Corpus of Ḥaḍramitic Inscriptions

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351 bibliographic references 23 bibliographic references which author starts with p
Pavan, Alexia and Pallecchi, Pasquino 
Pavan and Pallecchi 20092009. Considerazioni su alcuni frammenti di anfore con impasto a base di talco rinvenute nell’antico porto di Sumhuram (Oman). Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 32: 221–233.
Philby, Harry St John B. 
Philby 19391939. Sheba's Daughters. Being a record of travel in Southern Arabia. London: Methuen and Co.
Philby 19451945. Three new inscriptions from Hadhramawt. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society: 122-133.
Phillips, Wendell 
Phillips, Wendell 19551955. Qataban and Sheba. Exploring ancient kingdoms on the Biblical spice routes of Arabia. New York: Harcourt Brace.
Phillips, Wendell 19661966. Unknown Oman. London: Longmans / New York: D. McKay.
Piotrovskij, Mikhail B. 
Piotrovskij 19951995. Vadi al-ʿAyn: drevneyemenskie nadpisi. (Wadi al-ʿAyn: ancient Yemeni Inscriptions). Pages 176-201 in Petr A. Grjaznevič and Alexander V. Sedov (eds). Khadramaut. Arkheologiceskie, etnograficeskie i istoriko-kul'turnye issledovaniya. Trudy Sovetsko-Yemenskoy kompleksnoy ekspedicii. (Ḥaḍramawt. Archaeological, Ethnological and Historical Studies. Preliminary Reports of the Soviet-Yemeni Joint Complex Expedition). Moscow: Vostochnaya literatura RAN.
Piotrovskij, Mikhail B. and Sedov, Alexander V. 
Piotrovskij and Sedov 19941994. Field studies in Southern Arabia. Raydān, 6: 61-68.
Piotrovskij and Sedov 1994 a1994. Field-Studies in Southern Arabia. Ancient civilizations from Scythia to Siberia. An international journal of comparative studies in history and archaeology, 1/2: 202-219.
Pirenne, Jacqueline 
Pirenne 19561956. Paléographie des inscriptions sud-arabes. Contribution à la chronologie et à l'histoire de l'Arabie du sud antique. (Verhandelingen van de Koninklijke Vlaamse Academie voor Wetenschappen, Letteren en Schone Kunsten van België. Klasse der letteren, 26). Brussels: Paleis der Academiën.
Pirenne 19661966. Contribution à l'épigraphie sud-arabiques. Semitica, 16: 73-99.
Pirenne 19741974. Notes d'archéologie sud-arabe, IX. Hajar bin Ḥumeid. Syria, 51: 137-170.
Pirenne 19751975. The Incense Port of Moscha (Khor Rori) in Dhofar. The Journal of Oman Studies, 1: 81-96.
Pirenne 1975 a1975. Première mission archéologique française au Hadramout (Yémen du Sud). Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres: 261-279.
Pirenne 19761976. Deuxième mission archéologique française au Hadramout (Yémen du Sud). Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres: 412-426.
Pirenne 19781978. Ce que trois campagnes de fouilles nous ont déjà appris sur Shabwa capitale du Ḥaḍramout antique. Raydān, 1: 125-142.
Pirenne 19791979. L'apport des inscriptions à l'interprétation du temple de Bā-Quṭfah. Raydān, 2: 203-241.
Pirenne 19901990. Les témoins écrit de la région de Shabwa et l'histoire. Jean-François Breton (ed.), Fouilles de Shabwa. 1. (Bibliothèque archéologique et historique, 134). Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner. [Institut français d'Archéologie du Proche-Orient]
Porter, Alexandra 
Porter 20042004. Amphora trade between South Arabia and East Africa in the first millennium BC: a re-examination of the evidence. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 34: 261–275.
Prioletta, Alessia 
Prioletta 20052005. Appunti per una nuova sistemazione cronologica delle iscrizioni di Raybūn e della valle dello Ḥaḍramawt. Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 28: 309-323.
Prioletta 20062006. Note di epigrafia Hadramawtica 1. L'alternanza di ṯ e s³. Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 29: 249-267.
Prioletta 2006 a2006. Appunti per una nuova sistemazione cronologica delle iscrizioni di Raybūn e della valle dello Ḥaḍramawt 2. Le iscrizioni di Bā-Quṭfa. Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 29: 269-286.
Prioletta 2013 b2013. Remarks on some processes of assimilation and innovation in the language and culture of Ḥaḍramawt during its ancient history. Aula Orientalis, 31/1: 93-108.
Prioletta 2014 b2014. Towards a Ḥaḍramitic lexicon: lexical notes on terms relating to the formulary and rituals in expiatory inscriptions. Pages 101-110 in Orhan Elmaz and Janet C. E. Watson (eds). Languages of Southern Arabia. Papers from the Special Session of the Seminar for Arabian Studies held on 27 July 2013.. Supplement to the Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies. (Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies). Oxford: Archaeopress.