Corpus of Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)

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1371 bibliographic references 190 bibliographic references which author starts with b
Beaucamp, Joëlle, Briquel-Chatonnet, Françoise and Robin, Christian J. 
Beaucamp, Briquel-Chatonnet and Robin 1999-20001999-2000. La persécution des chrétiens de Nagrān et la chronologie Ḥimyarite. Aram. Society for Syro-Mesopotamian Studies, 11-12: 15-83.
Beaucamp, Joëlle, Briquel-Chatonnet, Françoise and Robin, Christian J. (eds) 
Beaucamp, Briquel-Chatonnet and Robin 20102010. Juifs et chrétiens en Arabie aux Ve et VIe siècles. Regards croisés sur les sources. Joëlle Beaucamp, Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet and Christian J. Robin (eds), Le massacre de Najrân. Religion et politique en Arabie du Sud au VIe siècle. 32. (Travaux et mémoires du Centre de recherche d’histoire et civilisation de Byzance. Monographies). Paris: Association des amis du Centre d'histoire et civilisation de Byzance.
Becker, Helmut 
Becker 19971997. Testing the feasibility of magnetic prospection at Hajra Yahir (Hajar Abu Zayd), Wādī Markha. Mare Erythraeum, 1: 153-161.
Becker 19991999. Test zur magnetischen Prospektion in Hajar Yahirr (Hajar Abu Zayd), Wādī Markha. Pages 262-267 in Werner Daum, Walter W. Müller, Norbert Nebes and Walter Raunig (eds). Im Land der Königin von Saba. Kunstschätze aus dem antiken Jemen. 7. Juli 1999-9. Januar 2000. Staatlichen Museum für Völkerkunde München. Germering: I.P. Verlagsgesellschaft / Munich: I.P. Verlagsgesellschaft.
Beeston, Alfred F.L. 
Beeston 1937 a1937. Sabaean inscriptions. Oxford.
Beeston 1937 b1937. Two South Arabian inscriptions. Some suggestions. Journal of the Royal Asiatic Society: 59-68.
Beeston 19381938. The Philby Collection of old South-Arabian Inscriptions. Le Muséon, 51: 311-333.
Beeston 19391939. Appendix on the Rock Inscriptions. Pages 441-456 in Harry St John B. Philby. Sheba's Daughters. Being a record of travel in Southern Arabia. London: Methuen and Co.
Beeston 19471947. Two Shabwa Inscriptions. Le Muséon, 60: 51-55.
Beeston 19481948. The Ritual Hunt. A Study in Old South Arabian Religious Practice. Le Muséon, 61: 183-196.
Beeston 19491949. The oracle sanctuary of Jār al-Labbā. Le Muséon, 62: 207-228.
Beeston 1951 a1951. Notes on Old South Arabian lexicography III. Le Muséon, 64: 127-132.
Beeston 1953 b1953. Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography V. Le Muséon, 66: 109-122.
Beeston 19541954. Notes of Old South Arabian Lexicography VI. Le Muséon, 67: 311-312.
Beeston 19561956. Epigraphic South Arabian calendars and dating. London: Luzac.
Beeston 1962 a1962. Epigraphic and Archaeological Gleanings from South Arabia. Oriens Antiquus, 1: 41-52.
Beeston 1972 a1972. Notes on old South Arabian lexicography VII. Le Muséon, 85: 535-544.
Beeston 1972 b1972. Sabaean Marginalia. Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli, 32/3: 394-400.
Beeston 19731973. Notes on Old South Arabian lexicography VIII. Le Muséon, 86: 443-453.
Beeston 19741974. Sabaean Marginalia II. Annali dell'Istituto Orientale di Napoli, 34/3: 421-428.
Beeston 1975 a1975. Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography IX. Le Muséon, 88: 187-198.
Beeston 1976 a1976. Notes on Old South Arabian lexicography X. Le Muséon, 89: 407-423.
Beeston 1978 a1978. A Minaean market code. Bulletin of the School of Oriental and African Studies, 41: 142-145.
Beeston 1978 b1978. Notes on Old South Arabian Lexicography XI. Le Muséon, 91: 195-209.
Beeston 1978 c1978. Temporary marriage in pre-islamic South Arabia. Arabian Studies, 4: 21-25.
Beeston 1979 b1979. Studies in Sabaic Lexicography I. Raydān, 2: 89-100.
Beeston 1980 a1980. Studies in Sabaic Lexicography II. Raydān, 3: 17-26.
Beeston 1980 b1980. The South Arabian Collection of the Wellcome Museum in London. Raydān, 3: 11-16.
Beeston 1980 c1980. Textual and interpretational problems of CIH 522 (BM 102457). Raydān, 3: 27-29.
Beeston 1981 a1981. Miscellaneous Epigraphic Notes. Raydān, 4: 9-28.