit mit der Generalinstitution fur Altertumer, Museen und Handschriften, Ministerium fur Kultur und Tourismus der Republik Jemen. Wien, Kunstlerhaus, 9. November 1998 bis 21. Februar 1999. Vienna: Kunsthistorisches Museum Wien.
Seland, Eivind Heldaas 
Seland 20052005. Ancient South Arabia: trade and strategies of state control as seen in the "Periplus Maris Erythraei". Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 35: 271–278.
Serjeant, Robert B. 
Serjeant 19591959. Ukhdûd, notes et communications. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 22: 572–573.
Serjeant 19761976. South Arabian Hunt. London: Luzac.
Serjeant 19781978. Wards and quarters of towns in South-West Arabia. Storia della città, 7: 43–48.
Serjeant, Robert B. and Lewcock, Ronald (eds) 
Serjeant and Lewcock 1983 aṢan'ā'. An arabian islamic city. London: The world of Islam festival trust.
Serjeant, Robert B. and Lewcock, Ronald 
Serjeant and Lewcock 1983 bThe Church (al-Qalīs) of Sanʿāʾ and Ghumdān Castle. Pages 44-48 in Robert B. Serjeant and Ronald Lewcock (eds). Ṣan'ā'. An arabian islamic city. London: The world of Islam festival trust.
Shahid, Irfan 
Shahīd 19711971. The Martyrs of Najrān. New documents. Bruxelles: Societe des Bollandistes.
Shahid 19791979. Byzantium in South Arabia. Dumbarton Oaks Papers, 33: 23-94.
Shahīd 19931993. Nadjrān. Pages 873-874 in C.E. Bosworth, E. van Donzel, W.P. Heinrichs and Ch. Pellat (eds). Encyclopaedia of Islam/Encyclopédie de l'Islam. Volume VII (Mif-Naz). (2nd edition). Leiden: Brill.
Sharafaddīn, Aḥmad H. 
Sharafaddīn 19611961. Yemen. Arabia Felix. Taʿizz.
Sharafaddīn 19671967. Taʾrīḫ al-Yaman al-ṯaqāfī. Cairo.
al-Sheiba, Abdullah Hassan 
al-Sheiba 19871987. Die Ortsnamen in den altsüdarabischen Inschriften (mit dem Versuch ihrer Identifizierung und lokalisierung). Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen, 4: 1-62.