Corpus of Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)

Müller, Walter W. 1981: 356 (photo)
Image free from copyright


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Textual typologyDedicatory text


   1  S¹ʿdtʾlb Ytlf bn Gdnm kbr ʾʿ—
   2  rb mlk S¹bʾ w-Kdt w-Mḏḥgm w-Ḥr—
   3  mm w-Bhlm w-Zydʾl w-kl ʾʿrb S¹b—
   4  ʾ w-Ḥmyrm w-Ḥḍrmwt w-Ymnt hqny m—
   5  rʾ-hw ʾlmqh-bʿl-ʾwm ṣlmn ḏ-ḏhbn ḥ—
   6  mdm b-ḏt k-ʾs¹y ʿbd-hw S¹ʿdtʾlb ḏ-Gdn—
   7  m w-tmhrt-hw ʿrbn qrnm b-Ns²qm bn Ḥ—
   8  ḍrmwt w-mẓʾt ʿbr-hmw ʿẓtm w-ṭbyt—
   9  m ʿm-n mrʾ-hmw Ḏmrʿly Yhbr mlk S¹bʾ
  10  w-ḏ-Rydn w-Ḥḍrmwt w-Ymnt k-l-ys¹bʾnn
  11  w-ḍbʾ S¹ʿdtʾlb ḏ-Gdnm w-l-yqtdmn s²ʿb—
  12  n S¹bʾ ʾbʿl Mrb w-ʾʿrb mlk S¹bʾ w-Kd—
  13  t w-Ngrn w-S¹fln((s¹fln)) w-nfṣw ʿdy mḥrmn ḏ-
  14  Ġrw w-qyww kl ʾgys²-hmw s¹bʿt ymtm
  15  w-ʾl nfṣw ġyr k-bn S¹bʾ ṯlṯ mʾtm ʾ—
  16  s¹dm w-bn ʿrbn ṯlṯ mʾtm ʾs¹dm w-ʿs²—
  17  ry ʾs¹dm ʾtlwtm rkbt ʾfrs¹m ḏ-ʾs¹yw
  18  s³n-hmw qrnm b-hgrn Ns²qm w-tgʿr b-ʿm-h—
  19  mw ḫms¹y ʾfrs¹m w-ys¹bʾw w-s¹tġrn hg—
  20  rn Ṣwʾrn w-ytqdmw b-ʿm-hmw ʾbʿl Ṣw—
  21  ʾrn b-ḫlf hgrn Ṣwʾrn w-ys¹bṭw ḏ-Gdnm
  22  w-gs²-hw bn-hmw mhrgtm w-ʾḫyḏtm w-s¹—
  23  bym w-ġnmm ḏ-ʿs¹m w-bʿd-n-hw f-s¹bʿw
  24  l-hmw w-mṭww ʿm-hmw ʾs¹d Ṣwʾrn b-ʿly
  25  ʾbʿl S²bm w-Ṣdfn w-tqdmw w-htrgn b-ʿm
  26  Ṣdfn w-ʾbʿl S²bm b-ḫlf S²bm w-yhrgw b—
  27  n-hmw s¹bʿy ʾs¹dm w-ʿdww b-s¹ḥtm hgr-hm—
  28  w w-ṣnʿ-hw w-tnḥbw ʿm-hmw ṯlṯt ʿs²r ym—
  29  tm ʿdy w-s¹bʿw w-bʿd-n-hw f-s¹tġrw w-ẓwrn
  30  Rṭġtm w-S¹yʾn w-Mrymtm w-Ḥdb w-hs¹bʿ-hmw
  31  w-hġrw ʿdy ʿrʾhln w-Trm w-tqdmw b-ʿm
  32  ʾbʿl Trm w-mlʾ hrgw bn ʾbʿl Trm w-
  33  ʿdww hgr-hmw s¹ḥtm w-ḥwy-hmw w-ẓwr—
  34  n ṯny-ʿs²r ymtm w-gbḏw ʾlfn ʾʿmdm w-
  35  gbʾw w-ṣrḫw w-tʿrbn w-s¹bʿ l-hmw w-b—
  36  n-hw hġrw ʿdy Dmn w-Ms²ṭt w-ʿr Klybm
  37  w-s¹bʿ l-hmw w-ngs²w kl hgr Ḥḍrmwt w-S¹—
  38  rrn w-bn-hw f-yʾtyw w-qfl b-ʾḥllm w-ʾḫ—
  39  yḏtm w-s¹bym w-ġnmm ḏ-ʿs¹m w-hrgw ṯlṯ m—
  40  ʾtm w-ʾlfm bḍʿm w-s¹bʿ mʾtm ʾḫḏtm w-ṯl—
  41  ṯt ʾʾlfm s¹bym w-ʾtww w-qfl ʿdy hgrn Ẓ—
  42  fr ʿbr mrʾ-hmw mlkn w-ʾwlw ʿm-hmw ʾnm—
  43  rm ḏ-hmlkw Ḥḍrmwt w-Rbʿt bn Wʾlm w-ʾ—
  44  fṣy bn Gmn w-Gs²m bn Mlkm w-ʾs¹dm bn S¹—
  45  lmn w-ʿdyt bn Nmrm w-Qys¹m bn Bs²rʾl w-
  46  Bhṯm bn S³kym w-Ṯwbn bn Gḏmt ʾṣdfn w-
  47  Ydʿ[...] S¹ybnyn w-Qḍʿm S¹ybnyn w-ʾrbʿ
  48  [....]ʾt [...]qtr[... ...]l-ʾty b-ʿm-hmw bn
  49  [... ...]

9ʿẓn instead of ʿm-n (Iryānī).
13According to Beeston 1976 b: 54, s¹fln is a noun meaning "the lowlanders".
14ḏ-Yġrw according to Wissmann.



   1  S¹ʿdtʾlb Ytlf, of the family Gdnm, kbr of the Arabs
   2  of the king of Sabaʾ and Kdt and Mḏḥgm and Ḥrmm
   3  and Bhlm and Zydʾl and all the Arabs of Sabaʾ,
   4  Ḥimyar, Ḥaḍramawt and Ymnt, dedicated to his Lord
   5  ʾlmqh, Lord of ʾwm, the statue in bronze in praise
   6  because, when His servant S¹ʿdtʾlb of Gdnm
   7  and his contingent of Arabs were sent as a garrison in Ns²qm against
   8  the Ḥaḍramawt, orders and commands were sent to them
   9  by their lord Ḏmrʿly Yhbr, king of Sabaʾ
  10  and ḏu-Raydān and the Ḥaḍramawt and Ymnt that they go on an expedition
  11  and wage war; let S¹ʿdtʾlb of Gdnm lead the tribe of
  12  Sabaʾ, the inhabitants of Mrb and the Arabs of Sabaʾ, Kdt,
  13  Ngrn and S¹fln, and they marched to the temple of
  14  Yġrw and their whole contingent waited for seven days.
  15  And they did not march until (they were) three hundred Sabaean soldiers
  16  and three hundred Arab soldiers and twenty
  17  horsemen, that they sent them
  18  as garrison in the town of Ns²qm and fifty horsemen
  19  joined them; and they went on expedition and plundered the town
  20  of Ṣwʾrn, and the inhabitants of Ṣwʾrn confronted them
  21  in the vicinity of the town of Ṣwʾrn, but the one of Gdnm and
  22  his contingent inflicted on them casualties, prisoners of war and civil prisoners
  23  and booty in great number, and after that they surrendered
  24  to them; and the soldiers of Ṣwʾrn made an expedition with them against
  25  the inhabitants of S²bm and Ṣdfn and confronted and fought with
  26  Ṣdfn and the inhabitants of S²bm in the vicinity of S²bm and killed
  27  among them seventy soldiers and (the rest) was routed towards their town
  28  and fortified there and they carried on the struggle with them for thirteen days
  29  until they surrendered; and after that, they made a raid and besieged
  30  Rṭġtm, S¹yʾn, Mrymtm and Ḥdb and made them surrender,
  31  and they made a raid up to ʿrʾhln and Trm and confronted with
  32  the inhabitants of Trm and they killed a great number of the inhabitants of Trm and
  33  they routed to their town, and they encircled them and besieged
  34  for twelve days, and devastated two thousand vineyards; and
  35  they offered their submission and asked for protection and gave pledges and surrendered to them and
  36  from there they made a raid to Dmn and Ms²ṭt and ʿr Klybm
  37  and surrendered to them, and so they took control of all the towns of the Ḥaḍramawt and of the
  38  Valley and from there then they went back home with spoils and
  39  war prisoners and civil prisoners and booty in great quantity; and they killed
  40  a thousand and three hundred (soldiers) in combat and made seven hundred war prisoners and
  41  three thousand civil prisoners; and they went back home to the town of Ẓfr
  42  to their lord the king, and brought with them ʾnmrm
  43  whom they had made the king of the Ḥaḍramawt and Rbʿt, son of Wʾlm and
  44  ʾfṣy, son of Gmn and Gs²m, son of Mlkm and ʾs¹dm, son of
  45  S¹lmn and ʿdyt, son of Nmrm and Qys¹m, son of Bs²rʾl and
  46  Bhṯm, son of S³kym and Ṯwbn, son of Gḏmt, those of Ṣdf and
  47  Ydʿ[...], the one of S¹ybn, and Qḍʿm, the one of S¹ybn, and four
  48  [... ...] and with them [… …]
  49  [... ...]
11ys¹bʾnn is in the plural while yqtdmn is in the singular. A scribal error should probably be envisaged (the omission of a conjunction w- before the name of the author of the text).
24mṭww ʿm-hmw: “zogen mit ihnen” (Nebes 2005: 354)
Beeston 1976 b: 53-55Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1976. Warfare in ancient South Arabian (2nd.-3rd. centuries A.D.). Qahtan. Studies in Old Arabian Epigraphy. 3. London: Luzac and Co.
Nebes 2005: 353-355Nebes, Norbert 2005. Sabäische Texte. Pages 331-367 in Francis Breyer and Michael Lichtenstein (eds). Staatsverträge, Herrscherinschriften und andere Dokumente zur politischen Geschichte. Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. Neue Folge. 2. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.


DepositṢanʿāʾ, al-Kuhālī collection (Private collection)
Support typeArtefact » Base » Of statue with dedicatory inscription
Link to object record


Origin and provenance
Modern siteMaḥram Bilqīs
Ancient siteʾwm
Geographical areaMaʾrib
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple of ʾlmqh Ṯhwn bʿl ʾwm
Link to site record


The author of the inscription is the same of Ja 665. Both texts describe the war for the conquest of the Ḥaḍramawt by Ḥimyar. However, in Ja 665 the kings cited are
Ys¹rm Yhnʿm and his son Ḏrʾʾmr ʾymn, while in Ir 32 their successor Ḏmrʿly Yhbr.


Wissmann 1964 b: 491, n. 168Wissmann, Hermann von 1964. Ḥimyar, ancient history. Le Muséon, 77: 429-497.
Ryckmans, Jacques 1975 a: 209-215Ryckmans, Jacques 1975. Ḥimyaritica 5. Le Muséon, 88: 199-219.
Beeston 1976 b: 54-55Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1976. Warfare in ancient South Arabian (2nd.-3rd. centuries A.D.). Qahtan. Studies in Old Arabian Epigraphy. 3. London: Luzac and Co.
ʿInān 1976: 383-387ʿInān, Zaid b. ʿA 1976. Taʾriḫ ḥaḍāra al-Yaman al-qadīm. Cairo.
Müller, Walter W. 1981: 225-256 (photo)Müller, Walter W. 1981. Das Ende des antiken Königreichs Ḥaḍramaut. Die sabäische Inschrift Schreyer-Geukens = Iryānī 32. Pages 225-256 in Roswitha G. Stiegner (ed.). al-Hudhud. Festschrift Maria Höfner zum 80. Geburtstag. Graz: Karl-Franzens-Universität.
al-Iryānī 1990: 196-205al-Iryānī, Muṭahhar 1990. Fī-taʾrīḫ al-Yaman. Nuquš musnadiya wa-taʿliqāt. Ṣanʿāʾ: Markaz al-dirāsāt wa-l-buḥūṯ al-Yamanī.