Corpus of Early Sabaic Inscriptions (work in progress)

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691 bibliographic references 9 bibliographic references which author starts with z
al-Zahranī al-Subali, Awadh A. 
al-Zahranī al-Subali et al. 20022002. Preliminary report on the excavations of al-Ukhdoud, Najran. Third Season 1421 A.H./2000 AD. Atlal, 17: 13-16 [English]; 13-28 [Arabic].
al-Zahranī al-Subali et al. 20062006. Brief report on al-Ukhdoud excavations. 5th Season 1424 A.H./2004 AD. Atlal, 19: 11-13 [English]; 11-33 [Arabic].
al-Zahranī al-Subali, Awadh A., al-Mishari, Saʾad and al-Nafisa, Abdulaziz 
al-Zahranī al-Subali et al. 20012001. Preliminary report on the excavations of al-Ukhdoud, Najran. Second Season 1417 A.H.. Atlal, 16: 13-21 [English]; 13-35 [Arabic].
al-Zahranī al-Subali, Awadh A., al-Mishari, Saʾad and al-Yahya, Abdulaziz 
al-Zahranī al-Subali et al. 20052005. Al-Ukhdoud excavation (Najran). 4th Season 1422 A.H./2003 A.C.. Atlal, 18: 11-17 [English]; 11-33 [Arabic].
Zaid, Zaydoon 
Zaid 20142014. Awām Temple Annex: History of Construction. Pages 382–393 in Mohammed Maraqten. A pioneer of Arabia. Studies in the Archaeology and Epigraphy of the Levant and the Arabian Peninsula in Honor of Moawiyah Ibrahim. Ed. by Zeidan Kafafi. (Rome «La Sapienza» Studies on the Archaeology of Palestine & Transjordan, 10). Rome: La Sapienza.
Zaid, Zaydoon and Maraqten, Mohammed 
Zaid and Maraqten 20082008. The Peristyle Hall: remarks on the history of construction based on recent archaeological and epigraphic evidence of the AFSM expedition to the Awām temple in Mārib, Yemen. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 38: 327-340.
Zarins, Juris, Ibrahim, Moawiyah, Potts, Daniel T. and Edens, Christopher 
Zarins et al. 19781978. Saudi Arabian Archaeological Reconnaissance 1978. The Preliminary Report on the Third Phase of the Comprehensive Archaeological Survey Program - The Central Province. Atlal. Journal of Saudi Arabian Archaeology, 3: 9-42.
Zarins, Juris, Kabawi, Abdulrahman and Murad, Abd Al-Jawad 
Zarins, Kabawi and Murad 19831983. Preliminary report on the Najran/Ukhdud survey and excavations 1982/1402 AH. Atlal, 7: 22-40.
Zarins, Juris, Murad, Abd Al-Jawad and al-Yaish, K. 
Zarins, Murad and al-Yaish 19811981. The Second Preliminary Report on the Southwestern Province. Atlal. Journal of Saudi Arabian Archaeology, 5: 9-42.