Corpus of Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)

Calvet and Robin 1997: 156, cat. 78


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Textual typologyDedicatory text


   1  Hʿn ʾs²w(ʿ)( w)-(b)ny-hw Krbʿṯ(t) [|]
   2  [w]-Ḥywm w-Lḥyʿṯt bnw Ydm hqnyw
   3  s²ym-hmw Tʾlb Rymm bʿl Trʿt ḏn
   4  ṣlmn ḥg-n wqh Tʾlb ʾdm-hw bny
   5  Ydm b-ms¹ʾl-hw l-wfy-hmw w-wfy
   6  ʾwld ḫmr-hmw Tʾlb Rymm ʿdy by—
   7  t bny Ydm w-wfy ʾdm-hmw w-hmw f-ḥ—
   8  (m)dw ḫl w-mqm Tʾlb Rymm b-ḏt
   9  [h]wfy-hmw b-kl ʾmlʾ s¹tmlʾw b-
  10  ʿm-hw w-b-ḏt hwfy-hmw bn kl ms¹—
  11  bʾ s¹bʾw l-s²wʿn mrʾ-hmw ʿlhn N(h)—
  12  fn bn Btʿ w-Hmdn w-l s¹ʿd-hmw T—
  13  ʾlb frʿ dṯʾ w-ḫrf ʿdy ʾrḍ-h—
  14  mw w-ms²ymt-hmw w-l s¹ʿd-hmw Tʾlb
  15  ʾfql w-ʾṯmr ṣdqm ʿdy ʾrḍ-hmw w-[m]—
  16  (s²)ymt-hmw w-*l*-s¹ʿd-hmw ḥẓy ʾmrʾ-hmw b—
  17  ny Hmdn w-s²ʿb-hmw Ḥs²dm w-wḍʿ w-ṯb—
  18  r w-ḍrʿn kl ḍr-hmw [w-s²nʾ-h]m(w) w-ḏ-ys²ṣy—
  19  n b-hmw b-Tʾ[lb Rymm]

10-11ms¹bʾ as a plural (Stein 2003 a: 78, fn. 272).
16In the text there is b-s¹ʿd



   1  Hʿn ʾs²wʿ and his sons Krbʿṯt,
   2  Ḥywm and Lḥyʿṯt, descendants of Ydm dedicated
   3  to their Patron Tʾlb Rymm, Master of Trʿt, this
   4  statue, as Tʾlb had ordered His servants, the banū
   5  Ydm in His oracle, for their safety and the safety
   6  of the children Tʾlb Rymm granted them in the
   7  house of banū Ydm, and the safety of their servants; and as for them, they
   8  praised the power and the authority of Tʾlb Rymm, because
   9  He gratified them with all the help they sought from Him
  10  and because He saved them in all the military
  11  expeditions they carried out when following their lord ʿlhn Nh-
  12  fn descendant of Btʿ and Hamdān; and may Tʾlb grant
  13  them the crops of the spring and autumn season in their
  14  land and their fields, and may Tʾlb grant them
  15  good harvests and crops in their land and their
  16  fields, and may He grant them the goodwill of their lords, banū
  17  Hamdān and their tribe Ḥs²dm, and may (He) humiliate, destroy
  18  and defeat all their enemies and rivals, and anyone who will bear malice
  19  towards them, by Tʾlb Rymm.
"Il les a gratifiés de tous les oracles qu'ils ont demandés de Lui" (Robin).


DepositParis, Louvre Museum, AO 1172
Support typeArtefact » Base » Of statue with dedicatory inscription
Measuresh. 46, w. 27, th. 13.5
Link to object record


Modern siteJabal Riyām
Ancient siteTrʿt
Geographical areaArḥab
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple Tʾlb bʿl Trʿt
Link to site record


Calvet and Robin 1980: fig. 7Calvet, Yves and Robin, Christian J. (eds) 1980. Au royaume de Saba. Archéologie du Yémen. [Catalogue d'exposition] Musee d'art et d'essai, Paris, à partir du 24 avril 1980. (Cahiers Musée d'art et d'essai, 4). Paris: Ed. de la Réunion des Musées Nationaux.
Calvet and Robin 1997: 154-157 cat. 78Calvet, Yves and Robin, Christian J. 1997. Arabie heureuse. Arabie déserte. Les antiquités arabiques du Musée du Louvre. Avec la collaboration de Françoise Briquel-Chatonnet and Marielle Pic. Paris: Editions de la Réunion des musées nationaux.
Stein 2003 aStein, Peter 2003. Untersuchungen zur Phonologie und Morphologie des Sabäischen. (Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel, 3). Rahden: Marie Leidorf GmbH / Westf.: Marie Leidorf GmbH.