Corpus of Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)

Jamme 1962 a: pl. 13
Image free from copyright


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters2.5
Textual typologyDedicatory text


      [... ...]
   1  [. Yḥmd Yz](ʾ)n w-ʾḥmd Yzd bn Grt
   2  w-(ʾ)nbr mhrgtm w-ġnmm ḏ-yhrḍwn-
   3  hmw b-ʾhn-mw ys²wʿnn mrʾ-hmw Ns²ʾk—
   4  rb Yʾmn Yhrḥb mlk S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn w-
   5  b-ʾhn-mw yqhn-hmw mrʾ-hmw Ns²ʾkrb
   6  Yhʾmn Yhrḥb mlk S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn
   7  l-s¹bʾ w-l-ḫmr ʾlmqh-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm
   8  ʾdm-hw ʾbkrb ʾṣḥḥ w-bny-hw Yḥ—
   9  md Yzʾn w-ʾḥmd Yzd bny Grt w-ʾ—
  10  nbr ḥẓy w-rḍw mrʾ-hmw Ns²ʾkrb Yh—
  11  ʾmn Yhrḥb mlk S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn w-l-ḫm—
  12  r-hmw ʾlmqh-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm frʿ ʾm—
  13  yrt dṯʾ w-ḫrf w-s¹<ʿ>s¹ʿm w-mlym ḏ-yhrḍ—
  14  yn-hmw ʿdy kl ʾrḍt-hmw w-mfnt-hmw
  15  w-ʾs¹rr-hmw w-mqyẓ-hmw w-ʿbrt-hmw
  16  w-ms²ymt-hmw w-l-s¹ʿd-hmw ʾlmqh-Ṯ—
  17  hwn-bʿl-ʾwm nʿmtm w-mngt ṣdqm
  18  w-bry ʾʾḏnm w-mqymtm w-l-ḫryn-hm—
  19  w ʾlmqh-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm <bn >bʾs¹tm w-nk—
  20  ytm w-myqẓm w-ʾʾrḫ s¹wʾm w-nḍʿ w-s²—
  21  ṣy w-tṯʿt s²nʾm ḏ-rḥq w-qrb ḏ-bn-h—
  22  w dʿw w-ḏ-bn-hw ʾl-dʿw b-ʾlmqh-Ṯhwn
  23  bʿl-ʾwm

1Jamme integrates five lines (a,b,c,1,2) before the first one readable on the stone (our line 1 corresponds to line 3 in Jamme's edition).



      [... ...]
   1  Yḥmd Yzʾn and ʾḥmd Yzd, of the families Grt
   2  and ʾnbr, killings and booty that will satisfy
   3  them whenever they will perform service with their lord Ns²ʾkrb
   4  Yʾmn Yhrḥb, king of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān, and
   5  whenever their lord Ns²ʾkrb
   6  Yhʾmn Yhrḥb, king of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān, will order them
   7  to go on an expedition; may ʾlmqh Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm,
   8  grant His servants ʾbkrb ʾṣḥḥ and his sons Yḥmd
   9  Yzʾn and ʾḥmd Yzd, of the families Grt and
  10  ʾnbr, the goodwill and the satisfaction of their lord Ns²ʾkrb
  11  Yhʾmn Yhrḥb, king of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān, and may
  12  ʾlmqh Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm, grant them first-fruits of
  13  cereals of spring and fall and summer and winter that will satisfy
  14  them in all their lands and their fields irrigated by canals
  15  and their valleys and their summer crops and their wādī-side cultivations
  16  and their fields; may ʾlmqh
  17  Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm, grant them prosperity and good luck
  18  and soundness of faculties and material resources, and may
  19  ʾlmqh Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm, deliver them from any evil and mischief
  20  affliction and bad affairs and the malice and the
  21  maleficence and the slander of any enemy, the one far and near, of which
  22  they are aware of and of which they are not aware of. By ʾlmqh Ṯhwn,
  23  Lord of ʾwm.


Support typeArtefact » Base » Of statue with dedicatory inscription
Measuresh. 75.8, w. 23, th. 24 ca.
Link to object record


Origin and provenance
Modern siteMaḥram Bilqīs
Ancient siteʾwm
Geographical areaMaʾrib
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple of ʾlmqh Ṯhwn bʿl ʾwm
Link to site record


Jamme 1962 a: 122-123, pl. 13Jamme, Albert W.F. 1962. Sabaean Inscriptions from Maḥram Bilqîs (Mârib). (Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man, 3). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.