Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Southern Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Date434 Ḥimyar
Textual typologyConstruction text - fragmentary


   1  [... ... ]Myrrʾm [..]
   2  [... ...]w-mnqlt-hmw mhkn bn mnqln ḏ-S²fr
   3  w-mnqln ḏ-ʾrḍ s²ʿbn Ḥḍrn w-mnqlnhn ḏy ʿtr w-mnqln ḏ-ʿs³nm w-m—
   4  nqln ḏ-ʿqnm w-mnqln ḏ-Ḍrʾmn w-mnqln ḏ-ʾlhm w-mnqln ḏ-ʿqrmn w-
   5  mnqln ḏ-Ḫmrm w-bn-hw l-lʿl ʿdy mṣrʿn ḏ-Kzmn mṣrʿ hgr-hm—
   6  [w S¹]mʿn b-ywm nṣfw b-hmwt mnqltn ṣrbt ḫṣbw bn ʾs¹rr-h—
   7  mw [..]s¹myn S³ḫmln w-Ḥbrm w-Ḏnbtn w-S²bm w-Myfʿtn w-F—
   8  tḥn w-Ṣlln w-ʿhnm w-Ṯyln w-ʿlḫm w-ʿḍʾm w-bn ʿrn Wtyḥm
   9  b-tṯwb w-mbrʾ w-mqyḥ ʾbyt bny Yhfrʿ w-mwrt-hw ḏ-b-hgr—
  10  n S¹mʿn w-kwn ḫṣb w-mnṣf ṣrbt w-tṯwb mnqlt ḏkr b-ḏn
  11  ʾs¹ṭrn b-qbl ḫryfn ḏ-l-ʾrbʿt w-ṯlṯy w-ʾrbʿ mʾt—
  12  m ḫrwftm w-bn-hw-l-ʾḫr b-ʾḫyl w-rdʾ ʾly-hm—
  13  w ʿṯtr ḏ-S¹mʿn w-ʿṯtr ḏ-Ṭmm w-b-mqm mrʾ-hmw Ṯʾrn Yhn—
  14  ʿm mlk S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn bn Ḏmrʿly Yhbr mlk S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn

7Robin integrated ys¹t]s¹myn.



   1  [... ...] Myrrʾm
   2  [... ...] their mountain passes that are from the pass of S²fr
   3  and the pass of the country of the tribe Ḥḍrn and the two passes those of ʿtr and the pass of ʿs³nm and
   4  the pass of ʿqnm and the pass of Ḍrʾmn and the pass of ʾlhm and the pass of ʿqrmn and
   5  the pass of Ḫmrm and from there up to the door leaf ḏ-Kzmn, the door leaf of their town
   6  S¹mʿn; when they continued, in those passes, the expansion they had dug from their valleys
   7  which are called: S³ḫmlm, Ḥbrm, Ḏnbtn, S²bm, Myfʿtn, Ftḥn,
   8  Ṣlln, ʿhnm, Ṯyln, ʿlḫm, ʿḍʾm from the mountain Wtyḥm
   9  with the execution, construction, completion of the houses of the banū Yhfrʿ and its wall that is in the town
  10  S¹mʿn. And excavation, completion of expansion were performed. The execution of the mountain passes was reminded in these
  11  inscriptions in the first half of the year (or, before the year) four hundred thirty-four
  12  of the years, from that moment for the future with the might and the help of their two gods
  13  ʿṯtr ḏ-S¹mʿn and ʿṯtr ḏ-Ṭmm and with the powe of their lords Ṯʾrn Yhnʿm,
  14  king of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān, son of Ḏmrʿly Yhbr, king of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān.


Support typeRock inscription
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Origin and provenance
Modern siteMaṣnaʿat Mariya
Ancient siteS¹mʿn
Geographical areaDhamār
FoundIn situ
Link to site record


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