Corpus of Early Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)

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691 bibliographic references 2 bibliographic references which author starts with y
Yule, Paul 
Yule 2009 b2009. Late Ḥimyarite Eagle Reliefs. Pages 447–455 in Werner Arnold, Michael Jursa, Walter W. Müller and Stephan Procházka (eds). Philologisches und Historisches zwischen Anatolien und Sokotra. Analecta Semitica In memoriam Alexander Sima. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Yule, Paul (ed.) 
Yule 2013Late antique Arabia, Ẓafār capital of Ḥimyar. Rehabilitation of a 'decadent' society. Excavations of the Ruprecht-Karls-Universität Heidelberg 1998-2010 in the highland of the Yemen. (Abhandlungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft, 29). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.