Corpus of Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)

By kind permission of GOAM


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters2
Textual typologyDedicatory text


   1  ʾs¹dm ʾṣḥḥ w-ʾḫy-hw Rbʾ—
   2  wm bnw ḏ-ʿs²rm hqnyw ʾlmq—
   3  h- bʿl-ʾwm ṣlmnhn ḏ-ḏhbn ḥmd—
   4  m b-ḏt ḫmr-hmw ʾlmqh s¹twfyn b-k—
   5  l tbqlt bqlw b-ʾrḍ-hmw ʾrḍ b—
   6  ny ʾs²rm ʾʿmdm w-ʾʿlbm w-ʾbwnm
   7  w-l-wzʾ ʾlmqh-bʿl-ʾwm ḫmr-hmw ʾṯm—
   8  r w-ʾfql ṣdqm ḏ-yhrḍyn-hmw l-ḏ—
   9  t ḫmr ʾlmqh-bʿl-ʾwm ʿbd-hw
  10  ʾs¹dm bn ʾs²rm s¹twfyn b-kl s¹b—
  11  ʾt s¹bʾ w-s²wʿn mrʾy-hmw w-l-ḫmr-
  12  hmw ʾlmqh-bʿl-ʾwm ḥẓy w-rḍw mr—
  13  ʾy-hmw ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb w-ʾḫy-hw Yʾ—
  14  zl Byn mlky S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn bny F—
  15  rʿm Ynhb mlk S¹bʾ w-l-ḫmr-hmw ʾl—
  16  mqh ḏt nʿmt w-tnʿmn l-grybt-hm—
  17  w w-byt-hmw w-l-hʿnn-hmw w-ḫryn-hmw
  18  ʾlmqh bn nḍʿ w-ṭwʿ w-s²ṣy s²nʾm ḏ-q—
  19  rb w-rḥq b-ʾlmqh-bʿl-ʾwm



   1  ʾs¹dm ʾṣḥḥ and his brother Rbʾwm
   2  descendants of ḏ-ʿs²rm dedicated to ʾlmqh
   3  Master of ʾwm the two statues in bronze, in praise
   4  because ʾlmqh granted them the profit from
   5  all the plantations they planted in their lands, the lands of the descen-
   6  dants of ʿs²rm with ʿmd-plants, ʿilb-trees and bān-trees;
   7  and may ʾlmqh, Master of ʾwm, continue to grant them perfect
   8  fruit crops and harvests, which may satisfy them, because
   9  ʾlmqh, Master of ʾwm granted His servant
  10  ʾs¹dm descendant of ʿs²rm prosperity in all the military expeditions
  11  they undertook and in which they followed their two lords, and may ʾlmqh,
  12  Master of ʾwm, grant them the goodwill and the satisfaction of their
  13  two lords ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb and his brother Yʾzl
  14  Byn kings of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān, sons of
  15  Frʿm Ynhb king of Sabaʾ, and may ʾlmqh grant them
  16  past and future prosperity for their persons
  17  and their houses, and may ʾlmqh help them and deliver them
  18  from the harm, the subjection and the malice of any enemy, the one far and
  19  the one near, by ʾlmqh, Master of ʾwm.


DepositAden, The National Museum, NAM 2659
Support typeArtefact » Base » Of statue with dedicatory inscription
Measuresh. 38, w. 22, th. 12
Link to object record


Modern siteMaḥram Bilqīs
Ancient siteʾwm
Geographical areaMaʾrib
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple of ʾlmqh bʿl ʾwm
Link to site record


CIAS: ii, 83-85 (photo)Beeston, Alfred F.L., Pirenne, Jacqueline and Robin, Christian J. 1977-1986. Corpus des inscriptions et antiquités sud-arabes:
Vol. I (1977): Tome 1. Inscriptions. Tome 2. Antiquités;
Vol. II (1986): Le Musée d’Aden. Tome 1. Inscriptions. Tome 2. Antiquités
. Louvain: Peeters. [Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres]