Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Fakhry 1952: i, fig. 18
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LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Textual typologyLegal text


   1  ḏkr (Ẓ)bym Fʾfʾn k-rʾ k-whby-hw w-s¹bʾn-h—
   2  w w-wfyn-hw ʾs¹wʿ ḏ-Ykrb w-Yhʿn bn-Ṣrwḥ ʿb—
   3  dy ʿnnn ḏ-Ḏrʾn kl bl(ṭ) b-ʿlmm w-s²nqtm ḏ-mlʾ-h s²lṯy
   4  blṭm ḏ-rḍym ʿlm w-s²nqt b-hw tʿlmy ʾs¹wʿ w-Yhʿn l-
   5  Ẓbym Fʾfʾn w-l yknn hʾ ʿlmn w-s²nqtn ḫ[.]ḏm w-bḏlm w-ḥqq—
   6  m w-s²ṣṣm w-ḫdʿm w-ḏ-ʾl yhknn (ʿ)l-n bny ḏ-Ykrb w-bny Ṣ—
   7  rwḥ w-ʾwld-hmy w-ḏ-ʾʿḏr-hmy ʾhnm ʿkr w-l yyfʿn w-
   8  ḥg ʾlm w-s²ymm w-kwn ḏn wtfn b-wr(ḫ) ḏ-Nylm ḏ-ḫrf S¹—
   9  mhkrb bn Wddʾl bn Ḥzfrm ḏ-Ḍmrn ṯkmtn

5ḫ[.]ḏm: G. Ryckmans (1952) restores ḫ(y)ḏm and considers it as a participle with a meaning, "prohibant", opposite to that of the following word bḏlm.
9ṯkmtn: according to G. Ryckmans (1952) it is a lineage name.



   1  Notification of Ẓbym Fʾfʾn: indeed ʾs¹wʿ, of Ykrb, and Yhʿn, of Ṣrwḥ, the two servants
   2  of ʿnnn of Ḏrʾn, gave him and paid over to him
   3  and fulfilled him all the blṭt(-coins documented) in a signed and binding document, the total of which is thirdy
   4  blṭt(-coins) of good quality. Signed and binding document that ʾs¹wʿ and Yhʿn authenticated for
   5  Ẓbym Fʾfʾn. And may this document and constraining document be ? and concessionary, binding,
   6  effective and restraining. And no contestation will be against the families of Ykrb and of
   7  Ṣrwḥ and their descendants and their descendants. May it (the document) be proclaimed and
   8  according the god and the patron. And this concessionary document occurred in the month of Nylm during the first (or the last) year of
   9  S¹mkhrb, son of Wddʾl, of Ḥzfrm of Ḍmrn.
1ḏkr: "hat kundgetan" (P. Stein 2003 a).
3-4Translation by Stein 2010 b: 303.
6-7"und die (nun) eine (ist), die nicht (mehr) bestimmt, was zu Lasten der Banū ḏ-YKRB... ist" (M. Höfner 1976).
Höfner 1976: 34-37Höfner, Maria 1976. Inschriften aus Ṣirwāḥ, Ḫaulān. (II Teil). Sammlung Eduard Glaser. 12. (Sitzungsberichte der Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften. Philosophisch-historische Klasse, 304/5). Vienna: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.
Stein 2003 a: 106, n. 164Stein, Peter 2003. Untersuchungen zur Phonologie und Morphologie des Sabäischen. (Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel, 3). Rahden: Marie Leidorf GmbH / Westf.: Marie Leidorf GmbH.
Stein 2010 b: 303Stein, Peter 2010. The monetary terminology in Ancient South Arabia in light of new epigraphic evidence. Pages 303-343 in Martin Huth and Peter G. van Alfen (eds). Coinage of the Caravan Kingdoms. Studies in Ancient Arabian Monetization. New York: American Numismatic Society / New York: Oxford: Oxbow.


Support typeArtefact » Stela » Aniconic stela
Measuresh. 123, w. 50
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Modern siteṢirwāḥ-Khawlān
Ancient siteṢrwḥ
Geographical areaṢirwāḥ
FoundReemployed. In modern times
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Fakhry 1952: i, 49, n. 29, fig. 18 (facsimile)Fakhry, Ahmed 1952. An archaeological Journey to Yemen (March-May 1947). (3 vols), Cairo: Government Press.
Ryckmans, Gonzague 1952: ii, 20-22Ryckmans, Gonzague 1952. Epigraphical texts. Ahmed Fakhry, An archaeological Journey to Yemen (March-May 1947). ii. Cairo: Government Press.