Corpus of Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)

Bron 2013 b: 189, fig. 3


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Textual typologyDedicatory text


   1  Mrṯdm ʾrym w-ʾḫy-hw ʾs¹dm Yġ—
   2  nm bnw ḏ-ʾʿyn mqtwy ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍ—
   3  b w-ʾḫy-hw Yʾzl Byn mlky S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Ry—
   4  dn bny Frʿm Ynhb mlk S¹bʾ hqnyy ʾl—
   5  mqh-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm ṣlmn ḏ-ḏhbn ḥmdm
   6  b-ḏt-ʾwly mrʾy-hmw b-wfym w-ḥmdm bn
   7  kl s¹bʾt w-ḍbyʾ w-tqdmt s¹bʾy w-tqd—
   8  mn mrʾy-hmw b-ʿm ʾs²ʿb w-mṣyrt Ḥmyrm
   9  w-b-ḏt ṯbry w-tḍʿn ḍr-hmy w-ḥmdm b-ḏ[t]
  10  ḫmr ʾlmqh ʿbdy-hw Mrṯdm ʾrym w-ʾ—
  11  s¹dm Yġnm bny ḏ-ʾʿyn b-tʾwln b-wfy—
  12  m w-mhrgtm w-ġnmm ḏ-hrḍw-hmy bn k—
  13  l s¹bʾt w-tqdmt b-hmw s²wʿy mrʾy-hm—
  14  w w-l-wzʾ ʾlmqh s¹ʿd-hmw nʿmtm w-wf—
  15  ym w-mngt ṣdqm w-ḥẓy w-rḍw mrʾy-
  16  hmw ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb w-ʾḫy-hw Yʾzl Byn
  17  mlky S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn w-nʿmt w-rḍwt [bn]—
  18  y Hmdn w-s²ʿb-hmw Ḥs²dm w-ʾṯmr w-ʾ—
  19  fql ṣdqm hnʾm w-l-ḫryn-hmw ʾlm—
  20  qh bn bʾs¹tm w-nkytm w-nḍʿ w-s²—
  21  ṣy s²nʾm b-ʾlmqh-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm

6ʾwly is perhaps to correct in tʾwly. There is not word separ
7Bron transcribes ḍbyʾ.
17Bron reads rḍw.



   1  Mrṯdm ʾrym and his brother ʾs¹dm Yġ-
   2  nm of the family ʾʿyn, mqtwy of ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍ-
   3  b and his brother Yʾzl Byn, the two kings of Sabaʾ and ḏu Ray-
   4  dan, sons of Frʿm Ynhb, king of Sabaʾ, dedicated to ʾl-
   5  mqh Ṯhwn the Lord of ʾwm, the statue of bronze in praise
   6  because their two lords returned in safety and in glory from
   7  all the campaigns and the battles and the attacks, which their two lords carried out and
   8  did with the tribes and the armies of Ḥimyar;
   9   and because they put to route and inflicted harm to their enemies; in praise because
  10  ʾlmqh granted to His two servants Mrṯdm ʾrym and ʾ-
  11  s¹dm Yġnm, of the family ʾʿyn, to return in safety,
  12  with spoils and booty, that satisfied them, from all
  13  the campaigns and the attacks, in which they did service to their two lords.
  14  Might ʾlmqh continue to bestow to them prosperity, safety,
  15  good luck, goodwill and satisfaction of their two lords
  16  ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb and his brother Yʾzl Byn,
  17  the two kings of Sabaʾ and ḏu Raydan and the prosperity and the satisfaction of the
  18  family Hmdn and of their tribe Ḥs²dm, and also good and healthy
  19  crops and harvesting. Might ʾlmqh save them
  20  from evil, mischief, harm, malice
  21  of enemy. By ʾlmqh Ṯhwn, the Lord of ʾwm.


Support typeArtefact » Base » Of statue with dedicatory inscription
Link to object record


Modern siteMaʾrib
Ancient siteMryb / Mrb
Geographical areaMaʾrib
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple of ʾlmqh bʿl ʾwm
Link to site record


Bron 2013 b: 189-190, fig. 3Bron, François 2013. Nouvelles inscriptions sudarabiques. 2. Semitica et Classica, 6: 187-194.