Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia



Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia

The Online Corpus of the Inscriptions of Ancient North Arabia (OCIANA) is a project of the Khalili Research Centre of the University of Oxford, directed by J. Johns and M.C.A. Macdonald. It aims to present an easily updatable, online edition of all known Ancient North Arabian inscriptions: Taymanitic, Dadanitic, Hasaitic, Safaitic, Hismaic and Thamudic.

The collaboration of the OCIANA and the DASI projects has led to availability of a numbr of Dadanitic inscriptions in the DASI archive.
This is the project home page. You can begin the consultation of the whole corpus by using the indexes and tools menu on the left or you can consult only one of its sub-corpora, when present, by choosing from the list below.