Corpus of Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)

Bāsalāmah 1990: 151, fig. 52
Image free from copyright


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters3.5
Textual typologyLegal text - fragmentary


   1  [... ...] Kbdm ʾdm-hw bny S¹ḫymm w-ʾr(s²)w w-ʾs¹d yḫ(lnn w)rq w-ʾtwt[ ... ...]
   2  [... ... ]w-ʾl s¹twḥbn bn hmt ʾrs²wn w-Ḫwln bn kl wrq w-ʾtt w-k[... ...]
   3  [... ...] ṭybm w-ṣrfm w-frznm w-ḏhbm (ḏ)-(ms²s³nm) w-rbḥn l-ykwnn ʾtm[... ...]
   4  [... ...]n rbḥ b-ʿly-hw b-wrḫ ʾẓlmn w-hmy (ʾl) hr(b)ḥ b-hwt wrḫ[n ... ...]
   5  [... ...]ḥd ḫrfm bʿd hwt wrḫn w-hmy ʾl (f)dy f-ʾw hrbḥn l-mlʾ ḫr(f)t[... ...]
   6  [... ...](bn wrq yʿhdnn )[... ...]hmy w[... ...]

The reading cannot be entirely confirmed on the basis of the published photo.
1yʾlnn (Bauer and Lundin).
1,2The reading ʾtwt at the end of line 1 and the reading ʾtt at the line 2 are not sure on the photo.
2at the end of the line: w-ʾtwt w (Bauer and Lundin).
3at the beginning: ymm w-ṣrfm, at the end ʾtw (Bauer and Lundin).
Bāsalāma: ms²s¹nm.
4w-wḫ instead of b-wrḫ (Bauer and Lundin);
w-Hmyʾl instead of w-hmy ʾl (Bāsalāma, the same at l. 5).
5at the beginning of the line: ḥw instead of ḥd (Bauer and Lundin);
fdʾ instead of fdy (Bāsalāma).



   1  [... ...] Kbdm his servants, the family S¹ḫymm, and the priests and those who have authority (?) on crops and offerings (?) [... ...]
   2  [... ...] and may not be claimed from those priests and Ḫawlān (anything) from all the crops and offerings (?) [... ...]
   3  [... ...] gold, silver, iron and bronze that ... and the profit, may it be [... ...]
   4  [... ...] profit on this, in the month of ʾẓlmn, and if it is not paid interest (or: made profit) in that month ...[... ...]
   5  [... ...] for a year after this month, and if it is not paid or not paid interest for the whole year [... ...]
   6  [... ...] the crops they will establish [... ...]
1The translation "offering" for ʾtwt is suggested by Bauer and Lundin (see CIH 461, 4-5). As we have already noted the reading is not sure.


Support typeStone inscription
Measuresh. 22, w. 75. Bauer and Lundin: h. 27, w. 97, th. 21
Link to object record


Origin and provenance
Modern siteShibām al-Ghirās / Shibām Sukhaym
Ancient siteS²bmm
Geographical areaBanī Ḥushaysh
FoundReemployed. In modern times
NotesKbdm, mentioned in the text, is the sanctuary of Tʾlb Rymm in Shibām al-Ghirās.
Link to site record


Bāsalāmah 1990: 149, 152-153, 151 (fig. 52)Bāsalāmah, Mohammed ʿAbdallah 1990. Šibām al-Ġirās. Sanaʿāʾ: Muʾassasa al-ʿAfīf al-Ṯaqāfiyya.
Bauer and Lundin 1998: 19Bauer, Gleb M. and Lundin (=Loundine), Avraam G. 1998. Pamjatniki Drevnej Istorii i Kultury. Južnaja Aravija. Part 2: Epigraficheskie pamjiatniki drevnego Jemena. 2. St.-Petersburg: Zentr "Peterburgskoe vostokovedenie". [Akademia nauk, Institut Vostokovedenija, Sankt-Peterburgskiy filial]