Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Editor: Jérémie Schiettecatte

Temple. Hypothetical Reconstruction.
Rathjens and Wissmann 1932: fig. 31
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Ancient nameDmhn
Geographical areaBanī al-Ḥārith
CoordinatesLatitude: 15° 33' 2"    Longitude: 44° 9' 25.3"    
Coordinates accuracycertain
Type of siteSettlement
TribeTribe: Ḥmln
Tribe: Mʾḏnm
Tribe: Qrʿmtn
Tribe: Yrs¹m
Lineage: Btʿ
Lineage: Rḍwm
Lineage: Rms¹m
Lineage: S¹ʿr
Lineage: S¹myʿm
Lineage: S¹qrn
Lineage: Tbʿ
Lineage: Ys²l
ḏt Bʿdnm
ḏt-Ḥmy ; ḏt-Ḥmym
S²ms ; S²msm
S²ms-hmw Wynn ; S²ms¹m ḏ-Wynn
Tʾlb Rymm
Tʾlb Rymm bʿl Qdmn ḏ-Dmhn
StructuresDwelling (indeterminate)
Dwelling (concentrated)
Light hydraulic structure (ex. canal, well)
Wells, cisterns
Terrace cultivation
Small temple
Rock inscriptions
ChronologyAccording to inscriptions, the site has been inhabited in the second half of the 1st millennium BC (e.g. DJE 17). The excavated temple (see below) should be dated around the 1st century BC and the 1st century AD.
Archaeological missions1928: Mission of the Hamburg University (C. Rathjens and H. von Wissmann)


[By A. Agostini] It is a court temple with a portico on three sides. It measures 28 x 22 m. The columns which were supporting the portico have an octagonal section, their capitals are cuboid and with dentils’ decoration. The area covered by the portico was at a higher level in respect to the central open court. On the two lateral aisles of the portico two rectangular rooms opened, all along the building length. The entrance was on the eastern side. On the side opposite to the entrance, that free from the portico, a cella was 5 m broad. Access to the cella was through a set of steps leading to a covered platform. A big rectangular cistern has been cut under the level of the court and it span from the centre of the court through the external area at N. Two pits are opening into this cistern, one inside the courtyard and one outside the northern lateral wall of the temple.


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The site has not abundant traces of a defensive circuit, even if some walls in the NW of the site could be interpreted as ramparts. In the eastern edge, however, two towers have been identified.


near al-Jāhīlīya (ḏ-Qʿltm)
near al-Jāhīlīya (ḏ-Qʿltm)




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