Editor: Jérémie Schiettecatte
Ancient name | ʿbr |
Country | Yemen |
Geographical area | Wādī Ḍura' |
Governorate | Shabwa |
Kingdom | Qataban |
Coordinates | Latitude: 14° 23' 13.11" Longitude: 46° 19' 46.3" |
Coordinates accuracy | certain |
Type of site | Settlement |
Tribe | Tribe: ḏ-Ḍrʾ |
Deities | ʾlhw Rḍḥm ʾnby ʿm ʿṯtr ʿṯtr Rḍḥm Blw ḏ-Rymn ḏt-Ḥmym ḏt-Ḥmym ʿṯtr Rḍḥm ḏt-Rḥbn ḏt-Ṣntm ḏt-Ẓhrn Ḥwkm Wb ḏ-Rḍḥm |
Structures | Dwelling (indeterminate) Dwelling (concentrated) Light hydraulic structure (ex. canal, well) Large hydraulic structure (ex. dam) Wells, cisterns Rampart Small temple Rock inscriptions |
Language | Qatabanic |
in CSAI Objects in CSAI |
Breton and Bāfaqīh 1993: 12-13 | Breton, Jean-François and Bāfaqīh, Muḥammad ʿA. 1993. Trésors du Wādī Duraʾ (République du Yémen). Fouilles franco-yémenites de la nécropole de Hajar am-Dhaybiyya. Paris: Librairie orientaliste Paul Geuthner. |
Jamme 1987 | Jamme, Albert W.F. 1987. Miscellanées d'ancient arabe XV. Washington. 2019/07/23; https://cuislandora.wrlc.org/islandora/object/cuislandora%3A203057#page/1/mode/1up. [Privately printed] |
Pirenne 1981: 204-240 | Pirenne, Jacqueline 1981. Deux prospections historiques au sud-Yémen. Raydān, 4: 205-248. |