Corpus of Central Middle Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)

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803 bibliographic references 49 bibliographic references which author starts with a
al-Aġbarī, Fahmī 
al-Aġbarī 20092009. Naqš sabaʾī ǧadīd min nuqūš al-ihdāʾāt. Abǧadiyyāt, 4: 21-27.
al-Hajj, Mohammed 
Al-Ḥājj 20222022. Nuqūsh musnadiyya jadīda ḥawla al-āliha Athīrat wa-makānati-hā fī diyānat al-Yaman al-qadīm. Raydān, 9: 80-101.
al-Khaṭīb, Muḥibb ad-Dīn 
al-Ḫaṭīb 19481948. al-Iklīl min aḫbār al-Yaman w-ansāb Ḥimyar, taṣnīf lisān al-Yaman Abī Muḥammad al-Ḥasan ibn Aḥmad ibn Yaʿqūb al-Hamdānī, al-kitāb al-ʿāshir. Cairo.
Albright, Frank P. 
Albright, Frank P. 19521952. The Excavation of the Temple of the Moon at Mârib (Yemen). Bulletin of the American School of Oriental Research, 128: 25-38.
Albright, Frank P. 1958 a1958. Excavations at Mârib in Yemen. Pages 215-268 in Richard LeBaron Bowen and Frank P. Albright (eds). Archaeological Discoveries in South Arabia. With foreword by Wendell Phillips. (Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man, 2). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.
Albright, Frank P. 1958 b1958. Catalogue of objects found in Mârib excavations. Pages 269-286 in Richard LeBaron Bowen and Frank P. Albright (eds). Archaeological Discoveries in South Arabia. With foreword by Wendell Phillips. (Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man, 2). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.
Albright, Frank P. and Jamme, Albert W.F. 
Albright and Jamme 19531953. A Bronze Statue from Mareb, Yemen. The Scientific Monthly, 76/january 1953: 33-35.
Ansaldi, Cesare 
Ansaldi 19331933. Il Yemen nella storia e nella leggenda. (Collezione di opere e di monografie a cura del Ministero delle colonie, 17). Rome: Sindacato italiano arti grafiche.
Antonini de Maigret, Sabina 
Antonini de Maigret 20122012. South Arabian art. Art history in pre-Islamic Yemen. (Orient & Méditerranée, 10). Paris: De Boccard.
Antonini de Maigret 20142014. A winged deity in southern Arabia. Pages 234-243 in Alexander V. Sedov (ed.). Arabian and Islamic studies. A collection of papers in honour of Mikhail Borishovich Piotrovskij on the occasion of his 70th birthday. Moskow.
Antonini, Sabina 
Antonini 19891989. The site of Madinat al-Ahjur and a first typological study of classical South Arabian pottery from the Yemen plateau. Oriens Antiquus, 28: 41-127.
Antonini 19981998. South Arabian antiquities in a private collection in Ar-Riyaḍ (Saudi Arabia). With a note by Giovanni Mazzini. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 9/2: 261-272.
Antonini 20042004. I motivi figurativi delle Banāt ʿĀd nei templi sudarabici. Repertorio iconografico sudarabico. (Repertorio iconografico sudarabico, 2). Paris: de Boccard / Rome: Herder. [Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres; Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente]
Antonini 20082008. Due leoni/appliques da Nashshān (Jawf, Repubblica dello Yemen). Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 31: 213-218.
Arbach, Mounir 
Arbach 19941994. Inscriptions sudarabiques. Raydān, 6: 5-16.
Arbach 19961996. Deux nouvelles inscriptions sudarabiques provenant du sanctuaire de dhū-s-Samāwī à Yaghrū. Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 19: 243-250.
Arbach 2001 a2001. Une photographie inédite de l'inscription Ir 13. Raydān, 7: 13-24.
Arbach 2011 a2011. Qui a construit le rempart de Nashshân, l'actuel as-Sawdâʾ (Yémen), au VIIIe s. av. J.-C.?. Semitica et Classica, 4: 187-192.
Arbach 2011 b2011. La découverte du temple intra-muros de Nakrah à Maʿîn, l'antique Qarnâ. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 22: 201-214.
Arbach 2011 c2011. Nouvelles inscriptions du site de Nashshân, l'actuel as-Sawdâʾ (Yémen) datant des VIIIe et VIIe s. av. J.-C. Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 34: 177-188.
Arbach 20132013. La date d'apparition du royaume de Maʿīn d'après une nouvelle inscription du début du VIIe siècle avant j.-C.. Pages 15-26 in Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet, Catherine Fauveaud and Iwona Gajda (eds). Entre Carthage et l’Arabie heureuse. Mélanges offerts à François Bron. (Orient & Méditerranée, 12). Paris: de Boccard.
Arbach 20142014. The origin and the emergence of the kingdom of Maʿīn in South West Arabia in the light of a new inscription from the eighth century BCE. Pages 78-88 in Mohammed Maraqten. A pioneer of Arabia. Studies in the Archaeology and Epigraphy of the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula in Honor of Moawiyah Ibrahim. Ed. by Zeidan Kafafi. (Rome «La Sapienza» Studies on the Archaeology of Palestine & Transjordan, 10). Rome: La Sapienza. [Arabic]
Arbach, Mounir and Audouin, Rémy 
Arbach and Audouin 20042004. Nouvelles découvertes archéologiques dans le Jawf (République du Yémen). Opération de sauvetage franco-yéménite du site d'as-Sawdâʾ (l'antique Nashshân). Temple intra-muros I. Rapport préliminaire. [Ṣanʿāʾ]: Centre français d'archéologie et de sciences sociales de Ṣanʿāʾ.
Arbach and Audouin 20072007. Collection of Epigraphic and Archaeological Artifacts from al-Jawf Sites. Ṣanʿâʾ National Museum. 2. Ṣanʿāʾ: UNESCO-SFD / Ṣanʿāʾ: National Museum. [Text in English and Arabic]
Arbach, Mounir, Audouin, Rémy and Robin, Christian J. 
Arbach, Audouin and Robin 20042004. La découverte du temple d'Aranyadaʾ à Nashshān et la chronologie des Labuʾides. Arabia. Revue de Sabéologie, 2: 23-41.
Arbach, Mounir and Crassard, Rémy 
Arbach and Crassard 2008Le Yémen antique vu de l'intérieur: travaux et recherches archéologiques par les Yéménites. Chroniques Yéménites, 14: 1-14.
Arbach, Mounir and al-Ḥalabī, Muḥammad 
Arbach and al-Ḥalabī 20052005. Awwal naqš sabaʾī yaḏkur madīna Ḥadda. Ṣanʿāʾ fī ḥawālī al-qarn al-ṯanī qabla al-mīlād. Adūmātū, 12: 39-44.
Arbach, Mounir and Maraqten, Mohammed 
Arbach and Maraqten 20182018. Notes on the root LʾK “to send” and the term mlʾk “messenger” in the Ancient South Arabian inscriptions. Semitica et Classica, 11: 251-256. 2019/10/14; https://doi.org/10.1484/J.SEC.5.116804.
Arbach, Mounir and Rossi, Irene 
Arbach and Rossi 20112011. Réflexions sur l'histoire de la cité-État de Nashshân (fin du IXe - fin du VIIe s. av. J.-C.). Egitto e vicino Oriente, 34: 149-176.
Arbach and Rossi 20122012. From city-state to kingdom: history and chronology of Maʿīn between the VIII and the VI centuries BC. Orientalia, 81/4: 318-339, pls XLIX-LVI.