Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Catalogue 2000: 331, cat. 199


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Early Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
PeriodA. Conjectural


   1  mhyʿ ʾws¹ʿṯt bn Yhʿn ʿhmyn|



   1  Procession of ʾws¹ʿṯt, son of Yhʿn, the one of ʿhm.
1On the meaning of the word mhyʿ - for which different interpretations have been proposed: limit, building operation, libation, ritual run (cf. also the SD) - see Nebes 2000: 298-301.
Beeston et al. 1982 (=SD): 57Beeston, Alfred F.L., al-Ghūl, Maḥmūd ʿA., Müller, Walter W. and Ryckmans, Jacques 1982. Sabaic Dictionary (English-French-Arabic). Dictionnaire Sabéen (anglais-français-arabe). Louvain-la-Neuve: Éditions Peeters / Beirut: Libraire du Liban.
Nebes 2000 a: 298-301Nebes, Norbert 2000. Zu den Inschriften auf einer reliefierten Bronzeplatte aus dem Jemen. Baghdader Mitteilungen, 31: 297-308.


DepositṢanʿāʾ, The National Museum, YM 13981
Support typeArtefact » Plaque » With figurative scene
Measuresh. 38, w. 46, th. 1
Link to object record


Origin. Conjectural
Modern siteUnknown
Ancient siteUnknown
Geographical areawādī Warwar
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple Nʿmn
NotesAlthough the provenance from the temple Brʾn in Mārib is recorded in the Museum's catalogue, Nebes suggests that the object comes from the wādī Warwar on the basis of the name of the temple Nʿmn and the nisbe of the author of the text ʿhmyn (Nebes 2000 a: 301-304).
Link to site record


Gerlach 2000: 259-295, figs 3 (facsimile), 4-5Gerlach, Iris 2000. Zur Übernahme altorientalischer Motive in die Kunst Südarabiens. Eine relefierte Bronzeplatte aus dem Jemen. Baghdader Mitteilungen, 31: 259-295.
Nebes 2000 a: 298-301, 308 (pl. I)Nebes, Norbert 2000. Zu den Inschriften auf einer reliefierten Bronzeplatte aus dem Jemen. Baghdader Mitteilungen, 31: 297-308.
Catalogue 2000: 330-331, cat. 1192000. Yemen. Nel paese della Regina di Saba. Catalogo della Mostra, Palazzo Ruspoli, Fondazione Memmo, Roma 6 Aprile - 30 Giugno 2000. Milan: Skira.
Gerlach 2003 c: 2-18Gerlach, Iris. Un relief en bronze sabéen d'inspiration proche-orientale. Chroniques Yéménites, 11/2003: 2-18. 2015/06/25; http://cy.revues.org/159.
ʿAlī ʿAqīl and Antonini 2007: 234, cat. IV.A.6ʿAlī ʿAqīl,ʿAzza and Antonini, Sabina 2007. Bronzi sudarabici di periodo preislamico. Repertorio iconografico sudarabico. 3. Paris: de Boccard / Rome: IsIAO. [Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres; Istituto Italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente]