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923 bibliographic references 6 bibliographic references which author starts with i
Ibrahim, Moawiyah 
Ibrahim 20062006. Report on the 2005 AFSM excavations in the Ovoid Precinct at Maḥram Bilqīs/Mārib: preliminary report. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 36: 199-216.
Ingrams, Harold 
Ingrams 19451945. From Cana (Husn Ghorab) to Sabbatha (Shabwa): the South Arabian Incense Road. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society: 169-185.
Ingrams, Harold and Ingrams, Doreen 
Ingrams and Ingrams 19451945. The Hadhramaut in time of war. The Geographical Journal, 105/1/2: 1-27. 2016/12/02; http://www.jstor.org/stable/1789541.
Inizan, Marie-Louise and Ortlieb, Luc 
Inizan and Ortlieb 19871987. Préhistoire dans la région de Shabwa au Yemen du Sud (R.D.P. Yemen). Paléorient, 13/1: 5-22.
Irvine, Arthur K. 
Irvine 19621962. A survey of Old South Arabian lexical materials connected with irrigation techniques. (University of Oxford).
al-Iryānī, Muṭahhar 
al-Iryānī 19881988. Naqš min Nāʿiṭ (Iryānī 71-E.71). Dirāsāt Yamanīya, 33: 21-46.