Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Beeston 1952: pl. III/A
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LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Southern Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters3.8 (l. 1); 3 (l. 8)
Textual typologyConstruction text


   1  [Ḥ]ẓyn ʾṣḥḥ ʾys¹ nbt bn byt bny Ns¹rm w-ḥs²kt-
   2  hw S²mrm w-ʾlwd-hmy ʾs¹dm w-Dlwn w-Ḥbs² w-Ṯwrm b—
   3  nw ʿqrtm hw[k]yw w-ṯwbn byt-hmw ḏ-Dhr Ḍrn w-ys³f-hw
   4  s¹qfm w-yqṭ w-gyrn w-hqs²bn krfm w-mrm w-hqs²b ḥrm w-f—
   5  dy yyn-hmw ʿm-n bny [ʿ]rm ʾbs²[r]n w-bql w[y]n-hmw ḏ-
   6  S²bzn w-fdy ʿm-n bny Khnl s¹ṭrm ḏ-mlʾ-hw s¹bʿy
   7  w-mʾt ḍʾnm w-s²ʾm ʾdmm ʾs¹dm w-bntm b-rdʾ ʾ—
   8  lʾlt-hmw w-b-tḥrg ʾmrʾ-hmw bny S¹mhs¹mʿ

1[K]ẓyn (Beeston); [L]ẓyn (Jamme).
3hw[ḏ]yw (Beeston 1952, corrected in hw[k]yw in Beeston et al. 1982: 160);
ys³f (instead of ws³f) as well as yyn (instead of wyn, l. 5), both show the transition of w into y, which is a trend of southern Sabaic.



   1  Ḥẓyn ʾṣḥḥ, independent head of the family from the clan Ns¹rm, with his wife
   2  S²mrm and their children, ʾs¹dm, Dlwn, Ḥbs² and Ṯwrm, of
   3  the family ʿqrtm, constructed and repaired their house ḏ-Dhr Ḍrn and added to it
   4  a roof; and they dug, plastered and constructed a cistern and (its) irrigation system (?), and constructed (its) irrigation canals (?); and they
   5  acquired their vineyard from the family ʿrm of (the tribe) Yhbs²r, and planted their vineyard
   6  ḏ-S²bzn, and acquired from the family Khnl a tract of land of which his (grazing) full capacity is of one
   7  hundred and seventy sheep; and they purchased male and female servants. By the help of
   8  their gods and by the authority of their lords, the banū S¹mhs¹mʿ.
1ʾys¹ nbt: " indipendent head of a family" (Beeston). According to Beeston, the term "nbt" could be considered the opposite of "wld", the former denoting a form of clan affiliation distinguished from the "wld" who were the direct descendants of the clan-head; on the contrary, "nbt" describes a person who has himself become the paterfamilias of a collateral branch of the clan.
Jamme considers "nbt" as a present participle and translates it with "originating".
4mrm: "(its) retaining wall" (Beeston); on the different meanings attributed to this noun, see Prioletta.
6ḏ-mlʾ-hw: "sufficient for" (Beeston).
6-7On this phrase, see also Beeston 1980 a.
Beeston 1952: 281-282Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1952. Four Sabaean texts in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum. Le Muséon, 65: 271-283.
Jamme 1976: 92Jamme, Albert W.F. 1976. Carnegie Museum 1974-75 Yemen Expedition. (Special Publication, 2). Pittsburgh: Carnegie Museum of Natural History.
Beeston 1980 a: 23Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1980. Studies in Sabaic Lexicography II. Raydān, 3: 17-26.
Prioletta 2013 a: 83Prioletta, Alessia 2013. Inscriptions from the southern highlands of Yemen. The epigraphic collections of the museums of Baynūn and Dhamār. (Arabia Antica, 8). Roma: L'«Erma» di Bretschneider.


DepositIstanbul, Ancient Orient Museum, 7630
Support typeStone inscription
Measuresh. 30, w. 57.5, th. 7.6
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Origin and provenance. Conjectural
Modern siteBaynūn
Ancient siteBynn
Geographical areaKhawlân
Archaeological contextUrban context: Private house Dhr Ḍrn
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Beeston 1952: 277-282, pl. III/aBeeston, Alfred F.L. 1952. Four Sabaean texts in the Istanbul Archaeological Museum. Le Muséon, 65: 271-283.
Jamme 1976: 92-93Jamme, Albert W.F. 1976. Carnegie Museum 1974-75 Yemen Expedition. (Special Publication, 2). Pittsburgh: Carnegie Museum of Natural History.