Robin 2012: 355-356 | Robin, Christian J. 2012. ʿṯtr au féminin en Arabie méridionale. Pages 333-366 in Alexander V. Sedov (ed.). New research in archaeology and epigraphy of South Arabia and its neighbors. Proceedings of the "Rencontres Sabéennes 15" held in Moscow, May 25th –27th, 2011. Moscow: The State Museum of Oriental Art. [Annexe 1: Un réexamen de CIAS (sic!) I, 206 (Ch. Robin); Annexe 2: Trois inscriptions inédites des Missions Qatabān et Haut-Yāfiʿ (Ch. Robin, M. Arbach, A. Bāṭāyaʿ, I. Gajda, Kh. al-Ḥajj, M. Sālim, J. Schiettecatte)]