digital archive for the study of pre-islamic arabian inscriptions

Editor: Jérémie Schiettecatte


Ancient nameMdrm
Geographical areaArḥab
CoordinatesLatitude: 15° 46' 10.6"    Longitude: 44° 13' 54"    
Coordinates accuracycertain
Type of siteSettlement
TribeTribe: ʾs¹dm
Tribe: ḏ-Mdrm
Tribe: ḏ-hgrn Mdrm
Tribe: Qs¹dm
Lineage: Ḏrmt (or ḏ-Rmt)
Lineage: Ġḍbm w-Ḏrmt (or ḏ-Rmt)
Lineage: Fṯkn
Lineage: Hmdn
Lineage: S¹mdm
Lineage: Tʾlqm
ʿṯtr ʿdy ʿrn Mdrm
ʿṯtr ḏ-ʿr Mdrm
ʿṯtr ḏ-rʾs¹ Mdrm
Tʾlb Rymm bʿl Mrbḍn ḏ-Mdrm
Tʾlb Rymm bʿl Trʿt
Tʾlb Rymm bʿl Trʿt w-Mrbḍn
StructuresDwelling (indeterminate)
Dwelling (concentrated)
Light hydraulic structure (ex. canal, well)
Wells, cisterns
Terrace cultivation
Small temple
Rock inscriptions


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For the identification of the site of the ancient Mdrm with the site of Ṣirwāḥ-Arḥab, see Robin and Ryckmans 1978.


Epigraphs in CSAI
Objects in CSAI


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