Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters2.3
Textual typologyDedicatory text


   1  Qṭbn ʾwkn bn Grt ʾqwl s²ʿ[bn S¹mhrm Yhwld hqn]—
   2  yw ʾlmqhw Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm ṯny ṣlm[n ḏ-ḏhbn ḥmdm]
   3  l-ḏt hws²ʿ ʿbd-hw Qṭbn ʾwkn bn Grt[ w-s²ʿb-]
   4  (h)mw S¹mhrm Yhwld b-hrg w-hbrwn w-ṯbr w-ḍrʿn [w-]
   5  hs¹ḥtn b-ʿs¹m tqdmt tqdmw w-rtḍḥn b-ʿm ʾmlk w-ʾ—
   6  s²ʿb s²tʾw ḍrm b-ʿbr mrʾ-hmw S²ʿrm ʾwtr mlk S¹b—
   7  [ʾ] w-ḏ-Rydn bn ḏ-bḥrm w-ybs¹m b-kn s²wʿw mrʾ-hmw S²ʿ—
   8  rm ʾwtr mlk S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn w-bʿd-hw w-hbʿln w-hrg w-
   9  s¹by w-ġnm w-mtlyn mhrgm w-s¹bym w-ġnmm ḏ-ʿs¹m b-ʿ—
  10  s¹m s¹bʾt s²wʿw mrʾ-hmw S²ʿrm ʾwtr mlk S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Ry—
  11  dn w-b-ḏt hws²ʿ ʿbd-hw Qṭbn ʾwkn bn Grt b-kn nb—
  12  l-hw mrʾ-hmw S²ʿrm ʾwtr mlk S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn ʿdy ʾr—
  13  ḍ Ḥbs²t b-(ʿ)br Gdrt mlk Ḥbs²t w-ʾks¹mn w-tʾw—
  14  lw bn-hw b-wfym hwʾ w-kl s²wʿ-hmw w-ṯhbw mrʾ-hmw S²ʿ—
  15  rm ʾwtr mlk S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn b-kl blt-hmw ʿm-n ngs²yn
  16  mṯbt ṣdqm ḏ-hrḍw mrʾ-hmw bn kl ḏ-hbltw w-b-ḏt h—
  17  ws²ʿ ʾlmqhw-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm ʿbd-hw Qṭbn ʾwkn bn G—
  18  rt w-s²ʿb-hmw S¹mhrm Yhwld b-kn s¹bʾw w-hʿnn Qṭbn
  19  ʾwkn bn Grt w-s²ʿb-hmw S¹mhrm Yhwld bn hgrn Nʿḍ
  20  ʿdy hgrn Ẓfr ḥg-n hmlʾ-hmw s²ym-hmw ʿṯtr-ʿzzn b-k—
  21  n ʿdw w-hṣrn Bygt wld ngs²yn w-mṣr ʾḥbs²n ʿdy h—
  22  grn Ẓfr w-ḥyrw b-ḫlf hgrn Ẓfr w-yfṣn Qṭbn ʾwk—
  23  n bn Grt w-s²ʿb-hmw S¹mhrm Yhwld ʿdy hgrn Ẓfr ʿbr-
  24  n qtr wʿd((Qtr Wʿd)) bn llyn w-ʾḥbs²n yʿdwn bn-hmw ʿbr-n ʿr
  25  ʾln ws¹ṭ hgrn w-ʿdw Qṭbn ʾwkn bn Grt w-s²ʿb-hmw S¹—
  26  mhrm Yhwld w-yʾttmnn b-ʿm Lʿzzm Yhnf Yhṣdq mlk
  27  S¹bʾ w-ḏ-Rydn w-ʾqwl w-ʾs²ʿb ḏ-Rydn w-hrgw w-ḏkwn w-
  28  hs¹ḥtn ʾḥbs²n bn ws¹ṭ hgrn w-l-ṯlṯm ywmm ybrrn
  29  ḏ-bn Ḏmr w-mns³rt ḫms¹n w-ḏ-bn ʾs²ʿb ḏ-Rydn w-bʿww
  30  b-llyn ḥyrt ʾḥbs²n w-yhrgn bn ʾḥbs²n ʾrbʿ mʾ—
  31  nm ʾs¹dm bḍwʿm w-l-ṯlṯm ywmm f-ybrrn Qṭbn ʾwkn
  32  bn Grt w-s²ʿb-hmw S¹mhrm Yhwld w-yts³bbnn b-ʿm ʾḥb—
  33  s²n w-b-ʿm-hmw bn ndf Mʿfrm w-yhrgn bn ʾḥbs²n b-
  34  ts³bbn w-gbʾw bn-hmw ʾḥbs²n ḥyrt-hmw w-bʿd ṯny—
  35  m ywmm f-tʾwlw ʾḥbs²n bn ḫlf Ẓfr gwʿm w-wrdw
  36  Mʿhrtn w-l-wzʾ s¹ʿd-hmw ʾlmqhw Ṯhwn bʿl-ʾwm ḥẓ—
  37  y w-rḍw mrʾ-hmw Lḥyʿṯt Yrḫm mlk S¹bʾ w-ḏ-R—
  38  ydn w-bry ʾʾḏnm w-mqymtm w-l-ṯbr w-wḍʿ w-ḍ(r)—
  39  ʿn ḍr-hmw w-s²nʾ-hmw w-l-s¹ʿd-hmw ʾlmqhw-Ṯhwn bʿl
  40  ʾwm nʾd qyẓ w-ṣrb ʿdy ʾrḍ-hmw w-ʾs¹rr-hmw w-mq—
  41  yẓ-hmw w-s¹ʿs¹ʿm w-mlym w-l-ḫryn-hmw bn nḍʿ w-s²ṣy
  42  s²nʾm b-ʾlmqh-Ṯhwn-bʿl-ʾwm

2Jamme integrates ḏ-ḏhbm.
24qtr wʿd: a toponym for Jamme 1962 a and Sima 2000: 247, fn. 336. For Beeston 1976 b: 26, the two words are lexicon. Nebes 2005: 343, f,. 80 suggests a possible reading: qfr instead of qtr.
26Lʿzzm Yhnf Yhṣdq might be a variant of Lʿzzm Nwfn Yhṣdq.
31Stein 2003 a: 75, fn. 39 notes the unusual pl. bḍwʿm (fʿwl pattern) instead of bḍʿm.
42Jamme: b-ʾlmqh<w>.



   1  Qṭbn ʾwkn, of the family Grt, qyl of the tribe S¹mhrm Yhwld, dedicated
   2  to ʾlmqh Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm, two statues in bronze, in praise
   3  because He granted favours to His servant Qṭbn ʾwkn, of the family Grt, and to their tribe
   4  S¹mhrm Yhwld in killing, destroying, crushing, humbling and
   5  routing, in numerous attacks in which they had assaulted and fought to death the kings and the
   6  tribes who had waged war against their lord S²ʿrm ʾwtr, king of Sabaʾ
   7  and ḏu-Raydān, from the coast and from the land, when they performed service for their lord
   8  S²ʿrm ʾwtr, king of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān. And they appropriated and seized and killed and
   9  captured and plundered and looted: dead and captives and spoils in a considerable number in
  10  numerous campaigns in which they performed service for their lord S²ʿrm ʾwtr, king of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān.
  11  And because He granted favour to His servant Qṭbn ʾwkn, of the family Grt, when
  12  their lord S²ʿrm ʾwtr, king of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān, sent him into the land of
  13  Abyssinia to Gdrt, king of Abyssinia and of the Aksumites; and they came
  14  back from there in safety, he and all those performing service, and they brought back to their lord
  15  S²ʿrm ʾwtr, king of Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān from the whole of their embassy from the negus
  16  a proper answer that satisfied their lord in respect to everything they had been charged with (in that mission). And because
  17  ʾlmq Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm, granted favours to His servant Qṭbn ʾwkn, of the family
  18  Grt and to their tribe S¹mhrm Yhwld, when they conducted a military expedition, Qṭbn
  19  ʾwkn of the family Grt and their tribe S¹mhrm Yhwld, from the city of Nʿḍ
  20  to the city of Ẓfr as their patron ʿṯtr-ʿzzn had ordered in the oracle, when
  21  Bygt, son of the negus, and the Abyssinian army moved and marched to the
  22  city of Ẓfr and encamped near the town of Ẓfr; then Qṭbn ʾwkn,
  23  of the family Grt, and their tribe S¹mhrm Yhwld moved to the city of Ẓfr,
  24  from the agreed place, with the favour of the night; and then the Abyssisians withdrew from there, towards (or, from) the "citadel
  25  of the god", in the middle of the city. And Qṭbn ʾwkn, of the family Grt, and their tribe
  26  S¹mhrm Yhwld moved so as to meet with Lʿzzm Yhnf Yhṣdq, king of
  27  Sabaʾ and ḏu-Raydān, and the ʾqwl and the tribes of ḏu-Raydān killed, massacred and
  28  routed the Abyssinians from the center of the city. And on the third day
  29  some of the tribe of Ḏmr and the vanguard of the troops and some tribes of ḏu-Raydān made a sally and assaulted
  30  during the night the encampment of the Abyssinians and they killed among the Abyssinians four hundred
  31  soldiers in combat. And on the third day Qṭbn ʾwkn,
  32  of the family Grt, and their tribe S¹mhrm Yhwld made a sally and engaged at close quarters with
  33  Abyssinians and with them (there were) some of the cavalry of Mʿfrm and they killed some of the Abyssinians
  34  at close quarters. And the Abyssinians withdrew from them into their encampment and after another
  35  day the Abyssinians moved from the territory of Ẓfr, hungry, and came back to
  36  Mʿhrtn. And may ʾlmqhw Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm, continue to grant them the goodwill
  37  and the satisfaction of their lord Lḥyʿṯt Yrḫm, king of Sabaʾ and
  38  ḏu-Raydān, and soundness of faculties and material resources; may He crush, humiliate and defeat
  39  their enemy and their adversary; and may ʾlmqhw Ṯhwn, Lord of
  40  ʾwm, grant them abundance of summer crops and harvests in their lands and their valleys and
  41  their fields in summer and winter and may He deliver them from the malice and the maleficence
  42  of any enemy. By ʾlmqh Ṯhwn, Lord of ʾwm.
16For mṯbt ṣdqm, see Beeston 1976 a: 413-414.
18s¹bʾw w-hʿnn: Korotayev 1994 a: 49, and fn. 8 suggests a positive meaning for this phrase "undertook (their) relief campaign, instead of Beeston's "they had mounted an aggressive campaign" (Beeston 1976 b: 26).
23-24If the correction of the reading, suggested by Nebes 2005: 343, fn. 80, was right, ftr "period of time".
Contrarily to the previous translations, Stein proposes a meaning "from" for the two occurrences of ʿbr-n (Stein 2003 a: 233, example 552), maintaining the ablative value of the -n postponed to the preposition. However, it is more plausible that the Abyssians barricaded themselves in the centre of the town, from where they were subsequently routed (l. 28).
Beeston 1976 a: 413-414Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1976. Notes on Old South Arabian lexicography X. Le Muséon, 89: 407-423.
Beeston 1976 b: 26-27Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1976. Warfare in ancient South Arabian (2nd.-3rd. centuries A.D.). Qahtan. Studies in Old Arabian Epigraphy. 3. London: Luzac and Co.
Korotayev 1994 a: 49Korotayev, Andrey V. 1994. The political role of the shaʿb of the first order. Raydān, 6: 49-62.
Nebes 2005: 342-344Nebes, Norbert 2005. Sabäische Texte. Pages 331-367 in Francis Breyer and Michael Lichtenstein (eds). Staatsverträge, Herrscherinschriften und andere Dokumente zur politischen Geschichte. Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. Neue Folge. 2. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
Stein 2003 a: 233Stein, Peter 2003. Untersuchungen zur Phonologie und Morphologie des Sabäischen. (Epigraphische Forschungen auf der Arabischen Halbinsel, 3). Rahden: Marie Leidorf GmbH / Westf.: Marie Leidorf GmbH.


Support typeArtefact » Base » Of statue with dedicatory inscription
Measuresh. 133.8, w. 22.8, th. 29.7
Link to object record


Origin and provenance
Modern siteMaḥram Bilqīs
Ancient siteʾwm
Geographical areaMaʾrib
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple of ʾlmqh Ṯhwn bʿl ʾwm
Link to site record


Jamme 1962 a: 132-134Jamme, Albert W.F. 1962. Sabaean Inscriptions from Maḥram Bilqîs (Mârib). (Publications of the American Foundation for the Study of Man, 3). Baltimore: Johns Hopkins Press.
Beeston 1976 b: 26-27Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1976. Warfare in ancient South Arabian (2nd.-3rd. centuries A.D.). Qahtan. Studies in Old Arabian Epigraphy. 3. London: Luzac and Co.
Sima 2000: 247, fn. 336Sima, Alexander 2000. Tiere, Pflanzen, Steine und Metalle in den altsüdarabischen Inschriften. Eine lexikalische und realienkundliche Untersuchung. (Akademie der Wissenschaften und der Literatur. Veröffentlichungen der Orientalischen Kommission, 46). Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz.
Nebes 2005: 341-344Nebes, Norbert 2005. Sabäische Texte. Pages 331-367 in Francis Breyer and Michael Lichtenstein (eds). Staatsverträge, Herrscherinschriften und andere Dokumente zur politischen Geschichte. Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. Neue Folge. 2. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.