Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Christian J. Robin
Frantsouzoff 2009 a: 156, fig. 1


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters4.2 (l.1)
PeriodD. Conjectural
Textual typologyLegal text


   1  (ḏk)r (ʾ)l(hb) Zʿmn w-kl ʾḫy-[h]—
   2  mw w-bn(y)-(h)mw (ʾd)[m] bny S¹ḫm(m)
   3  k-rʾ k-s¹twklw (Tʾ)lb bʿl
   4  (Qdmn) ḥ(g)-(n) wqh-hm(w) ʾ(lh) (Ḫs¹)ʾm
   5  [w-... ...] w-(Tʾlb)( b)-(ms¹ʾl)-
   6  [hw l-yḏb](ḥnn)-hw ḏ(b)ḥm w-l yṯb(n)
   7  (b)-(s³ḫn)[n] (b)-wrḫ (Ṣ)rb drm drm b-ḫ—
   8  rfm l-ʿbr-(h)w l-(ḏ)t yh(ʿ)nn-hmw bn
   9  (kl) ḏ-nkrw b-ʾrḍ-hmw w-byt-hmw
  10  (Rbn) (b)[n] m(qṣm) (w)-qmltm w-Tʾ—
  11  (l)[b] f-(s²f)t ʾdm-hw k-yʿnn-hm(w)
  12  (b)n (k)l nkym bn tkwn ḏn [w]—
  13  tfn l-ʾḫr w-kwn ḏn (w)tf(n)
  14  (b)-wrḫ Dṯʾ ḫrf (Rb) bn Y(fs²)
  15  bn Yhs³ḥm

5"In all probability one more deity was mentioned in this lacuna. The name of ʿṯtr S²rqn, for instance, corresponds well to its size" (Frantsouzoff 2009: 158).
7The editor reads: (b-s³ḫnn).
11yʿnn-hm(w): "This verbal form in the imperfect has the same meaning as yh(ʿ)nn-hmw in l. 8. The omission of the h can be explained either by the assimilation of this consonant or simply as a mistake" (Frantsouzoff 2009: 158).



   1  Declaration (on behalf) of ʾlhb Zʿmn and all their brothers
   2  and their sons, clients of the family S¹ḫmm:
   3  indeed they sought favour from Tʾlb, Lord
   4  of Qdmn, as the god of Ḫs¹ʾm [and...] and T'lb commanded them
   5  in His oracular response
   6  to sacrifice Him a victim and to repeat
   7  in [...] in the month of Ṣrb regularly, once
   8  a year, on His behalf; may He protect them from
   9  everyone who did damage to their land and their house
  10  Rbn, from (any) loss and insect pests. And Tʾ-
  11  lb, He promised to His devotees to protect them
  12  from any mischievous person, from the establishment of this do-
  13  cument onwards. And this document was (written)
  14  in the month of Dṯʿ in the year of Rb, son of Yfs²,
  15  of the family Yhs³ḥm.
7-8The editor translates: "and may He reward them with big (beasts)". At the beginning of l. 8 he reads: s³ḫnn and he notes: "this word, attested here for the first time in Epigraphic South Arabian languages, can be compared with ṯaḫīn (pl. ṯiḫān) 'thick, big, coarse, or gross" in classical Arabic (Lane 1863-1893: 333)" (Frantsouzoff 2009: 158).
Frantsouzoff 2009 a: 157-158Frantsouzoff, Serguei A. 2009. The status of sacred pastures according to Sabaic inscriptions. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 39: 155-162.


Support typeStone inscription
Measuresh. 112, w. 39
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Provenance. Conjectural
Modern siteQuṭra
Ancient siteMṭrtm
Geographical areaNihm
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Frantsouzoff 2009 a: 155-161, fig. 1Frantsouzoff, Serguei A. 2009. The status of sacred pastures according to Sabaic inscriptions. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 39: 155-162.
Frantsouzoff 2016: 138-141, pl. 54 a-cFrantsouzoff, Serguei A. 2016. Nihm. Fasc. A: Les documents. Fasc. B: Les planches. With contribution by Christian J. Robin. Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques. 8. Paris: De Boccard. [Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres; Collège de France, Laboratoire des Études Sémitiques anciennes; Académie des sciences de Russie Institut des manuscrits orientaux]