Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Qatabanic » Central Qatabanic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Textual typologyLegal text
Royal inscriptionYes


   1  S²hr Ygl bn Ydʿʾb mlk Qtbn ṣry w-s¹fḥ bn Ḥṭbm mḥ—
   2  rm ʿm ḏ-Dwnm w-bn Rṣfm mḥrm ʾnby S²ymn w-bn tḥt S²ms¹
   3  w-rbʿ S²hr ʾdm-s¹ Mʿdkrb bn Hybr w-Wdʾl bn Rbḥ w-ʾḫhy-
   4  s¹my ʾrby ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ w-tʾnṯ-s¹m bn s¹nṣfm w-s¹kt w-ʾḫḏ w-
   5  gddm l-(ʿṣm) wdm w-bntm w-s²ftm l-ʿm w-ʾṯrt n-l ys¹tfḥwn
   6  ʾrby ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ w-tʾnṯ-s¹m b-ʿlw ḏt mḥrtn w-ṣry S²hr ʾdm-s¹
   7  ʾrby ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ w-tʾnṯ-s¹m b-ṣdq-s¹m ḥg ḏt mḥrtn w-ʾs¹ṭrn
   8  w-ṯfṭ S²hr ʾdm-s¹ (ʾrby ḏ)-Lbḫ l-s¹ṭr w-ftḫ ḏtn ʾs¹ṭrn b-s¹rn
   9  Lbḫ w-b m(ḥd)-s¹m b-byt ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ b-ḏ Ġylm wrḫ-s¹ ḏ-Bs²mm ḫr—
  10  f ʿmʿly (ḏ)-Ġrbm qdmn w-ḏn ʾs¹dn ʾrby ḏ-Lbḫ ʾlḏy b-ʿlw ml—
  11  kn nḥql ((n-ḥql)) ḏ-bn ṣḥf Dtnt ws²wb w-ṯmr ʿm w-tʿlm-ʾy yd S²hr
  12  w-tqdm w-s¹ʿs²q ʾs¹ṭr ḏn brṯn
  13  Nbṭʿm bn ʾls¹mʿ bn Hybr ḏ-ʾ—
  14  mnt ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ w-ʾrby-s¹



   1  S²hr Ygl son of Ydʿʾb king of Qataban proclaimed the oracular decision and publicly announced from the Ḥṭbm
   2  temple of ʿm ḏ-Dwnm and from the Rṣfm temple of ʾnby S²ymn and under the protection of S²ms¹
   3  and Rbʿ S²hr for his subjects Mʿdkrb he of Hybr and Wdʾl he of Rbḥ and their
   4  fellow clansmen, the Priests of ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ with their womenfolk, on the basis of performing ritual actions and obeying (?) and submitting (?) and
   5  making offerings (?), for (the establishment of) a covenantal relationship of love and affiliation and good promise with ʿm and ʾṯrt; then let
   6  the Priests of ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ and their womenfolk hold themselves bound in accordance with this edict; and S²hr proclaimed the oracular decision for his subjects
   7  the Priests of ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ and their womenfolk to their benefit according to this edict and the written records;
   8  and S²hr ordered for his subjects the Priests of Lbḫ to write and to inscribe these written records in the valley
   9  of Lbḫ and in their own devoted space in the temple of ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ in ḏ-Ġylm; its month ḏ-Bs²mm, the first year
  10  of ʿmʿly he of Grbm; and these people, the Priests of ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ, are those who have (no) rights over (any) property
  11  other than (what established) in the legal document of Dtnt on dates and crops of ʿm; and the signature (was made by) the hand of S²hr
  12  and was in charge and had engraved the wtitten records of this public declaration
  13  Nbṭʿm son of ʾls¹mʿ he of Hybr
  14  the member of the administrative committee of ʿm ḏ-Lbḫ and his Priests.
Mazzini 2020: 159-160Mazzini, Giovanni 2020. The Ancient South Arabian royal edicts from the Southern Gate of Timnaʿ and the Ǧabal Labaḫ. (Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel, 8).


Support typeRock inscription
Link to object record


Modern siteUnknown
Ancient siteUnknown
Geographical areawādī Labaḫ
Link to site record


Beeston 1971: 10-12Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1971. The Labakh texts. Qahtan. Studies in Old Arabian Epigraphy. 2. London: Luzac and Co..
Pirenne 1991: 159-160, 164, photoPirenne, Jacqueline 1991. Les ʾArbay du Dieu ʿAmm de Labakh et leur sanctuaire rupestre. Pages 153-166 in Études sud-arabes. Recueil offert à Jacques Ryckmans. (Publications de l'Institut Orientaliste de Louvain, 39). Louvain-La-Neuve: Université Catholique de Louvain, Institut Orientaliste.
Mazzini 2020: 159-160, 165-202, fig. 41Mazzini, Giovanni 2020. The Ancient South Arabian royal edicts from the Southern Gate of Timnaʿ and the Ǧabal Labaḫ. (Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel, 8).