Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Agostini 2021: 86, fig. 6
By kind permission of Missione Archeologica Italiana nella Repubblica dello Yemen (©MAIRY)


LanguageAncient South Arabian » Minaic » Central Minaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters2.7
Textual typologyCult practice text


Agostini dates this penitential inscription to the 3rd-2nd c. BCE.


   1  [S¹]ʿr Ṣdqʾl w-b(hn)-s¹ [... ...]
   2  (ʾ)ws¹ʾl w-S²ry(ḥ) ʾhl Y[... ...]
   3  ntḫy w-nt(ḏr) k-Nkrḥ s²[ymh-s¹]—
   4  m b-hn k(r)[... ...]
   5  br[... ...]
   6  [... ...]—
   7  n frʿ (ḏ)[... ...]
   8  wẓʾ [... ...]
   9  [... ...]
  10  [... ...]
  11  [... ...] w[... ...]
  12  [... ...]

3Agostini: ntḫyy w-ntḏr. The editor remarks that the first of the two verbs is at the dual, in agreement with the subject number, though the initial part of the inscription suggests the subject is plural. We propose instead that the second y should be likely considered to be a word divider (ntḫy w-ntḏr), which otherwise would be missing (ntḫyy-w-ntḏr). A reading ntḫy is consistent with the plural subject of the verb.
5Agostini: br[…] (w)d[…]. The following line, which is scarcely readable on the photograph, seems to be missing from the transliteration provided by the editor.
9-12After l. 8, which is the final line in Agostini's edition (l. 7; see comment on l.5), the inscription continues on other four lines, of which only few initial signs are preserved but remain difficult to read on the photograph.



   1  [S]aʿr Ṣadiqʾil e i suoi figli [...]
   2  (A)wsʾil e Shariyaḥ del clan di Y[...]
   3  hanno confessato e fatto penitenza a Nakraḥ, [loro] patrono,
   4  poiché [...]
   5  [...]
   6  primizie [...]
   7  [...]
6-7These lines correspond to ll. 7-8 in CSAI edition.
Agostini 2021: 85-86Agostini, Alessio 2021. Materiali epigrafici fuori contesto rinvenuti durante le prime campagne di scavo di Alessandro de Maigret a Barāqish (1989-1992, 2005). Pages 75-98 in Sabina Antonini de Maigret and Alessio Agostini (eds). Missione Archeologica Italiana in Yemen Studi di materiali inediti e rivisitazioni alla memoria di Alessandro de Maigret / Italian Archaeological Mission in Yemen Essays on Unpublished and Newly Revised Materials in Memory of Alessandro de Maigret. Perugia: OL3.


Support typeStone inscription
Measuresh. 30, w. 29
Link to object record


Origin and provenance
Modern siteBarāqish
Ancient siteYṯl
Geographical areaSouthern Jawf
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple of Nkrḥ
NotesThe object was found out of context in the urban area of Barāqish. Based on the content of the inscription, it probably originated from the Temple of Nkrḥ.
Link to site record


Agostini 2021: 85-86, fig. 6Agostini, Alessio 2021. Materiali epigrafici fuori contesto rinvenuti durante le prime campagne di scavo di Alessandro de Maigret a Barāqish (1989-1992, 2005). Pages 75-98 in Sabina Antonini de Maigret and Alessio Agostini (eds). Missione Archeologica Italiana in Yemen Studi di materiali inediti e rivisitazioni alla memoria di Alessandro de Maigret / Italian Archaeological Mission in Yemen Essays on Unpublished and Newly Revised Materials in Memory of Alessandro de Maigret. Perugia: OL3.