Corpus of Undefined Ancient South Arabian Language inscriptions (work in progress)

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435 bibliographic references 6 bibliographic references which author starts with n
Nebes, Norbert 
Nebes 19921992. New Inscriptions from the Barʾān Temple (al-ʿAmāʾid) in the Oasis of Mārib. Pages 160-164 in Amir Harrak (ed.). West Asia and North Africa. Selected papers from the 33rd International Congress of Asian and North African Studies, Toronto, August 15-25, 1990. Contacts between Cultures. Selected papers from the 33rd International Congress of Asian and North African Studies, Toronto, August 15-25, 1990. 1. Lewiston: E. Mellen Press. / Lampeter: E. Mellen Press.
Nebes 2004 b2004. A new ʾAbraha inscription from the Great Dam of Mārib. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 34: 221-230.
Nebes 2005Zur Chronologie der Inschriften aus dem Barʾān Tempel. Archäologische Berichte aus dem Yemen, 10: 111-125.
Nebes 2010 a2010. The martyrs of Najrān and the end of the Ḥimyar. On the political history of South Arabia in the early sixth century. Pages 27-59 in Nicolai Sinai and Michael Marx. The Qurʾān in Context. Historical and Literary Investigations into the Qurʾānic Milieu. Historische Sondierungen und methodische Reflexionen zur Korangenese. Wege zur Rekonstruktion des vorkanonischen Koran. January 2004, Berlin. Ed. by Angelika Neuwirth. (Texts and studies on the Qurʾān, 6). Leiden: Brill.
Nehmé, Laïla (ed.) 
Nehmé 20182018. The Darb al-Bakrah: A Caravan Route in North-West Arabia discovered by Ali I. al-Ghabban. Catalogue of the Inscriptions. Riyadh: Saudi Commission for Tourism and National Heritage. 2024/05/22; https://hal.science/hal-02096586.
Nielsen, Ditlef (ed.) 
Nielsen 19271927. Die altarabische Kultur. Ditlef Nielsen, Handbuch der altarabischen Altertumskunde. 1. Copenhagen: A. Busck.