Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

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1816 bibliographic references 187 bibliographic references which author starts with m
de Maigret, Alessandro and Robin, Christian J. (eds) 
de Maigret and Robin 20162016. Gli scavi Italo-Francesi di Tamnaʿ (Repubblica dello Yemen). Rapporto finale. (Orient & Méditerranée, 20). Paris: De Boccard.
Maltzan, Heinrich F. von 
Maltzan 18731873. Reise nach Südarabien (1870) und geographische Forschungen in und über den südwestlichen Theil Arabiens. Braunschweig: Fried. Vieweg.
Maraqten, Mohammed 
Maraqten 19941994. Typen altsüdarabischer Altäre. Pages 160-177 in Norbert Nebes. Arabia Felix. Beiträge zur Sprache und Kultur des vorislamischen Arabien. Festschrift Walter W. Müller zum 60. Geburtstag. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Maraqten 19961996. An inscribed amulet from Shabwa. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 7/1: 88-94.
Maraqten 2000-20012000-2001. Altsüdarabische Inschriften auf Holzstäbchen. Eine wichtige Quelle zur Erforschung der Sprache und Kultur des Antiken Jemen. Beiruter Blätter. Mitteilungen des Orient-Instituts Beirut, 8-9: 80-84.
Maraqten 20022002. Newly discovered Sabaic inscriptions from Maḥram Bilqīs, near Mārib. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 32: 209-216.
Maraqten 20042004. The processional road between Old Mārib and the Awām temple in the light of a recently discovered inscription from Maḥram Bilqīs. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 34: 157-163. 2017/02/21; http://www.jstor.org/stable/41223814.
Maraqten 20052005. Nuqūš Sabaʾiyya ǧadīda min Maḥram Bilqīs (maʿbad ʾAwām), taqrīr ʾAwalī ʿan al-iktišafātʿan naqšiyya allatī qāmat bi-hā al muʾssa al-amrīkiyya li-dirāsat al-insān fī Maḥram Bilqīs/Mārib. Pages 345-361 in Sālih ʿAlī Bāsurrah (ed.). Sanʿāʾ. History and Cultural Heritage. Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Yemeni Civilization. (2 vols), 1. Ṣanʿāʾ.
Maraqten 2005 a2005. Review of Simpson, St John (ed.) 2002. Queen of Sheba. Treasures from the ancient Yemen. London: British Museum Press. [Catalogue of an exhibition held at the British Museum, London]. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society, 15/1: 103-104.
Maraqten 2005 b2005. Three recently discovered women Sabaean inscription from Maḥram Bilqīs. Pages 377-388 in Amida Sholan, Sabina Antonini and Mounir Arbach (eds). Sabaean Studies (Dirāsāt Sabaʾiyya). Archaeological, epigraphical and historical studies in honour of Yūsuf M. ʿAbdallāh, Alessandro de Maigret, Christian J. Robin on the occasion of their sixtieth birthdays. Naples: Università degli studi di Napoli l'Orientale. [University of Ṣanʿāʾ; Yemeni-Italian Centre for Archeological Reserches Ṣanʿāʾ; Centre français d'archéologie et de sciences sociales de Ṣanʿāʾ]
Maraqten 20062006. Legal documents recently discovered by the AFSM at Maḥram Bilqīs, near Mārib, Yemen. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 36: 53-67.
Maraqten 20082008. Women's inscriptions recently discovered by the AFSM at the Awām temple/Maḥram Bilqīs in Marib, Yemen. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 38: 231-249.
Maraqten 20092009. Eine neuentdeckte altsabäische Inschrift aus Mārib. Pages 241-246 in Werner Arnold, Michael Jursa, Walter W. Müller and Stephan Procházka (eds). Philologisches und Historisches zwischen Anatolien und Sokotra. Analecta Semitica In memoriam Alexander Sima. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Maraqten 20132013. Two Qatabanian inscriptions from Ḥinū az-Zurayr. Pages 73-82 in Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet, Catherine Fauveaud and Iwona Gajda (eds). Entre Carthage et l’Arabie heureuse. Mélanges offerts à François Bron. (Orient & Méditerranée, 12). Paris: de Boccard.
Maraqten 2013 a2013. Handasat ar-ray wa-dawruhā fī našʾat ad-dawla fī ǧunūb ġarbī al-ǧaẓira al-ʿarabiyya wa-taṭurruhā. Pages 199-242 in al-Nasary A. (ed.). Proceedings of the second Adumatu Journal Symposium. Man and environment in the Arab world in the light of archaeological discoveries. Second Adumatu Journal Symposium. May 4-6 2010. Saudi Arabia: Skaka: Adumatu.
Maraqten 20142014. Two new Sabaic inscriptions: the construction of a building and the offering of a right hand. Pages 148-155 in Alexander V. Sedov (ed.). Arabian and Islamic studies. A collection of papers in honour of Mikhail Borishovich Piotrovskij on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Moskow.
Maraqten 2014 b2014. On the relations between Bilād al-Shām and Yemen in the pre-Islamic period. Pages 97-114 in Mohammed Maraqten. A pioneer of Arabia. Studies in the Archaeology and Epigraphy of the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula in Honor of Moawiyah Ibrahim. Ed. by Zeidan Kafafi. (Rome «La Sapienza» Studies on the Archaeology of Palestine & Transjordan, 10). Rome: La Sapienza.
Maraqten 20152015. Sacred spaces in ancient Yemen - The Awām temple - Maʾrib : A case study. Pages 107-134 in Mounir Arbach and Jérémie Schiettecatte (eds). Pre-Islamic South Arabia and its Neighbours: New Developments of Research. Proceedings of the 17th Rencontres Sabéennes held in Paris, 6–8 June 2013. (BAR International Series, 2740). Oxford: Archaeopress. [British Foundation for the Study of Arabia Monographs, 16]
Maraqten 20172017. Typology of irrigation systems in ancient Yemen in the light of the epigraphic evidence. Pages 115-135 in Walid Yasin al-Tikriti and Paul Alan Yule (eds). Proceedings of water and life in Arabia. Conference 14th - 16th December, 2014. Abu Dhabi: Abu Dhabi Tourism and Culture Authority.
Maraqten 20182018. The visit of Mālik bin Muʿāwiyah, king of Kindah and Maḏḥiǧ to the Himyarite Šammar Yuharʿiš in Maʾrib. Pages 449-460 in Laïla Nehmé and Ahmad al-Jallad (eds). To the Madbar and back again. Studies in the languages, archaeology, and cultures of Arabia dedicated to Michael C.A. Macdonald. (Studies in Semitic languages and linguistic, 92). Leiden: Brill / Boston: Brill.
Maraqten 20212021. The pilgrimage to the Awām-temple/Maḥram Bilqīs, Maʾrib, Yemen. Pages 430-462 in George Hatke and Ronald Ruzicka (eds). South Arabia long-distance trade in antiquity: "Out of Arabia". Newcastle upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars Publishing.
Maraqten, Mohammed and ʿAbdallāh, Yūsuf M. 
Maraqten and ʿAbdallāh 20022002. A recently discovered inscribed sabean bronze plaque from Maḥram Bilqīs near Mārib, Yemen. Journal of Near Eastern Studies, 61: 49-53.
Maraqten, Mohammed and Sholan, Amida 
Maraqten and Sholan 20132013. An inscribed golden amulet of the goddess ʿUzzayān. Raydān, 8: 111-114.
Marcolongo, Bruno 
Marcolongo 19941994. Le périmètre irrigué, grenier de l'antique Yathill, et les déplacements du wâdî Majzir. Saba, 1: 60-62.
Marcolongo 19961996. Modelli di utilizzo delle risorse idriche nello Yemen interno dall'età del Bronzo al periodo sudarabico. Pages 179-187 in Christian J. Robin and Iwona Gajda (eds). Arabia Antiqua. Early Origins of South Arabian States. Proceedings of the First International Conference on the Conservation and Exploitation of the Archaeological Heritage of the Arabian Peninsula held in the Palazzo Brancaccio, Rome, by IsMEO on 28th-30th May 1991. Rome: Istituto italiano per il Medio ed Estremo Oriente.
Marcolongo 19971997. Les systèmes irrigués de Barâqish. Pages 78 in Christian J. Robin and Burkhard Vogt (eds). Yémen, au pays de la reine de Saba. Exposition présentée à l'Institut du monde arabe du 25 octobre 1997 au 28 février 1998. Paris: Flammarion, Institut du Monde Arabe.
Marion de Procé, Solène 
Marion de Procé 20152015. Permanence et évolution d'un modèle de temple sabéen : le temple Barʾān. Pages 135-142 in Mounir Arbach and Jérémie Schiettecatte (eds). Pre-Islamic South Arabia and its Neighbours: New Developments of Research. Proceedings of the 17th Rencontres Sabéennes held in Paris, 6–8 June 2013. (BAR International Series, 2740). Oxford: Archaeopress. [British Foundation for the Study of Arabia Monographs, 16]
Marion de Procé 20212021. Le mobilier de culte dans le temple de Nakraḥ à Barāqish. Pages 254-269 in Sabina Antonini and Francesco G. Fedele (eds). Barāqish/Yathill (Yemen) 1986-2007. Volume 1: Excavations of Temple B and related research and restoration / Scavi del Tempio B e ricerche e restauri connessi. Oxford: Archaeopress.
Mascitelli, Daniele 
Mascitelli 20062006. L'arabo in epoca preislamica. Formazione di una lingua. (Arabia Antica, 4). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider.
Masry, Abdullah Hasan 
Masry 19771977. The Historic Legacy of Saudi Arabia. Atlal. Journal of Saudi Arabian Archaeology, 1: 9-19.