Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Beeston 1971: photos
Image free from copyright


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Qatabanic » Central Qatabanic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Textual typologyLegal text
Royal inscriptionYes


   1  S²hr Ġyln bn ʾbs²bm mlk Qtbn whb w-s¹qny l-ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ w-ʾrby-s¹ ṣḥf tḥ—
   2  rg s²ʿbn Kḥd ḏ-Dtnt b-ʿm kbrm b-ykbr w-ḥrg s²ʿbn Kḥd w-l yṣḥf w-ḥrg ḏn
   3  ṣḥfn ʿṣmm b-yʿṣm ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ ṭd ʾns¹m ḫrfmyw bn-km b-ynfṯ ʿd-km b-ys¹fd ḫrf—
   4  myw w-ṯwb ʾḫ-s¹ l-ḏn tḥrgn l-ḏm b-yfṯ-s¹ w-l yqny w-ṯʿd ḏm b-yḥrg ḏn ṣḥf—
   5  n b-ʿm kbrm b-yḥrg Kḥd ʿs²r kl hnʾm w-mwblm w-tqntm w-trṯm w-kl lfym b-y—
   6  lfy kbr Kḥd ḏ-Dtnt w-l yṣḥf w-ḥrg ʿṣmn bn s²hr wrḫn ḏ-Tmnʿ ḫrf Mwhbm ḏ-Ḏ—
   7  rḥn ʾḫrn l-ʾḫr w-kwn ḏn ṣḥfn s¹qnytm l-ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ w-ʾrby-s¹ l-ḏt bd mlʾt
   8  w-kwmw l-yṣḥf w-ḥrg w-ʿtqb w-ṯtwb ḏn ṣḥfn ʾrbym b-yrby ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ w-ṣry
   9  S²hr ʾrby ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ ʿṣm ḏ-Lbḫ bn tḥt ʿm ḏ-Dwnm w-ʾnby S²ymn w-S²ms¹ w-rbʿ
  10  S²hr b-ṣdq-s¹m ḥg ḏt ṣḥftn w-ʾs¹ṭr-s¹ w-ṯfṭ S²hr ʾrby ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ l-ftḫ
  11  w-s¹ṭr ḏtn ʾs¹ṭrn b-byt Wrfw w-ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ b-ḏ-Ġylm w-b byt ʿm b-s¹rn Lbḫ
  12  wrḫ-s¹ ḏ-Brm qdmn ḫrf Mwhbm ḏ-Ḏrḥn qdmn w-tʿlm-ʾy yd S²hr
  13  w-Nbṭʿm bn ʾls¹mʿ bn Hybr |
  14  tqdm ḏtn ʾs¹ṭrn

5-6For lfym/ylfy see Mazzini 2008.



   1  S²hr Ġyln, son of ʾbs²m, king of Qataban, granted and dedicated to ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ and His Priests the legal document of autho-
   2  rity on the Kḥd of Dtnt tribe, through the kabīr-official who acts as the kabīr-official and who is in charge of wielding authority over the Kḥd tribe and let this legal document take effect and
   3  wield authority as a convenant which makes a covenant with ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ - each individual (is) for two years, from when he starts until he completes the two
   4  years and his equal succeeds (in the administration) to this authority to the one who starts it - and the one who wields authority over this legal
   5  document through the kabīr-official who is in charge of wielding authority over Kḥd let acquire and obtain (as a due share) the tithe of all the crops and yield and goods and harvest and all the exactions that
   6  the kabīr-official of Kḥd of Dtnt exacts; and let (this) covenant take effect and wield authority from the first day of the month ḏ-Tmnʿ, the last year of Mwhbm he of Ḏ-
   7  rḥn, onwards; and this legal document was constituted as a dedication to ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ and His Priests for eternity;
   8  and thus, let this legal document take effect and wield authority and replace (cyclically) and rotate (in the administration) the Priests whom ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ ordains Priests; and S²hr proclaimed the oracular decision
   9  for the Priests of ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ (concerning) the covenant of ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ under the protection of ʿm ḏ-Dwnm and ʾnby S²ymn and S²ms¹ and Rbʿ
  10  S²hr to their benefit according to this legal document and its written records; and S²hr ordered to the Priests of ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ to inscribe
  11  and to write these written records in the temple of Wrfw and ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ in ḏ-Ġylm and in the temple of ʿm in the valley of Lbḫ;
  12  its month the former ḏ-Brm the first year of Mwhbm he of Ḏrḥn; and the signature (was made by) the hand of S²hr
  13  and Nbṭʿm, son of ʾls¹mʿ, he of Hybr
  14  was in charge of these written records.
Mazzini 2020: 87-89Mazzini, Giovanni 2020. The Ancient South Arabian royal edicts from the Southern Gate of Timnaʿ and the Ǧabal Labaḫ. (Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel, 8).


Support typeRock inscription
Link to object record


Modern siteUnknown
Ancient siteUnknown
Geographical areawādī Labaḫ
Link to site record


Beeston 1971: 12-15, photoBeeston, Alfred F.L. 1971. The Labakh texts. Qahtan. Studies in Old Arabian Epigraphy. 2. London: Luzac and Co..
Pirenne 1991: 159-160, 164, photoPirenne, Jacqueline 1991. Les ʾArbay du Dieu ʿAmm de Labakh et leur sanctuaire rupestre. Pages 153-166 in Études sud-arabes. Recueil offert à Jacques Ryckmans. (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 39). Louvain-La-Neuve: Université Catholique de Louvain, Institut Orientaliste.
Mazzini 2008Mazzini, Giovanni 2008. Further notes on Qatabanic lexicography. Egitto e Vicino Oriente, 31: 157-164.
Mazzini 2020: 87-158; fig. 40Mazzini, Giovanni 2020. The Ancient South Arabian royal edicts from the Southern Gate of Timnaʿ and the Ǧabal Labaḫ. (Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel, 8).