Corpus of South Arabian Inscriptions

Grjaznevič 1978: fig. 42
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LanguageAncient South Arabian » Sabaic » Central Middle Sabaic
AlphabetAncient South Arabian
Script typologyMonumental writing
Writing techniqueRelief
PeriodC. Conjectural
Textual typologyConstruction text - fragmentary


Stein dates the text to the 1st-2nd century AD on the basis of palaeography.


   1  Ḫlws³(l) ḏt (L)ʿwn (bt) [...]d[.] ʿ(s¹)ʾt m(q)[brtn ... ... w-]
   2  rṯdt hyt mqbrtn ʿṯtr w-ʾlmqhw w-Tʾ(l)[b ... ... ʾr]—
   3  ḍn w-wḍʿt s¹myn l-ytlwnn w-lṣq kl ʾns¹ yʾḫ[... ...]—
   4  rn f-l (y)lṣ(q)n(n) w-ʿyr kl ʾns¹ yḫṭʾn b-ḏt mqb[rtn]

2-3[... ... ʾr]ḍn w-wḍʿt (Müller). Stein suggests the comparison with Mon.script.sab 79/4: [ʾlʾlt nṭs²t ʾr]ḍn w-wḍʿt s¹myn.
3At the end of the line, Stein's restoration: yʾḫ[rn ... ...]; yʿḫ[ḏn ... ...] (Müller); yʿḫr [... ...] (Lundin, but the letter r is not visible).



   1  Ḫlws³l, of the family Lʿwt, daughter of [...], built the tomb [... ...]
   2  committed this tomb to the protection of ʿṯtr and ʾlmqh and Tʾlb [... ...]
   3  the Land and the Sky to pursue and hunt down anyone who would remove [... ...]
   4  and to hunt down and disgrace anyone who would commit offence against this tomb.

   1  Ḫlws³l, die Angeheiratete der (Sippe) Laʿwān, die Tochter des ..., hat die Grab[stätte ...] angelegt [...].
   2  Sie hat jene Grabstätte in den Schutz von ʿṯtr, ʾlmqhw, Tʾ[lb (und ...)] gestellt. [Die Götter, welche die Er]de [verbreitet]
   3  und der Himmel hervorgebracht hat, mögen jeden Menschen verfolgen und sich an ihn hängen, der (etwas) ent[fernt ... Und was ... betrifft],
   4  so mögen sie (sc. die Götter) sich anhängen und Schande bringen über jeden Menschen, der sich an dieser Grab[stätte] versündigt [...].
2-3Müller: "... die Er]de, und sie erniedrigte den Himmel, damit sie verfolgen und sich hängen an jedermann ...", supposing the existence of a third noun in the lacuna in order to justify the plural ytlwnn.
Lundin (in Russian): "and she appealed to heaven".
A comment on these translation is given by Beeston. According to him, the subject of the verb ytlwnn are the three deities and he suggests that wḍʿt may be a plural noun, as an epithet of the gods: "[creators of] earth and founders of heaven".
Müller, Walter W. 1972 a: 81-83Müller, Walter W. 1972. Epigraphische Nachlese aus Ḥāz. Neue Ephemeris für semitische Epigraphik, 1: 75-85.
Grjaznevič 1978: 33Grjaznevič, Petr A. 1978. Materiali ekspedicii P.A. Grjaznevičia 1966-1967 gg. Južnaja Aravija. Pamjiatniki Drevnej Istorii i Kultury. 1. Moscow: Glavnaja redakzija vostočnoj literatury.
Beeston 1979 b: 95Beeston, Alfred F.L. 1979. Studies in Sabaic Lexicography I. Raydān, 2: 89-100.
Stein 2011 a: 397Stein, Peter 2011. Altsüdarabische Grabinschriften. Pages 387-402 in Bernd Janowski, Daniel Schwemer and Daniel Arpagaus (eds). Grab-, Sarg-, Bau- und Votivinschriften. Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. Neue Folge. 6. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.


Support typeInscription on architectural structure
Measuresh. 50, w. 150
Link to object record


Modern siteḤāz
Ancient siteḤzym
Geographical areaHamdān
FoundReemployed. In modern times
Archaeological contextFunerary context: Tomb
Link to site record


Müller, Walter W. 1972 a: 81-84, fig. 32Müller, Walter W. 1972. Epigraphische Nachlese aus Ḥāz. Neue Ephemeris für semitische Epigraphik, 1: 75-85.
Grjaznevič 1978: 32-33, fig. 42Grjaznevič, Petr A. 1978. Materiali ekspedicii P.A. Grjaznevičia 1966-1967 gg. Južnaja Aravija. Pamjiatniki Drevnej Istorii i Kultury. 1. Moscow: Glavnaja redakzija vostočnoj literatury.
Stein 2011 a: 397Stein, Peter 2011. Altsüdarabische Grabinschriften. Pages 387-402 in Bernd Janowski, Daniel Schwemer and Daniel Arpagaus (eds). Grab-, Sarg-, Bau- und Votivinschriften. Texte aus der Umwelt des Alten Testaments. Neue Folge. 6. Gütersloh: Gütersloher Verlagshaus.
Rijziger 2018: 159-160, fig. 52Rijziger, Sarah 2018. Sabaean inscriptions from Ḥāz, Yemen. Arabian Archaeology and Epigraphy, 29/2: 135-171. 2019/10/02; https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1111/aae.12111.