Corpus of Early Sabaic Inscriptions from Ethiopia (work in progress)

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170 bibliographic references 5 bibliographic references which author starts with n
Nebes, Norbert 
Nebes 19921992. New Inscriptions from the Barʾān Temple (al-ʿAmāʾid) in the Oasis of Mārib. Pages 160-164 in Amir Harrak (ed.). West Asia and North Africa. Selected papers from the 33rd International Congress of Asian and North African Studies, Toronto, August 15-25, 1990. Contacts between Cultures. Selected papers from the 33rd International Congress of Asian and North African Studies, Toronto, August 15-25, 1990. 1. Lewiston: E. Mellen Press. / Lampeter: E. Mellen Press.
Nebes 2004 b2004. A new ʾAbraha inscription from the Great Dam of Mārib. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 34: 221-230.
Nebes 2005Zur Chronologie der Inschriften aus dem Barʾān Tempel. Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen, 10: 111-125.
Nebes 2010 b2010. Die Inschriften aus dem ʾAlmaqah-Tempel in ʿAddi ʾAkawǝḥ (Tigray). Zeitschrift für Orientarchäologie, 3: 214-237.
Nebes 2011 c2011. An Inscription in Ancient Sabaic on a Bronze Kettle from Färäs May, Tigray. ITYOP̣IS. Northeast African Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities, 1: 159-166.