Corpus of Central Qatabanic Inscriptions

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394 bibliographic references 13 bibliographic references which author starts with l
Lambert, Mayer 
Lambert 19231923. Les inscriptions yéménites du Musée de Bombay. Revue d’Assyriologie et d’Archéologie Orientale, 20: 72–78.
Legrain, Léon 
Legrain 1934 a1934. In the Land of the Queen of Sheba. American Journal of Archaeology, 38: 329-337.
Legrain 1934 b1934. Au pays de la reine de Saba. Gazette des Beaux-Arts, 6/11: 65-85.
Lombardi, Alessandra 
Lombardi 20082008. Note di storia dell'arte sudarabica III. Le stele funerarie a protome taurina. Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 31: 165-191.
Loreto, Romolo 
Loreto 2005-20062005-2006. A hypothetical reconstruction of the small palace (Baytān Khamrān) in the "Market Square" in Tamnaʿ. Arabia. Revue de Sabéologie, 3: 161-170.
Loreto 20082008. Architectural decorations from the private buildings in the Market Square at Tamnaʿ. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 19/1: 22-47.
Loreto 20112011. L’architettura domestica e i Palazzi Reali di epoca sud arabica nello Yemen pre-islamico (VII sec. a.C. – VI sec. d.C.). With foreword by Alessandro de Maigret. (Collana di Ateneo Dissertationes, 7). Naples: Università degli studi di Napoli “L’Orientale”.
Loreto 2011 a2011. South Arabian inscriptions from domestic buildings from Tamnaʿ and the archaeological evidence. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 22/1: 59-96.
Lundin (=Loundine), Avraam G. 
Lundin 19731973. Novye južnoarabiskie nadpisi iz Vadi Ḫirr. Pis' mennye pamjatniki i problemy istorii i kul'tury narodov vostoka, 9: 81-89.
Lundin 19791979. L'inscription qatabanite du Louvre AO 21.124. Raydān, 2: 107-119.
Lundin 19811981. Spisok ž retsov ʿAmma. Palestinskiy Sbornik, 27: 23-39.
Lundin 19871987. Katabanskiy dekret o zemlepol'zovanii RES 3854. Vestnik Drevnej Istorii, 3: 43-62.
Lundin 19881988. Novaja Katabanskaja posvjatitel'aja nadpis' Doe 2. Epigrafika Vostoka, 24: 1-9.