Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Mounir Arbach and Jérémies Schiettecatte, 2015
Arbach and Schiettecatte 2015 a: 373, fig. 2


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters3
Textual typologyDedicatory text


Based on palaeographic evidence, on the name of the quoted places, and on the mention of the lords of the family Btʿ, the inscription is dated by the editors between 223 and 300 AD.


      [... ...]
   1  (h)qnyw (s²ym)-[hmw Tʾlb Rymm]
   2  bʿl Trʿt (ṯ)[... ...s¹]—
   3  ʿd-hmw ḥẓ(y)[ w-rḍw ʾmrʾ-h]—
   4  mw Yrm Yhrḥ[b w-bny((ʾḫy))-hw ʾ]—
   5  ws¹lt w-Brg (b)[nw Btʿ ʾbʿl]
   6  btn Wklm w-h[... ... s²ym-]
   7  hmw Tʾlb ʾw[... ...]
   8  w-qnym hnʾm w-ʾ[fqlm ṣd]—
   9  qm ʿdy ʿbrt-hmw w-[...-h]—
  10  mw ʾʿrs²m w-ḥmd Ḥy[... m]—
  11  qtwy Yrm w-ʾws¹lt w-Brg ḫyl [w-]
  12  mqm Tʾlb Rymm ḥg-n ʾwl-hw
  13  bn ʾrḍ s²ʾmt b-kn blt-hw ʾmrʾ-
  14  hmw w-ʿdw ʾrḍ ʾs¹dn w-ʾrḍ N—
  15  zrm w-ʾrḍ Tnḫ w-ʾrḍ Lḥyn
  16  w-ʾrḍ Tdmrm w-ʾrḍ Nbṭm w-ʾ—
  17  rḍ Rmn w-ʾrḍ Lḫmm w-ʾrḍ Ġ—
  18  s¹n w-ʾrḍ Mʿdm w-ʾrḍ Ṭym w-ʾr—
  19  ḍ Ḫṣṣtn w-rṯdw b-Tʾlb Rym

5The restoration of the line is given on the basis of the inscriptions MAFY-Khaywān 2/1 and Ja 562/1-2.
6Wklm: name of the palace of the lords of Bataʿ in the city of Ḥāz.
8-9Restoration based on the inscription Ir 27/2.



      [... ...]
   1  they dedicated to their Patron [Tʾlb Rymm],
   2  Lord of Trʿt [... ...]
   3  may He grant them the goodwill and [the satisfaction of their lords]
   4  Yrm Yhrḥb and his sons (or, his brothers)
   5  ʾ ws¹lt and Brg, of the family [Btʿ, lords]
   6  of the house Wklm [... ...]
   7  their Patron Tʾlb [... ...]
   8  prosperous possessions and [good harvestes]
   9  in their terraced fiels and their [... ...]
  10  plantations and Ḥy[...],
  11  mqtwy of Yrm, ʾws¹lt and Brg praised the authority
  12  and the power of Tʾlb Rymm because He brought back him
  13  from the land of the North when their lords
  14  sent him (on mission) and he reached the land of ʾs¹dn, the land of
  15  Nzrm, the land of Tnḫ, the land of Lḥyn,
  16  the land of Tdmrm, the land of Nbṭm, the
  17  land of the Romans, the land of Lḫmm, the land of
  18  Ġs¹n, the land of Mʿdm, the land of Ṭym and the land of
  19  Ḫṣṣtn. And they committed (the dedication). By Tʾlb Rym
10According to the editors the word ʾʿrs²m could be an error of the engraver and it should be emended in ʾʿrs³m, because the meaning of this latter fits better with the context (M. Arbach and J. Schiettecatte 2015 a: 376).
Arbach and Schiettecatte 2015 a: 374-375Arbach, Mounir and Schiettecatte, Jérémies 2015. De la diplomatie et de l'aristocratie tribale du Royaume de Sabaʾ d'après une inscription du IIIe siècle de l'ère chrétienne. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres: 371-397.


Support typeArtefact » Base » Of statue with dedicatory inscription
Measuresh. 89, w. 33
Link to object record


Origin and provenance
Modern siteJabal Riyām
Ancient siteTrʿt
Geographical areaArḥab
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple of Tʾlb Rymm bʿl Trʿt
NotesThis inscription, together with a group of other 25 inscriptions, comes from an illegal excavation in the temple of Tʾlb.
Link to site record


Following the editors, this inscription proves a rarely attested practice: a diplomatic mission abroad. One of the authors of the inscription thanks the god because He brought him back safely from a journey in faraway lands: in the territory of the tribes of western Arabia (Asd, Nizār, Ghassān, Khaṣāṣat), of central Arabia (Maʿadd), of norther Arabia (Liḥyān, Nabaṭ, Ṭayyiʾ), of the Euphrates valley (Tanūkh) and of the Near-East (Lakhm, Tadmur/Palmira, Roman provinces of Arabia, Palestine and/or Syria-Phoenicia).


Arbach and Schiettecatte 2015 a: 371-379Arbach, Mounir and Schiettecatte, Jérémies 2015. De la diplomatie et de l'aristocratie tribale du Royaume de Sabaʾ d'après une inscription du IIIe siècle de l'ère chrétienne. Comptes Rendus de l'Académie des Inscriptions et Belles Lettres: 371-397.