Corpus of Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Textual typologyDedicatory text


Iryānī transcribed the text in a paragraph arrangement that did not respect the original disposition of the lines.


   1  S²rḥʿṯt [... ...] bn Ṣwbn hqny mrʾ-hw ʾlmqh bʿl ʾwm ṣlmn ḏ-ḏhbn ḥmdm b-ḏt mtʿ ʿbd-hw S²rḥʿṯt bn mrḍm mrḍ b-hgrn Mrb w-l-yzʾn ʾlmqh s²rḥ w-mtʿn ʿbd-hw S²rḥʿṯt bn bʾs¹tm w-nkytm w-l-s¹ʿd-hmw ḥẓy w-rḍw mrʾy-hmw Ys¹rm Yhnʿm w-bny-hw Ḏrʾʾmr ʾymn mlky S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn w-Ḥḍrmwt w-Ymnt
   2  w-l-ḫmr ʿbd-hw S²rḥʿṯt ʾwldm bn ḥs²kt-hw ʾbḥmd bt bny Ḥywm w-l-s¹ʿd-hmw bry ʾʾḏnm w-mqymtm b-ḍrm w-s¹lmm w-l-hʿnn-hw bn nḍʿ w-s²ṣy s²nʾm w-l-s¹ʿd-hmw frʿ ʾmyrt dṯʾ w-ḫrf ʿdy kl ʾrḍ-hmw w-ʾywn-hmw w-nʾd qyẓ w-ṣrb w-ʿln w-l-s²rḥ yd-hw w-ls¹n-hw b-ʾlmqh bʿl ʾwm

1In Iryānī's South Arabian transcription: mrʾ-hmw ʾlmqh and mrʾ-hmw Ys¹rm.
2In Iryānī's South Arabian transcription: ʾḏnm.
In Iryānī's Arabic transcription: w-l-hʿn-hw.



   1  S²rḥʿṯt [... ...], of the family Ṣwbn, dedicated to his Lord ʾlmqh, Lord of ʾwm, the statue in bronze in praise because He saved His servant S²rḥʿṯt from the illness of which he suffered in the town of Mrb; may ʾlmqh continue to protect and save His servant S²rḥʿṯt from any evil and mischief, and may He grant them the goodwill and the satisfaction of his lord Ys¹rm Yhnʿm and his son Ḏrʾʾmr ʾymn, kings of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān and Ḥaḍramawt and Ymnt;
   2  may He grant His servant children from his wife ʾbḥmd, daughter of the family Ḥywm, and may He grant to them soundness of faculties and material resources in war and peace; may He deliver them from the malice and the maleficence of any enemy, and may He grant to them cereal crops of spring and autumn in all their land and their vineyards and abundance of summer crops and harvest season and rain season, and may He protect his hand and his tongue. By ʾlmqh, Lord of ʾwm.
2For the season ʿln, see Ryckmans 1975 a: 206-207 and note 10.


DepositṢanʿāʾ, al-Kuhālī collection (Private collection)
Support typeArtefact » Base » Of statue with dedicatory inscription
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Modern siteMaḥram Bilqīs
Ancient siteʾwm
Geographical areaMaʾrib
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple of ʾlmqh bʿl ʾwm
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Sharafaddīn 1967: 81-82Sharafaddīn, Aḥmad H. 1967. Taʾrīḫ al-Yaman al-ṯaqāfī. Cairo.
al-Iryānī 1973: 153-154al-Iryānī, Muṭahhar 1973. Fī taʾriḫ al-Yaman. Cairo.
Ryckmans, Jacques 1975 a: 203-208Ryckmans, Jacques 1975. Ḥimyaritica 5. Le Muséon, 88: 199-219.
al-Iryānī 1990: 187-189al-Iryānī, Muṭahhar 1990. Fī-taʾrīḫ al-Yaman. Nuquš musnadiya wa-taʿliqāt. Ṣanʿāʾ: Markaz al-dirāsāt wa-l-buḥūṯ al-Yamanī.