Corpus of Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)

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1368 bibliographic references 53 bibliographic references which author starts with d
Doe, D. Brian 
Doe 19611961. Ḥuṣn al-Ghurāb and the site of Qanaʾ. Le Muséon, 74: 191-198.
Doe 19631963. The site of am-ʿAdiya near Mukeiras on the Audhall Plateau, South West Arabia. Antiquities. Bulletin, 2: 68-77.
Doe 19641964. The Wadi Shirjān. Antiquities. Bulletin, 4: 1-3; 5 pages without number. [Appendix to the Department of Antiquities Report, 1961-1963. Aden]
Doe 19701970. Südarabien. Antike Reich am Indischen Ozean. Bergisch Gladbach: Lübbe.
Doe 19711971. Southern Arabia. London: Thames and Hudson.
Doe 19831983. Monuments of South Arabia. (Arabia past and present, 12). Naples: The Falcon Press / Cambridge: The Oleander press.
Doe 19841984. Architectural refinements and measure in early South Arabian buildings. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 14: 21-31.
Doe, D. Brian and Jamme, Albert W.F. 
Doe and Jamme 19681968. New Sabaean Inscriptions from South Arabia. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society of Great Britain and Ireland, 100/1: 2-28.
Doresse, Jean 
Doresse 19561956. Au pays de la reine de Saba : l'Éthiopie antique et moderne. Paris: A. Guillot.
Doresse 19571957. L'empire du Prêtre-Jean. (2 vols), Paris: Plon.
Doresse 1960 a1960. La découverte d'Aṣbi-Dera. Nouveaux documents sur les rapports entre l'Égypte et l'Éthiopie à l'époque axoumite. Pages 411-434 in AA. VV.. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi etiopici (Roma 2-4 aprile 1959). (Accademia nazionale dei Lincei. Problemi attuali di scienza e di cultura, 48).
Dostal, Walter 
Dostal 19991999. Stier und Ritual im Jemen: Fortleben antiker Traditionen in heutigen Volksbrächen. Pages 131-136 in Werner Daum, Walter W. Müller, Norbert Nebes and Walter Raunig (eds). Im Land der Königin von Saba. Kunstschätze aus dem antiken Jemen. 7. Juli 1999-9. Januar 2000. Staatlichen Museum für Völkerkunde München. Germering: I.P. Verlagsgesellschaft / Munich: I.P. Verlagsgesellschaft.
Drewes, Abraham J. 
Drewes 19591959. Les inscriptions de Melazo. Annales d'Ethiopie, 3: 83-99.
Drewes 19621962. Inscriptions de l'Éthiopie antique. Leiden: E. J. Brill.
Drewes 19781978. Kaleb and Himyar: another reference to Ḥywnʾ?. Raydān, 1: 27-31.
Drewes 19791979. A note on ESA ʾsy. Raydān, 2: 101-105.
Drewes, Abraham J. and Ryckmans, Jacques 
Drewes and Ryckmans, Jacques 19971997. Une pétiole de palme inscrit en sabéen, n°. 14 de la collection de l'Oosters Instituut à Leyde. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 27: 225-230.
Drewes, Abraham J. and Schneider, Roger 
Drewes and Schneider 19671967. Documents épigraphiques de l'Éthiopie - 1. Annales d'Ethiopie, 7: 89-106.
Drewes and Schneider 19701970. Documents épigraphiques de l'Éthiopie - II. Annales d'Éthiopie, 8: 57-72.
Drewes and Schneider 19721972. Documents épigraphiques de l'Éthiopie — III. Annales d'Ethiopie, 9: 87-102.
Dridi, Hédi, Rigot, Jean-Baptiste and Robin, Christian J. 
Dridi, Rigot and Robin 2005-20062006. Ḥaṣī et sa région. Arabia. Revue de Sabéologie, 3: 9-110. [Dossier]
Duncanson, Dennis J. 
Duncanson 19471947. Girmaten- A new archaeological site in Eritrea. Antiquity, 21/83: 158-163.
Durrani, Nadia 
Durrani 20052005. The Tihamah coastal plain of South-West Arabia in its regional context c. 6000 BC - AD 600. (BAR International Series, 1456). Oxford: Archaeopress. [Society for Arabian Studies Monographs, 4]