Corpus of Central Qatabanic Inscriptions

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394 bibliographic references 3 bibliographic references which author starts with e
Edens, Christopher 
Edens 19991999. The Bronze Age of Highland Yemen: Chronological and Spatial Variability of Pottery and Settlement. Paléorient, 25/2: 105-128.
Edens, Christopher and Wilkinson, Tony J. 
Edens and Wilkinson 19981998. Southwest Arabia during the Holocene: recent archaeological developments. Journal of World Prehistory, 12/1: 55-119.
Egels, Y 
Egels 20162016. Mission impossible au royaume de Sabaʾ. Récit d'un géographe à Shabwa en 1974-1975. Pages 131-136 in Guillame Charloux and Jérémie Schiettecatte (eds). Yémen. Terre d’archéologie. Paris: Geuthner.