Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Avanzini 2002 a: 132, fig. 8


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Ḥaḍramitic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters4
Textual typologyConstruction text


   1  (Whblt)( ḏ)-[Yd](ʿʾl) [..]ṣ[... ...]—
   2  ʾt ḏ-Ḏmrʿly w-Ġw(yt)( ḏ)-(Ṣr)[...]—
   3  m bn Mtʿʾl w-Kfy bn Mṣwnm ʾs¹(d) t—
   4  bʿ w-s²yʿ (ʾb)yṯʿ bn Ḏmrʿly qdm g—
   5  ys² (Ḥḍ)rmt mt (b)ny w-hgr S¹mhrm b-
   6  ʾrḍ S¹ʾklhn w-ḥwr (ʿ)m-s¹ s²lṯt ʾ—
   7  [hy](y)m (b)n-mw k-tbʿ ʾd s¹tfḥ S²b(w)[t]

1... ... ʾlb .. ṣ[... ... (Pirenne); ... ... (Müller); Whblt ḏ-Ydʿʾl w-Ḥṣ[ (Jamme, Avanzini 2002).
2w-Ġw.. ḏ-Ṣrm... (Pirenne); w-Ġw(y)t ḏ-Ṣr... ... (Müller); w-Ġwṯ(lt) ḏ-Ṣrb w-Qyl (Jamme, Avanzini 2002).
3ʾs¹g (Pirenne, Müller), ʾs¹d (d engraved over a previous g: Jamme, Avanzini 2002).
6ʿms¹ as a proper name (Pirenne, followed by Müller); Beeston first proposed to read ʿm-s¹.
6-7ʾhṯym (Pirenne, Beeston, Avanzini 2008 a), ʾḥṯym (Müller, Avanzini 2002, Frantsouzoff), ʾḥyym (Jamme). The correct reading ʾhhym (a plural from hy "Eponymate year") has been done by Multhoff (p.c. to the CSAI project, also cited in Stein).
7k-tbʿ instead of ktbʿ (traditional interpretation) has been suggested by Multhoff (p.c. to the CSAI project, accepted in Stein 2011) and seems us the most correct analysis.
s²b[ʿ](tm) instead of S²bwt (Frantsouzoff).



   1  Whblt of Ydʿʾl [..]ṣ[... ...]ʾt
   2  of Ḏmrʿly, and Ġwyṯ of Ṣr[...]m
   3  son of Mtʿʾl and Kfy son of Mṣwnm are the soldiers who
   4  departed and gave service to ʾbyṯʿ son of Ḏmrʿly, chief of the
   5  troops of Ḥaḍramawt, when he built and established as city S¹mhrm in the
   6  land of S¹ʾklhn, and they stayed with him for three
   7  years, from the moment when they departed until they returned to Shabwa.

   1  ... ... ʾIlb .. Ṣ ... ...
   2  .. of Ḏamarʿalay, and Ġaw..t of Ṣarum, and ....
   3  m, son of Mataʿʾil, and Kafi son of Maṣawanum, weavers,
   4  followed and accompanied ʾAbyaṯaʿ son of Ḏamarʿalay, who is commander of
   5  the army of Ḥaḍramaut, when he constructed and populated Samāramm in
   6  the country of Sākalhan and caused to come Umaīs, a third of
   7  ʾHTYM, comprising (the part) selected for emigration from Shabwa.
3-7Beeston 1976 c: "followed and aided ... (the oikistēs), when he built and obtained civic status for ... Samhar in the land of Sachalitis; and along with him there emigrated three hṯy-groups, from ktbʿ up to s¹tfḥ of Shabwa".
Pirenne 1975: 89Pirenne, Jacqueline 1975. The Incense Port of Moscha (Khor Rori) in Dhofar. The Journal of Oman Studies, 1: 81-96.
Beeston 1976 c: 41-42Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1976. The Settlement at Khor Rori. The Journal of Oman Studies, 2: 39-41.

   1  ... ...
   2  .. von (der Sippe) Ḏamarʿalīy und Ġaw(īy)at von (der Sippe) ṢR ... ...
   3  .., Sohn des Mataʿʾil, und Kāfiy, Sohn des Muṣawwanum, Weber, folg-
   4  ten und begleiteten Abyaṯaʿ, den Sohn des Ḏamarʿalīy, den Anführer des Hee-
   5  res von Ḥaḍramūt, als er baute und zur Stadt machte Samahārum im
   6  Land von Saʾkalahān und ansiedelte ein ʿms von drei [ḥṯ]y
   7  von dem, was bestimmt worden war zum Verlassen von Šab[wat].
Müller, Walter W. 1977 a: 56Müller, Walter W. 1977. Die Inschriften Khor Rori 1 bis 4. Pages 53-56 in Hermann von Wissmann. Das Weihrauchland Saʾkalān, Samārum und Mos-cha. Mit Beiträgen von Walter W. Müller. (Sitzungsberichte der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 324). Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.

   1  Wahablat, he of (the family) Yadaʿʾil, and Ḥaṣ[
   2  ʾt, he of (the family) Ḏamarʿalay, and Ġawṯlat, he of (the family) Ṣarib, and Qayl-
   3  um, son of Mataʿʾil, and Kafî, son of Maṣûnum, [are] those [who] fol-
   4  lowed - ...
   5  ... - and he took along with him as settlers the third of the li[v-]
   6  ing from the submissive class to the lowest class of Šabwat.
Jamme 1979: 84-85, 89Jamme, Albert W.F. 1979. Miscellanées d'ancient arabe IX. Washington. 2019/07/23; https://cuislandora.wrlc.org/islandora/object/cuislandora%3A205328#page/1/mode/1up. [Privately printed]

   1  Whblt of Ydʿʾl and Ḥṣ[...]ʾt
   2  of Ḏmrʿly and Ġwṯlt of Ṣrb and Qylm
   3  son of Mtʿʾl and Kfy son of Mṣwnm were the men who
   4  accompanied and gave service to Abīyathaʿ son of Dhamarʿalī chief
   5  of the troops of Ḥaḍramawt when they made of Sumhuram a city
   6  in the Saʾakalān land and carried with him as colonists three groups of ḥṯy
   7  from when they divided until they returned to Shabwa.
6-7Avanzini 2008 a (following her new reading: ʾhṯym): "And along with him emigrated three groups of ʾhṯym since they divided until they were called back to Shabwa".
"There is a second possible translation of this difficult passage which can be taken from the context but with no etymological basis for ʾhṯym: "he inhabited the city with him for three 'periods', from when he left to when he came back to Shabwa"".
6-7Frantsouzoff (reading the key-word as ʾḥṯym):"and (he) brought with him as colonists a lot of people, since they separated until they expanded in abundance".
P. 143: "It is attractive to assume that the Hadramitic expression s²lṯt ʾḥṯym is a strict equivalent of the Arabic ṯalāṯu ḥaṯayātin (attested in some ḥadīth of Muḥammad, Ed.), which means "a lot of people"".
Avanzini 2002: 133Avanzini, Alessandra 2002. The construction inscriptions on the gate complex. Pages 125-140 in Alessandra Avanzini (ed.). Khor Rori Report 1. (Arabia Antica, 1). Pisa: Edizioni Plus-Università di Pisa.
Avanzini 2008 a: 636-637Avanzini, Alessandra 2008. Notes for a history of Sumhuram and a new inscription of Yashhurʾil. Pages 609-641 in Alessandra Avanzini (ed.). A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC-5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2. (Arabia Antica, 5). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider.
Frantsouzoff 2009: 145Frantsouzoff, Serguei A. 2009. The final passages in two Hadramitic inscriptions from Dhofar (Khor Rori 3 and 4), what do they really mean?. Semitica et Classica, 2: 141-145.


DepositUnknown, M 505
Support typeInscription on architectural structure » Gate
Measuresh. 42, w. 60, th. 90
Link to object record


Origin and provenance
Modern siteKhawr Rūrī
Ancient siteS¹mhrm / S¹mrm
Geographical areaSouthern Ẓufār
Archaeological contextUrban context: City gate
Link to site record


Pirenne 1975: 86, 89, pl. 3/aPirenne, Jacqueline 1975. The Incense Port of Moscha (Khor Rori) in Dhofar. The Journal of Oman Studies, 1: 81-96.
Beeston 1976 c: 41-42Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1976. The Settlement at Khor Rori. The Journal of Oman Studies, 2: 39-41.
Müller, Walter W. 1977 a: 56Müller, Walter W. 1977. Die Inschriften Khor Rori 1 bis 4. Pages 53-56 in Hermann von Wissmann. Das Weihrauchland Saʾkalān, Samārum und Mos-cha. Mit Beiträgen von Walter W. Müller. (Sitzungsberichte der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 324). Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Jamme 1979: 79, 83-85, 89Jamme, Albert W.F. 1979. Miscellanées d'ancient arabe IX. Washington. 2019/07/23; https://cuislandora.wrlc.org/islandora/object/cuislandora%3A205328#page/1/mode/1up. [Privately printed]
Albright 1982: 43, 87, pl. 35, fig. 65Albright, Frank P. 1982. The American Archaeological Expedition in Dhofar, Oman, 1952-1953. (Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man, 6). Washington: American Foundation for the Study of Man / Philadelphia, Pa.: Distributed by G. Allen, Bookseller.
Avanzini 2002: 132-133, fig. 8Avanzini, Alessandra 2002. The construction inscriptions on the gate complex. Pages 125-140 in Alessandra Avanzini (ed.). Khor Rori Report 1. (Arabia Antica, 1). Pisa: Edizioni Plus-Università di Pisa.
Avanzini 2008 a: 636Avanzini, Alessandra 2008. Notes for a history of Sumhuram and a new inscription of Yashhurʾil. Pages 609-641 in Alessandra Avanzini (ed.). A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC-5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2. (Arabia Antica, 5). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider.
Stein 2011: 178-179Stein, Peter 2011. Review of Avanzini, Alessandra (ed.) 2008. A port in Arabia between Rome and the Indian Ocean (3rd C. BC-5th C. AD). Khor Rori Report 2. (Arabia Antica, 5). Rome: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider. Zeitschrift der Deutschen Morgenländischen Gesellschaft, 161: 177-181.