Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Müller, Walter W. 1982 b: pl 53/b,c
Image free from copyright


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Minaic » Central Minaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Textual typologyConstruction text


Like other inscriptions on the walls of Baraqish, this one cannot be defined merely as a construction text: the verbs bny and s¹ḥdṯ are in coordination with the dedicatory verb s³lʾ.


   1  Zydʾl w-Zyd w-ʾws¹ bny ʾlḏrʾ ḏ-S²ʿṯm bny w-s³lʾ w-(s¹)ḥdṯ k-ʿṯtr ḏ-Qbḍm w-Wdm w-(Nk)[rḥm ]w-ʿṯtr ḏ-Y(h)[rq ... ... ](hg)rn Y(ṯl)( kl) mbny tẓwr [ ... ... ]mḥf(dn)[.... ]ṯnyt mḥfd(t) [... ...]—
   2  rʾn w-Rḍwn w-Rbqn w-Ẓbyn w-Lbʾn w-Rbqn w-(Ẓ)rbn w-ṣḥftn Ḫrs² w-ṣḥft bny ḏ-Ḫṣbr b-frʿ frʿ [..]-s¹m [..]ḏrʾ k-ʿ(ṯt)r ḏ-Qbḍ (w)-(yʾ)tmr w-s¹trḍw ʿ(ṯt)r ḏ-Qbḍ [.... ]rʿn mbny w-tẓwr ṣḥfty w-mḥfd(t) [... ...]—
   3  ʿn ṣrḥt m(ḫtnn ḏ)-(S¹)ʿntn w-kl ʾzlt w-ʿḏbhty ʾw(s¹ṭh)-s¹ ḏ-bny ḏ-S²ʿṯm w-Ygr w-ywm whb (Zy)[dʾl m]ṯʿy Wd(m) [w-]rḍw-s¹ fnwtm w-ywm ḏbḥ ʿṯtr ḏ-Qbḍ [... ...]h-s¹ w-ywm ḏbḥ (ʿṯtr)( ḏ)-(Qbḍ) [... ... Nk]—
   4  rḥm w-(b) ʿṯtr ḏ-(Yh)rq (w)-(b)-(kl) ʾlʾlt Mʿnm (w)-(Yṯl)( w)-rṯd ʾhl S²ʿṯm s³lʾ-s¹m w-ʾs¹ṭr-s¹m ʿṯtr [ḏ]-(Qb)[ḍ] (w)-Wdm w-Nkrḥm w-ʿ(ṯt)r ḏ-Yhrq w-[ ... ... ]ms³r-s¹ w-s¹nkr[... ...]
   5  Ys²r w-bn-s¹ Ḥfnm Rym mlky Mʿnm |

2probably [ʾl]ḏrʾ.



   1  Zydʾl, Zyd and ʾws¹, sons of ʾlḏrʾ of S²ʿṯm, constructed, dedicated and restored for ʿṯtr ḏ-Qbḍm, Wdm, Nkrḥm and ʿṯtr ḏ-Yhrq [... ...] the town of Yṯl, all the construction of the wall [... ...] the tower [... ...] the towers [... ...]
   2  Rḍwn, Rbqn, Ẓbyn, Lbʾn, Rqbn and Ẓrbn and the curtain Ḫrs² and the curtain that constructed ḏ-Ḫṣbr with the tribute they had to pay [... ...] for ʿṯtr ḏ-Qbḍ, and ʿṯtr ḏ-Qbḍ agreed and obtained satisfaction [... ...] the construction and the wall of the two curtains and the towers [... ...]
   3  the upper part (?) of the residence ḏ-S¹ʿntn and all the outside staircases (?) and the repairs of its inner parts (of the residence) that constructed ḏ-S²ʿṯm and Ygr; and when Zydʾl offered an offering to Wdm, and satisfied him openly, and when he sacrificed to ʿṯtr ḏ-Qbḍ [... ...] and when he sacrificed to ʿṯtr ḏ-Qbḍ [... ...]
   4  Nkrḥm, and by ʿṯtr ḏ-Yhrq and by all the gods of Maʿīn and Yṯl, and the people of S²ʿṯm committed their dedication and their inscriptions to ʿṯtr ḏ-Qbḍ, Wdm, Nkrḥm and ʿṯtr ḏ-Yhrq and [... ... against anyone who would] remove it and damage [... ...] ʾlyfʿ Ys²r and his son Ḥfnm Rym, the two kings of Maʿīn.


Support typeInscription on architectural structure » Walls
Link to object record


Origin and provenance
Modern siteBarāqish
Ancient siteYṯl
Geographical areaSouthern Jawf
FoundIn situ
Archaeological contextUrban context: City walls
Link to site record


Müller, Walter W. 1982 b: 134, pl. 53/b,cMüller, Walter W. 1982. Bemerkungen zu einigen von der Yemen-Expedition 1977 des Deutschen Archäologischen Instituts aufgenommenen Inschriften aus dem Raum Mārib und Barāqiš. Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen, 1: 129-134.