Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Garbini 1973 a: pl. IV
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LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Late Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueRelief
Measure of letters4
Date617 (or 619) Ḥim
Textual typologyConstruction text


   1  Whbm (Ytf) w-ḥs²kt-hw[ bt]
   2  Lqyṭt w-ʾlwd-hmy [... ...] ʾ[l]—
   3  ht G(ʾ)nn w-ḏ-ʾbs²rn |
   4  w-ḏ-Mfzm w-ḏ-Ms²ṭyn |
   5  w-ḏ-Mbryn brʾw w-hq—
   6  s²bn byt-hmw S²bʿn b-
   7  rdʾ Rḥmnn bʿl s¹myn l-ḫmr-
   8  hmw qdmm w-ʿ(b)[rm] ks³ḥ[m ʾ]mn
   9  wrḫ-hw ḏ-Mḏrʾn [ḏ-l s¹b]ʿt (ʿ)s² r w-[s¹ṯmʾtm]

2after ʾlwd-hmy there might be only one proper name (which is not unusual in Late Sabaic inscriptions), or even a blank space.
4ḏ-Mfzm (Beeston 1980 a: 26); ḏ-Bfzm (Garbini).
8Garbini ʿḏ[rm]; the integration ks³[ḥ]m is based on Ibrahim al-Hudayd 1/10. On the basis of that inscription, we can also suggest an integration of ʾmn as following word, like Beeston 1980 a: 21 had already thought. Jamme 1976 reads ʿḏrm ks³ḥ (mḫm)n.
9Garbini reads: [ḏ-l-s¹b]ʿt ʿs²r w-[s¹ṯ mʾtm]; however, also: [ḏ-l-t]s¹ʿt is possible.



   1  Whbm Ytf and his wife, daughter of
   2  Lqyṭt and their sons [... ...] those of
   3  Gʾnn and ḏ-ʾbs²rn,
   4  ḏ-Mfzm, ḏ-Ms²ṭyn,
   5  ḏ-Mbryn, built and completed
   6  their house S²bʿn. With
   7  the help of Rḥmnn, the Master of heaven. May He grant
   8  them a pure arrival and a depart. Amen.
   9  The month of Mḏrʾn of the year six hundred sixteen (or nineteen).
Beeston: qdmm ʿḏrm as "a first-born and succeding generations" and ks³ḥm as "clean > well-ordered". He also suggests an optional interpretation: "a pure life in both the near and the remote future". Jamme 1976, following his different reading, had suggested: "braves and young girls [who] were taken away from the nomads". Gajda 2004 a: 201, prefers: "<une vie> honorable ici-bas et au-délà".
Gajda 2004 aGajda, Iwona 2004. Une nouvelle inscription juive de Ẓafār. Pages 197-202 in Alexander V. Sedov (ed.). Scripta Yemenica. Issledovanija po Južnoj Aravii. Sbornik naučnyh statej v čest' 60-letija M.B. Piotrovskogo. Moscow: Vostochna.
Jamme 1976Jamme, Albert W.F. 1976. Carnegie Museum 1974-75 Yemen Expedition. (Special Publication, 2). Pittsburgh: Carnegie Museum of Natural History.


Support typeInscription on architectural structure
Measuresh. 42, w. 62
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Modern siteBayt al-Ashwāl
Ancient siteUnknown
Geographical areaẒafār
FoundReemployed. In modern times
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Modern siteẒafār
Ancient siteẒfr
Geographical areaẒafār
Archaeological contextUrban context: Private house S²bʿn
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Garbini 1973 a: 45-46, pl. IVGarbini, Giovanni 1973. Nuove iscrizioni sabee. Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli, 33/1: 31-46.
Gajda 1997: 71-72Gajda, Iwona 1997. Ḥimyar gagné par le monothéisme (IVe-VIe siècle de l'ère chrétienne). Ambitions et ruine d'un royaume de l'Arabie méridionale antique. (Université d'Aix-en-Provence).
Beeston 1980 aBeeston, Alfred F.L. 1980. Studies in Sabaic Lexicography II. Raydān, 3: 17-26.
Jamme 1976Jamme, Albert W.F. 1976. Carnegie Museum 1974-75 Yemen Expedition. (Special Publication, 2). Pittsburgh: Carnegie Museum of Natural History.