Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Robin 1992 a: pl.7/a-b
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LanguageAncient South Arabian » Minaic » Central Minaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueIncision
Measure of letters4.3
Textual typologyDedicatory text


On the basis of the palaeographical analysis (Pirenne style C4-D1), Robin considers this text one of the four Haramite inscriptions written in the period of Maʿīn's hegemony in the Jawf. The mention of a king that was surely not a Minaean one and the dedication to the Haramite god Mtbnṭyn would be symptoms of a lasting political independence of Haram.
Actually, it is highly probable that Haram fell under the control of Maʿīn for a short time.


   1  Whbʾl bn ʿmḏrʾ
   2  ḏ-Dd ḏ-ʾhl Ṯbrn |
   3  ʾb Hwfʿṯt kbr
   4  rkḍ Hrm s³lʾ Mtb—
   5  nṭyn ʾl Ṯbrn hwr—
   6  n Mtʿt ywm qdm
   7  mbnh byt Mtbnṭ—
   8  yn Ṯbrn bn hn n—
   9  ṭʿ ʿd s²qr w-yw—
  10  m ḥfr w-s¹nbṭ w-ḍ—
  11  fr bʾr-s¹ Mṭr w-n—
  12  ḥl-s¹ Ys²hrmlk N—
  13  bṭ ms¹fḥ ʿmm ḏ-
  14  ʿs¹y bn gdr ḏ-ʾr—
  15  nb lʿl ʿd qny-s¹
  16  w-mnḥln lʿl w-b—
  17  n fnwt ḏt Btln
  18  ʿd ms¹bʾ Mʿn w-
  19  ʿs¹y w-s¹bql tfd
  20  /300/



   1  Whbʾl son of ʿmḏrʾ
   2  ḏ-Dd, of the clan Ṯbrn,
   3  father of Hwfʿṯt, kbr
   4  of the horseman troops (?) of Haram, dedicated to
   5  Mtbnṭyn, god of Ṯbrn, the pillar
   6  Mtʿt, when he directed
   7  the construction of the temple of Mtbnṭyn
   8  Ṯbrn, since he began (it)
   9  until he completed (it), and when
  10  he dug, excavated and cased
  11  with stone his well Mṭr, and
  12  Ys²hrmlk Nbṭ
  13  granted him a public land to be flooded (?), which he
  14  bought, from the enclosure (?) of ḏ-ʾr-
  15  nb up to his property,
  16  and the concession upwards,
  17  from the canal of ḏt Btln
  18  to the road of Maʿīn, and
  19  he bought and cultivated
  20  300 fields (?).
4The translation of rkḍ follows Robin 1992 a, who suggests a comparison with the Arabic "to run" (referred to a horse).
8The Minaic formula "bn ʾs²rs¹ ʿd s²qrn" ("from the foundations to the top") is here replaced by "bn hn nṭʿ ʿd s²qr". On the basis of the context, nṭʿ is translated "to begin". In ASA, the word nṭʿt points to a kind of building.
13On the basis of the comparison with Arabic, Robin suggests that the ms¹fḥ is a land that receives water (from the mountains), so a land to be inundated.
19For wfd, the SD gives the sense of "cultivate". The word tfd occurs in these texts with numerals, so Robin - comparing it with the Arabic awfad - suggests the meaning "number, sum".
Robin 1992 aRobin, Christian J. 1992. Inabbaʾ, Haram, al-Kāfir, Kamna et al-Ḥarāshif. Fasc. A: Les documents. Fasc. B: Les planches. Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques. 1. Paris: de Boccard / Rome: Herder. [Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres; Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente]


Support typeInscription on architectural structure » Pillar
Measuresh. 103, w. 34
Link to object record


Origin and provenance
Modern siteKharibat Hamdān
Ancient siteHrm
Geographical areaJawf - Wādī Madhab
FoundReemployed. In modern times
Archaeological contextReligious context: Temple of Mtbnṭyn Ṯbrn
NotesThe pillar was reemployed in the door of a private house in Kharibat Hamdān.
Link to site record


The author of this text was an important man. He directed the building works of the temple of Mtbnṭyn and he was the kabīr of the rkḍ. This office is not clear: according to Robin's hypothesis, the word rkḍ could refer to horseman troops.
In this text the author also commemorates the construction of a well and the acquisition of some cultivated lands that his king Ys²hrmlk Nbṭ granted him.
The god of Haram Mtbnṭyn appears here with the epithets "Ṯbrn" and "god of Ṯbrn". This is the name of the family of the dedicant.


Robin 1992 a: 61-65, pls 7/a-b, 8/aRobin, Christian J. 1992. Inabbaʾ, Haram, al-Kāfir, Kamna et al-Ḥarāshif. Fasc. A: Les documents. Fasc. B: Les planches. Inventaire des inscriptions sudarabiques. 1. Paris: de Boccard / Rome: Herder. [Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-lettres; Istituto italiano per l'Africa e l'Oriente]
Rossi 2022: 282-285, 483, fig. 52Rossi, Irene 2022. The city-states of the Jawf at the dawn of Ancient South Arabian history (8th-6th centuries BCE). II. Corpus of the inscriptions. (Arabia Antica, 17/2). Roma: «L'Erma» di Bretschneider.