Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

By kind permission of GOAM


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters1.5
Date(half of 3rd cent. AD)
Textual typologyDedicatory text - fragmentary


The reading is based on Pirenne's photo; the stone is now much more damaged and eroded. The union of this fragment with RES 3902bis n. 149 (=NAM 2651) suggested by Jamme has been rightly rejected in Pirenne 1966: 90.


   1  (T)bʿ(k)[rb ... ... ṣlm]—
   2  n ḏ-ḏh(bn) ḏ-b-hw ḥmd(y)[ ... ... w-hw]—
   3  s¹ʿn mrʾ-hmw ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb [... ...]
   4  mlk S¹bʾ b-ṯbr w-wḍʿ w-ḥs¹(m)[... ...]
   5  tʾtmw w-rtdḥn b-brrn ḏ-Ḥ(q)[... ʾlmq]—
   6  h tʾwln mrʾ-hmw b-wfym (w)-[... ...mr]—
   7  ʾy-hw ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb w-ʾḫy-hw [Yʾzl Byn mlky S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn bny]
   8  Frʿm Ynhb mlk S¹bʾ tʾwln [... ... s¹]—
   9  bʾy w-ḍbʿ ʿdy ʾrḍ Ḥmyrm w-Ḥ[... ...]
  10  ʾẓlm bn Zbnr tʾwln b-wf(y)[m ... ...]-
  11  hw ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb w-ʾḫy-hw Yʾzl By[n ... ...]—
  12  (t) s¹bʾ w-bḥḍ b-ʿm ʾs¹d wqhy mrʾ[y... ...]
  13  [... ...]( )(ʾẓlm) bn Zbnr mhr(g)[... ...]

1[hqny ʾlmqh ḏ-Hrn ṣlm] (RES).
2-3hmdm [b-ḏ-h ḫmr w-hw]s²ʿn (RES).
3[bn Frʿm Ynhb] (RES).
4Beeston reads bḍʿ instead of wḍʿ.
5-6b-Brrn ḏ-Ḥqh as a sanctuary and a toponym respectively (RES). Beeston suggests: ḏ-Ḥq[l Ḥrmtm.
6-7[b-ḍr hs²tʾ mr]ʾy-hw (RES).
9w-Ḥḍ[rmwt (RES after Margoliouth).
10[w-ʾḥllm ʿbd] (RES).
11-12w-ḥmdm b-ḏ]t (Beeston).
12mrʾy[-hmw (RES); mrʾ[y-hw (Beeston).



   1  Tbʿkrb [... ...]
   2  of bronze, whereby they praised [... ...] and fa-
   3  voured their lord ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb [... ...]
   4  king of Sabaʾ, with the crushing, humiliation and overthrow of [... ...]
   5  had mustered and given battle in the open country (?) of Ḥq[l Ḥrmtm ? ... ...]
   6  the return of their lord in safety and [... ...]
   7  their lords ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb and his brother Yʾzl Byn, kings of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān, sons of
   8  Frʿm Ynhb, king of Sabaʾ, to return [... ...]
   9  they undertook and waged in the land of Ḥimyar and Ḥ[... ...]
  10  ʾẓlm son of Zbnr to return in safety [... ...]
  11  his [lord] ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb and his brother Yʾzl Byn [... ...]
  12  he campaigned and took the offensive with the troops who had been ordered by their (?) lords [... ...]
  13  [... ...] ʾẓlm son of Zbnr enemy casualties [... ...]


DepositAden, The National Museum, NAM 1559=AM 60.1280
Support typeArtefact » Base » Of statue with dedicatory inscription
Measuresh. 28, w. 20.5, th. 9.5
Link to object record


Modern siteMaʾrib
Ancient siteMryb / Mrb
Geographical areaMaʾrib
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple of ʾlmqh bʿl ʾwm
Link to site record


Although the toponym is integrated (l.6), this inscription is almost surely a thanksgiving for the clients' safe return from the battle in the plain of ḥql Ḥrmtm, where the two kings ʾls²rḥ Yḥḍb and his brother Yʾzl Byn fought the Ḥimyarite pretender Krbʾl ḏ-Rydn (see also CIAS 39.11/0 2 n. 2 and n. 3), at the middle of the third century AD.


Pirenne 1966: 90Pirenne, Jacqueline 1966. Contribution à l'épigraphie sud-arabiques. Semitica, 16: 73-99.
CIAS: II/1, 5-8, photoBeeston, Alfred F.L., Pirenne, Jacqueline and Robin, Christian J. 1977-1986. Corpus des inscriptions et antiquités sud-arabes:
Vol. I (1977): Tome 1. Inscriptions. Tome 2. Antiquités;
Vol. II (1986): Le Musée d’Aden. Tome 1. Inscriptions. Tome 2. Antiquités
. Louvain: Peeters. [Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres]