1 [... ...] son of Yṯʿkrb, dedicated [... ...]
2 [... ...] under the obligation (the god) has released for B[... ...]
3 [... ...] and may be under the goodwill of ʾrnydʿ [... ...]
4 [... ...] and his faculties [... ...].
While the first occurrence of the noun ʾḏn refers to the divine faculties (power, goodwill) of ʾrnydʿ, the second occurrence most probably refers to the faculties (capabilities) of the author, which he wishes to place under the authority of the god (Rossi 2022: 145).
Rossi 2022: 145
Rossi, Irene 2022. The city-states of the Jawf at the dawn of Ancient South Arabian history (8th-6th centuries BCE). II. Corpus of the inscriptions. (Arabia Antica, 17/2). Roma: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider.
Rossi, Irene 2022. The city-states of the Jawf at the dawn of Ancient South Arabian history (8th-6th centuries BCE). II. Corpus of the inscriptions. (Arabia Antica, 17/2). Roma: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider.