Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Jamme 1974 b: pl. 17
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LanguageAncient South Arabian » Minaic » Marginal Minaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Textual typologyLegal text - fragmentary (conjectural)


Possibly a fragmentary dedicatory inscription.


   1  [... ...](n) Tḥyw w-wld-s¹ w-qn-s¹ k-Wd k-Rʾs¹ Ṣdq w-[... ...]
   2  [... ...](ḫ)l w-S¹ʿdʾl ʿnn ʿlt ḏt ṣḥftn wrḫ ṣḥftn |
   3  [... ...]yn k[.]-s¹ s¹mʿm Ys¹mʿʾl bn Mrd ḏ-Ẓlym |
   4  [... ...]Tḥyw ḏ-Rtʿ s³lʾ-(s¹) (w)-(s¹q)nyt-s¹ w-ʾ(s¹)—
   5  [ṭr-s¹ ... ... b]n kl ḏ-ys¹nkr-s¹ (w)-ms³r bn mqmh-(s¹m) (b)-y(m)[h]
   6  [... ... ]ʾws¹ʾl ḏ-Yfʿn kbrh Mʿn b-Ddn

1the beginning of the text was probably placed on another stone block (Beeston 1983: 1).
... ḏ-R](fʾn) Tḥyw (Jamme), while ...(bn T)ḥyw (Sayed); w-qn<y>-s¹ (Jamme), while (w-y)qn-s¹ (Sayed, but Beeston 1983: 1: "the insertion of this letter must be accounted an oversight"); k-rʾs¹ ṣdq w-ʿ(hd) [... (Jamme and Beeston), while Krʾs¹ Ṣdq w-y[... (Sayed). For an interpretation of k-rʾs¹ ṣdq, see the notes to the translation.
2...]ḫl (Jamme), while ...](ʾ)l (Sayed); Sayed considers the second word ṣḥftn the proper name of the month.
3[... ...](ṯ)nyn k<b>r-s¹ (Jamme), while [... ... qn]yn k(l)-s¹ (Sayed).
4-5w-ʾs¹[ṭrn b]n (Sayed).
5ḏ-ys¹nkr-s¹ or maybe ḏ-ys¹nkr-s¹<m> (see the following mqmh-s¹m).
5-6b-ym[t ... ... Y]ʾws¹ʾl (Jamme); (b)-y(m) [... ...](ʾ)ws¹ʾl (Sayed). Either Yʾws¹ʾl or ʾws¹ʾl is possible, while b-ym[... ...] should be most correctly restored as b-ym[h ... ...].



   1  [... ...] Tḥyw and his sons and his properties to Wd, to Rʾs¹ Ṣdq [... ...]
   2  [... ...] and S¹ʿdʾl according to this document, the month of the document is
   3  [... ...] witness is Ys¹mʿʾl son of Mrd ḏ-Ẓlym
   4  [... ... committed] Tḥyw ḏ-Rtʿ his dedication and his consecration and his [inscriptions]
   5  [... ...] from anyone who would damage it and remove from their place, at the time of
   6  [... ...] ʾws¹ʾl ḏ-Yfʿn, kabir of Maʿīn in Ddn.
1The most doubtful interpretation is that of Rʾs¹ Ṣdq: name of god, epithet, or common noun? Adducing Phoenician and Punic examples, Beeston 1983: 2 interprets this expression as a "laudatory description of the deity" Wd: "fountainhead of righteousness" or "true head (of the community)?". We retain his interpretation and consider it a sort of divine epithet.
Beeston 1983Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1983. Minaean Raʾs-ṣidq. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 13: 1-2.

   1  ... of (the group) Ra]faʾân Taḥayyû and his child and his slave to Wadd as the summum of veracity and fulfilment of a promise[...
   2  ...]ḫal and Saʿadʾil because of the dignity of this ordinance during the month of the ordinance
   3  ...] of his second kabirate. Witness: Yasmaʿʾil, son of Mârid, he of (the group) Ẓulaym.
   4  ...] Taḥayyû, he of (the group) Rataʿ, his offering and his dedication and [his]
   5  wr[iting]s [...] against anyone who would change it and remove [it] from their place, during the day[s of]
   6  ...Yu]ʾawsʾl, him of (the group) Yafaʿân, the kabir of Maʿin in Dedan.
Jamme 1974 b: 67-68Jamme, Albert W.F. 1974. Miscellanées d'ancient arabe VII. Washington. 2019/07/22; https://cuislandora.wrlc.org/islandora/object/cuislandora%3A205580#page/1/mode/1up. [Privately printed]

   1  (Son of) Tahayw and his sons and his properties (were dedicated) to (the god) Wadd, (and also) Kares Sadiq and .....
   2  .... ʾIl and Saadʾil according to the notification of this document in the month of Sahfatan,
   3  .... all his properties, the Auditor Yasmaʾil son of Marid of the clan Zulaym,
   4  .... tahayw of the clan Rata, consecrated his (lit: and his) dedications and the inscrip-
   5  tions against anyone who may change them and may remove from thsir places, at the time (lit: the day) of
   6  .... Awsʾil of the clan Yafan, the Kabir of Main at Dedan.
Sayed 1982: 54-55Sayed, Abdel M. 1982. A new Minaean inscription from al-Ola. Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities: 51-65. [King Abdul Aziz University. Jeddah]


Support typeStone inscription
Measuresh. 31, w. 77.5, th. 23
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Origin and provenance
Modern siteal-ʿUlā
Ancient siteDdn
Geographical areaḤijāz
CountrySaudi Arabia
NotesAccording to Jamme, the inscription comes from al-Balādîya.
Link to site record


Jamme 1974 b: 67-68, pl. 17 (facsimile)Jamme, Albert W.F. 1974. Miscellanées d'ancient arabe VII. Washington. 2019/07/22; https://cuislandora.wrlc.org/islandora/object/cuislandora%3A205580#page/1/mode/1up. [Privately printed]
Sayed 1982: 52-60, pl. I (photo), pl. II (facsimile)Sayed, Abdel M. 1982. A new Minaean inscription from al-Ola. Journal of the Faculty of Arts and Humanities: 51-65. [King Abdul Aziz University. Jeddah]
Beeston 1983: 1-2Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1983. Minaean Raʾs-ṣidq. Proceedings of the Seminar for Arabian Studies, 13: 1-2.